Uploaded on 11th Nov 2001 - Downloaded 133496 times
8 3D rendered characters, 4 tracks, Lap times, weapons, 3 speed classes, and a driving school. And its the only game with a snake driving a Go-Kart!You must place in the top 4 and collect 20 shrooms in each race. The 250cc cup is a challenge, but possible.
Name | Comment |
PH | A very playable game, whoever took the screenshot was on for over 7 mins, must of had a good look around! I uploaded it for the DIV2cd realy but I dont mind. More of a gameover game than a WIP though |
Ant | It looks good...just downloading it... |
antzrhere | Very nicely done! very proffessional...and good fun to play!...why don't you lower the mode7 camera focus to make it look even better |
PH | I have the camera in close and low to keep the file size down the tracks only need to be an eighth of the size that I had them. |
Divverence | Looks very promising. Has the looks of a comercial game. |
tony | very funny animals the snake is funny but were are there names |
Futgiz | Nice mode7 game. Very addiktive gameplay. Althought the computers are too bad drivers, on the first 3 pixels youve beaten them all! Well the driving school cant eather be played over with all cars.. And the left+right xgraphs are shown pretty badly.. Umh, bad things only! :) But game is really good, really nice looking pre rendered graphics and all! Even the *.prg included! This is awesome man! Get it! ;) |
Paul | Thanx for the comments, but Futgiz what do you mean about 3 pixels and youve won? The 50cc and 150cc are beginner levels, the 250cc is where the callenge lies. Also I never noticed any problems with the L/R xgraphs? If your meaning on the players kart there are none. Cears anyways though. |
Futgiz | Just mean the computers are too easy, well in my other racing everybody said the computers are too good but i beatep them easily. So you propable got the right difficult level. :) Theres not any problems with the left + right graphs but they just look so bad.. (just corrections to my last message) |
Paul | Yeah I know what u mean I had them on a harder difficulty level and I found it real easy, but I got little bro out of he's box and he couldnt play it, he found it too hard as a beginner, so thats why I made it easier. Which game was yours and Ill go and get it. |
jethro | Nice. The timing needs to be improved, but that is only a minor flaw with the game. I can't think of any other ways to improve on this. |
Futgiz | Yes thats propably wiser, ment that you added difficult levels. Well in my little game theyr also available but but not on the early wip; they can be putted from the source only, in the wip. Well yours nice, try Rally Forever now:) |
Paul | By Timing Im asuming u mean the lap-times, it was a problem for me right from the start, theres something in the code which is deleting a text id and this can knock it all to pot. Ill try and sort it out for the next installment as I wanna have 5 laps per race also. |
Ross | Bilabong thats a night club aint it paul! cool name, mario look out there is a snake about. Bilabong |
Justin | Mint |
Peter | Good stuff. One complaint I found the controls a bit awkward :S |
Niklas | I think its great, 4 races&8cars to keep ya busy, and I think the handling is great. No problems with controls though. |
mustang ally | f***! just needs a couple of tweaks and its there. Easily the most complete wip ive seen. |
jethro | By timing I mean that the lap times are really c*** on a slow machine, and that means you get beaten by the other players. Play this on a Pentium III 300Mhz or faster and you will have no problem except if you go overboard it will be too fast. Great game!:) |
mmmmme | piii300! might be time to upgrade a little me thinks. |
Rowan Upstone | ex good |
mr negative | You've got a too high rating, I give you a 1!!!! |
MONKEYMOOK | Surely the rating system is meant to be for giving your rating of what the game is worth out of 10, and not for levelling out other peoples opinions. Mr.Sad. |
Greg | Why is the camera so far away. I dont like this game. |
PAUL HAMILTON | Your machine must be too slow Greg. Ive noticed this on a pc with less than 400mhz and a poor gfx card, something to do with the framerate. As you can see by the screenshot here, the camera is meant to be close. |
iAN | fantastic, I love this Im gonna try something like it myself, only on water like what your water effect is like. |
barclay | i cant understand why this has such a high score, but ive got to give it 10/10 its just so good. very hard to believe that this was made by only one person. Its on a par with SNES mariokart. |
David Miguel 17 | i see, it seem good.... at least has good graphics something important in the games.... |
CHINA7 | I thaught you were going to make an update with 5 laps? thats what you said at the bottom. Or did you just make that BMW game instead? Also great game. |
MISSION | Rated: 10/10 |
Woody | One of the best Div games ever. Rated: 10/10 |
jethro | Will there be a DIV 2 recompilation Paul? Great game, can't stop playing it! You definately get 10. |
MR.X | frickin hell this game rules, but I think your f-zero plays a hell of a lot better, make a new one, now. Rated: 10/10 |
Ian Price | How on earth could this game have been downloaded over 27000 times. Surely some mistake?? |
MONKEYMOOK | this game appears on many websites all around europe and is also featured on 3 cd compilations, in france, holland, and germany i think. |
DeadMaster | oh wow! u could sell this bad boy 2 NINTENDO for ton's of CASH! Rated: 10/10 |
scrivs | exellent game i just cant stop playing it. i recomend that everyone downloads this game! Rated: 10/10 |
MONKEYMOOK | I think everyone already has scrivs! 45,000 people! |
Inventive Software | Make that 50,000 downloads! Rated: 10/10 |
MONKEYMOOK | pretty darn amazing to make a game in your bedroom that 50,000+ people have played. Geeze if I had dollar for every download! |
MONKEYMOOK | if(state==a or state==b) paul=rich; end |
Molusc | I don't like your game. It makes me not do other things I want to do Rated: 10/10 |
Dennis | Why is this downloaded 88706 times? Rated: 9/10 |
GameZone | wtf??? how many downloads can u get????? Rated: 10/10 |
TITIMASTER | Good characters, but I don´t like backgrounds and circuits gfx. The controls are a bit too hard (specially because cars only run from a certain speed). Anyway, good WIP. Rated: 7/10 |
mcgembus | Rated: 8/10 |
DeadMaster | Never gets old. Looks great. Would fit right into the palms of Nintendo. Make more and sell them :P Rated: 10/10 |