Sonic the Hedgehog by SKON - Play online or download for free! :: DIV-ARENA - The home of DIV GAMES STUDIO!

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Sonic the Hedgehog


Uploaded on 23rd May 2002 - Downloaded 44313 times


Based on the sonic game for the megadrive.


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Name Comment
Mike Green Absolutely amazing piece of work, what more can I say. Rated: 10/10
Htbaa Yo Mike, some spanish guys created this also, i can send it to you if you want, just mail me at
Clwe Now...I'd really like to see a longer sequel to this ;) Rated: 7/10
Mithrandir its great it looks exactly like Sonic and almost plays like it - but Sonic keeps rolling for no reason and really spoils the game im afraid :/ Rated: 8/10
Dan Richardson Impressive, plays just like the original :) Rated: 10/10
MONKEYMOOK Looks like he used that guys fpg too, or is it sega's?
sillydiot This is more a Wip than a Gameover. Plays great, but should have more levels to be gameover game. Rated: 8/10
Madcow This is a really good copy of the original. Well Done :) Rated: 9/10
ghotistix Now this brings back fond memories. How did you do this? Rated: 10/10
jmackett i liked the secret Devil Sonic in it (level 2) when the rings went to 666 and i also liked super sonic Rated: 9/10
VaporeonEvolved downloaded today... this is awesome, it's hard to believe it's not the solid coffee. pretty darn great, just a teeny bit to short... and in level two there should be a limit for the bugs that roll around, it slows down things! But a very good job, nevertheless.
VINIC So sad there are so much bugs... For me a gameover has no bugs, or a few that dont slow or avoid from playing! So good work indeed!!! Why didn't you solved them out??? so close to perfection those bugs sound very bad to me... It's a lack of courage. Sorry. Rated: 6/10
Tifu Excellent job, the only thing that bugs me is the way the rings don't come back when you die... though I can't remember if that's how the original worked or not... Rated: 10/10
Sheepy How can u get an fpg of the original graphics? Rated: 8/10
duuman Also, it runs slower than real sonic (i know becaus i have it on the same computer) Rated: 9/10
Deathman I hate too say it but while being fun and worth a bit of time, four levels weren't worth it. It really can't even be compared too Sega's games while the controls were similiar. I had numerouse times where some glitch or another preventing me from winning and I had too start over, that also bugged me. It is fun but nothing compared too what it could have been. Rated: 5/10
thetennyman Its kick ass I use to play this game all the time when i was younger you should make more levels though Rated: 8/10
jethro I've played it and it's great. Is there going to be a rivalry between Super Mario World Deluxe and Sonic the Hedgehog (like the old Sega and Nintendo rivalry)? Great stuff!! Rated: 10/10
jethro Sorry, forgot something, 4 levels ain't much to go on, and there are a few bugs as well. But a higher resolution should be in thought, it hurt my eyes after a while.
TITIMASTER 6. Rated: 6/10
Narian4 Rated: 10/10
Narian4 This Game Is So fun to play!! 10/10 hey could you get crazyclimber and congo bongo? please...
soso Rated: 10/10
drinkmtndew2 9 of 10
El Diablo Super game. Rated: 10/10
DeadMaster ucking face.
jackeye this is one of the best game of the world :-) Rated: 9/10
gutiarbuddy182@yahoo Rated: 10/10
gutiarbuddy182@yahoo great

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