Townx by Dennis or Ascaréion - Play online or download for free! :: DIV-ARENA - The home of DIV GAMES STUDIO!

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by Dennis or Ascaréion

Uploaded on 29th Jan 2002 - Downloaded 205 times


Silent Hill/resident evil like game(only top view though). The controls in the options menu are false. In the readme they're correct. I think it's the first horror game in DIV time. Maybe you won't get scared, but it's not finished yet.(!!!) But I like the thing already! ^_^ And the fading effects are quite cool. ^_^ Not visible on the screenshot though! :-|


Name Comment
Tovi Wow, Deja vu! I'm downloading it, I'll rate it afterwards, but this is a major deja vu for me... freaky...
Terra Incognita A little short but in a word brilliant, and very similar to the king of all survival horror, silent hill
Luis/NiGHTS Great game. The person walks too slow tho =D.
Tovi Alright, I'm back, and I like what I see... The music is great(but I guess you got that from silent hill so... ;) Great intro, nice atmostphere, though the footstep sound can be annoying(especially because the character walks so slow) And uh... what are the solutions? I can't get further than the screenshot...
Tovi Never mind my last comment, I remembered silent hill where you found the key in the... well I won't tell, don't want to spoil it... hmmm... it seems to me you are using almost the exact same story as Silent Hill... but you make the "evil world" come too fast... ah well, nice game.
Ornsack But yeah, other than that, nice game!
Dracula It's like I'm in a cheap B-grade horror movie...Town X? Sounds like an adult movie....
Futgiz Sooo funny! I luv the beginning chit-chat! This is horrorous! Excelent stuff! Okay char walks a bit slow, and didnt get no further than start screen but.... Sorta community project ha? Dennis feat Antzhere and thus unknown dude?! Well you guys gotta d/l this, cool! :P Rated: 8/10
jmackett theres only one thing I didn't like,the character you control and the sound he makes when he walks but apart from that a brilliant game 9.5/10(nearly 10/10).keep making the game!!!! Rated: 9/10

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