Zero Tolerance ver.1.2 by Peter van Dalen - Play online or download for free! :: DIV-ARENA - The home of DIV GAMES STUDIO!

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Zero Tolerance ver.1.2

by Peter van Dalen

Uploaded on 11th Mar 2002 - Downloaded 277 times


I would like to apologize for my long absence due to illness. Here is my second version. I improved the inventory system, you can now see what disks you have, also, the game now remembers which disk you took from what level.My intro still reads MAXPOWER (a working title) I already have a new title with a bit of mode-7 scrolling :| You know, just like Star Wars.Important: after getting off the elevator in area 6, Do not go right (that area is still not working... rraaaargh!)Game operation is just like the previous version.Oh, one more important thing: the game is now 2 times bigger than before and the filesize is just slightly bigger, because I figured out a way to decrease the filesize of a single fpg-file. Well, I hope you enjoy this version. Cya guys.


Name Comment
Tovi One of my favorite DIV games! I quickly raced through the old levels, already knew them well, and the new levels are nice too! Very good combination of footsteps and mood-music, gives excelent atmosphere. The graphics are a bit less, but that is more than made up for in gameplay! Cool game.
Tifu I didn't play much of this (I ran into a laser barrier in room 2 ^^;;) but it looks great so far, fantastico! I shall play more later :D
Black Demon i want to know how can you move frew levels ! how did you do that ! ! ! !
Futgiz Okay .. what more can i say, its perfect! Its awesome and sucha. No bad words, but lots of good. Ehh, all you people GET IT! ;)
Tazu Very cool, but I noticed some bugs. Firstly, the map thingy does not show some rooms when you are not right next to them. Secondly, if in the game you press Esc and then start another game, all the levels will be already passed - the lasers will be all off, and you will not be able to get the disks or the gun, although the enemies will all be alive. Great work, Although bath the old and the new levels are far too easy. I think you should make other types of guards in the next version, and improve the graphics. Rated: 8/10
MISSION Great game!!! when is your next update??? Rated: 9/10
Arcane This is incredible! Rated: 10/10

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