Tears of Faith Pre-Alfa Demo by Tovi - Play online or download for free! :: DIV-ARENA - The home of DIV GAMES STUDIO!

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Tears of Faith Pre-Alfa Demo

by Tovi

Uploaded on 5th Oct 2001 - Downloaded 319 times


An RPG game currently being developed by me. This version is just to give you a basic overview on what the game will look like. This verion includes: -A main character -One enemy (zombie) -3 maps of world 1 -text and speech engine -Nice menu ^_^Hopefully the next version will have: -Magic -2 new monsters -more maps -A fli intro (!)Ah well that's all I can say, if you like the idea, download and see for yourself, but don't forget to come back and rate it. All feedback is welcome, please visit http://ion-games.com Tovi a.k.a. ion_tovi7


Name Comment
Tovi I forgot to mention that this version HAS an ending. All you have to do is in map 2, go down, and go through a little exit to map 3. The rest won't be that hard to figure out, I hope ^_^. I'll make it bigger next time. oh, and sorry if the text is unreadable...
Lukas Very nice gfx, but it needs more variation to stay interesting. Gimme the next version !
Cooper Nice. I like all RPG's, and I hope soon I will send one of mine.
scribbley Looking good :O). I didnt get very far but what I saw was really good.
Molusc Great. I wish I could do that
Sagiel Great Work! Makes my RPG look kind of Crappy . SO now I´ll have to realese a new version :) Abyss of Despair is back....
Avi Chami Looks great! - Hope to see its continuation - chclau
Aeryen Well, what can I say? The Graphics look good, the game runs perfectly on my P120 32mb ram, and I have not found any bug so far. This game really has a lot of potential!
DeadMaster FRIGGIN GOOD!!! Rated: 9/10
data It's very nice, but... it looks like Diablo II (a newer version) is that your intention?? I LOVE IT! ! ! Rated: 8/10

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