Dimensional Paramountcy demo v1.03 by Lukas "Adherbal" Nijsten - Play online or download for free! :: DIV-ARENA - The home of DIV GAMES STUDIO!

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Dimensional Paramountcy demo v1.03

by Lukas "Adherbal" Nijsten

Uploaded on 25th Sep 2001 - Downloaded 1533 times


the next version of the RTS I've been working on so (too) long. It's not as "finished" as I wanted it to be but I stopped working on it for a while (for various reasons). It also doesn't include my new pathfinding system.So please understand that the Skirmish mode is a Demo of what it should become, and nothing more.PS:I received mails previous times from people wanting the .prg file, please don't ask that anymore cos I'm not sending it to anyone


Click the image to play!

Name Comment
GameMaker!!! Verry cool game keep up the good work!
Lukas Aka Adherbal oops ! the screenshot is from Carthaginization (my other RTS) not from DP. Anyway, have fun :)
Diedobal great job adher
Frimkron Cool! Right that's it - I'm going to work on 'Final Orbit' some more.
Lukas I forgot to say this in the description: The game is quite slow with fog of war, so press "T" to deactivate it if it goes to slow.
ion_tovi7 Great game!! A bit too hard for me, but then again I never was too good in RTS's. But I love the game.^_^
Pyrobal where is the geforce3 support?
me splendid game !!!
Molusc Great but the characters are a bit small. They could do with being a bit bigger
roxhybal geee... no words can be found to say how good this game is! it really is the best wip ever!
chclau 10+ - Finally I played both the missions and the skirmish... Man! - That's great - the gameplay, the voices, sounds, the development of the different races... I have no more words 8^)
quiet george Not my cuppa
Pearme2000 game play is great but theres heaps of improvements that can be done easily. graphic is great for some bits but not so fixed up in other pics...
jordi Very good game ! But originality goes down!
Frimkron nah, not that paramount realy
KingC ps. (worship the cheese !)
Frimkron 2 Erm... I didn't post that comment above... you'll never see me spell "really" with 1 L and this game's great.
marko This is fun! Tried and true, yet somewhat original too (I like the mages/crystal collecting feature). It's a bit buggy and crashes toward the end of the second level, but I still give a top score! Rated: 10/10
GameZone i wnat to use the zepplin of the eagle team... Rated: 10/10

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