Phoenix by Raoul Scerra - Play online or download for free! :: DIV-ARENA - The home of DIV GAMES STUDIO!

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by Raoul Scerra

Uploaded on 5th Oct 2001 - Downloaded 13950 times


This is a remake of the arcade game Phoenix.It is a full game. Everything was in the original version is here.


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Name Comment
Mike Green 10/10, a perfect remake of one of my all time favourite arcade games
Tovi Surprisingly addictive!
Roberto A very hard game! Really irresistible!
chris shead Fantastic brought back some cool memories
Alberto Really good
john very good remake
Columbo Looks alright but theres just one more thing, surely 300 people havent downloaded it in 3 days! I dont even think DIVarena gets that many separate hits in that time, and why didnt they download the other games on the same day? I think maybe youve been a bad boy.
Mike Green It is a true download count, the WIP was featured on a couple of emulation sites which is why the large downloads. Also, DIV-ARENA DOES get that many hits per day, often up to 1000 unique and over 2000 page views easily.
BBS Cool Remake for PC ;)
Scerra raul Second, before attacking me, you should try to know if that counter is related to downloads from other internet pages. I don't know if other pages have links to my game, but in that case you really were an idiot offending me.
Lukas all respect for you or the game, but this download is just impossible
Luke FantastiC! A great piece of our history!
Avi Chami (chclau) Fantastic - True to the original as far as I remember... Thanks for that game, and more to come, please!
Rincewind Rincewind>
Sephiroth pure class. I had this game on my atari 2600, this has really made my day ^_^
uri bronfman get me back to my childhood
RaverDave Brilliant!! Spot on conversion.. I loved that game in the arcade and this conversion is near enough exact!Cooooooool..
Andreas Creat Work !
Woody Personally, I didn't like it, but maybe it's just not my type of game.
kjhogan Excellent remake of a great game! Very difficult though! Rated: 10/10

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