Nemesis Millenium by Dan Richardson - Play online or download for free! :: DIV-ARENA - The home of DIV GAMES STUDIO!

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Nemesis Millenium

by Dan Richardson

Uploaded on 18th Dec 2001 - Downloaded 595 times


Basically a clone of the arcade classic by Konami, "Nemesis". It's a VERY early demo version, all but one of the powerups work, a few enemies work, but it get's a bit empty towards the end of the level. I do plan to continue with this at some point, but I would like some feedback first.Keys are...ARROW KEYS - Move ship.SHIFT - Fire primary bullet.CONTROL - Fire ground missile (when collected).SPACE - Confirm power-up.


Name Comment
RaverDave very good, i played the original, and this is pretty much perfect!! Keep working on it please!!!!
Mike Green Very nice! I didnt expect it to be quite as good as this! Hope you finish it :)
scribbley Then you can move onto converting Salamander (go on you know you want to... hehe)
Flash awesome game!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peter In the words of oliver twist, please sir can I have some more?
NiGHTS/Luis Damn good game. It'd be kewl to check the source, I can really learn from this.
Peter van Dalen Very good shooter - you get a 10 from me, Dan Richardson :)
Dan Richardson I didn't expect this kind of feedback! I started this game a good while ago and got caught up in other projects. Looks like I'll try and get it finnished then. Thanks for the comments everyone :-)
john You might want to retitle it by the MUCH better known original Japanese/US name, Gradius, since that's really the official name. Not bad, though I note the trees are eating shots, a behavior not in the original.
pax apparently it doesnt work with XP =\
Vampier Vampier
Michael Wrona Nicely done.Once it's finished it should be impressive.One thing though,is there a way to exit the program other than CTL-ALT-DEL?
Htbaa It's good!
Dennis You know, I've send a wip like this last week and nobody said damn nothing and it's 20 times downloaded. I guess everybody just hates me.
Peter you can exit by pressing alt+x or esc+control
Robert FINISH IIIIIT... the voices... they tell you to finish it... :-)
Futgiz I think its Dennis more of the name..
bart_the_13th The game is good but I don't really like clone game that really looks like the cloned game.
The Shadow Man I like it. Salamander / Lifeforce was the better game but Gradius was cool too. Have you played the new Game Boy Advance version? Maybe you could include all of the cooler ideas from all of those games into a new PC version!!! That would rule. (I only say that cos I can play this on MAME :-). But if you want to do a straight clone go ahead! Take no notice of that last guy. Do what you want, man!)
The Shadow Cloned games are great if you want to make a cloned game! Duh! Get a brain! Next you'll be saying that you don't like games made on DIV ;-) This is good stuff.
The Shadow Cloned games are great if you want to make a cloned game! Duh! Get a brain! Next you'll be saying that you don't like games made on DIV ;-) This is good stuff.
bart_the_13th I don't say I hate cloned games, BTW, I never vote except the game deserve 10
Pearme2000 game is good but its a bit messed up in some places...
Tovi Good game... it's odd that there's another Nemesis clone a couple WIP's lower called Spazers 2, why didn't that get so much comments?
Flashingblade Behave yourself! I loved the origional nemesis and if the game was un-available today i'd encourage you - But it is available on MAME32 - this demo shows you to be a good programer and a good grafix bloke - so use your talents to make something we can't get. NEway good job ;-)
Dennis Tovi? Because I suck at drawing!
J Good job, but instead of a clone why not a more up to date remake with your own gfx not some ripped from the original.

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