Super Mario Picross by Ian Price - Play online or download for free! :: DIV-ARENA - The home of DIV GAMES STUDIO!

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Super Mario Picross

by Ian Price

Uploaded on 27th Nov 2001 - Downloaded 14898 times


Addictive interpretation of an old SNES game.


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Name Comment
goku it is the best game ever
Futgiz Really cool man! One thing, after you played the 30 points of hard gaming; you got to face the truth.. (there is not yet more then level1) .. really impressive = addictive! :)
X_stream GREAT GAME!!!
Ian Price Yep. Sorry about that, but I didn't know if anyone else would like it so I let it go out as having only 11 puzzles. If feedback like this continues then I will definately finish the game.
Futgiz Ian, you could add something more to "Puzzle" screen so it would look more like its alive or something. Hope you really do this to end! :)
Dan Richardson Great puzzle game! Why not do Yoshi's Cookie :-)
Frank Groeneveld Great fun! I hope you will create the other levels soon.
Ian Price I don't like Yoshi's Cookie, so no. Sorry!
Master Great Fun!!!!!!!!!
OneMinuteMan Not that addictive, I alt-X'd in about 30 seconds.
badguy I think the same as goku
fila nah, it crashes and i dunno what happens, but it wasnt the best game when the original came out anyway
Ian Price How does the game crash? I have been running it with people playing it for over a week. What happens before the crash?? Anyway, full version is done I'm just finishing the music, using a DATS (Div Audio Streaming Technology tm)!! Realtime music, no large Wav files!!
bart_the_13th DATS???Shouldn't it MIDI(Musical Instruments DIV Interface tm)??? It's old stories!!! But why did people suddenly hate this good game??? Dont worry Ian...they just jealous...(I can spell it now!!!)
MONKEYMOOK wouldnt, Div Audio Streaming Technology tm, become DAST tm?
Ian Price Actually yes. my fingers move faster than my brain can keep up. I'm a div!
Ian Price Full game sent to Div-Arena before Christmas. Expect to see it next year!
Claudio Jimenez thank you.
Ian Price Sorry, but all the clues are on screen. This is only a WIP. The full game is better and hopefully Mike will upload it on 02.01.02 - I sent it in before Xmas.
Greg I don't like the gameplay much, but when you get into it it gets addictive.
Joe I hate this game. Don't bother making the full program. Who wants to play it? The only reason it's got such a high rating is because of all the times Ian Price has given it a 10 just to say some cr*p!!! :-( :-( :-(
Derek The controls need to be a bit fine tuned. I'm anxious to see a full version, when you have a 15x15 screen, and that's only a fourth of it. Very similar to the original Japanese version. Please let me know if you make it !
Thomas Best game ever in DIV. PLEASE make some more levels!!!!!!!!
lavda Rated: 8/10

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