Dimensional Paramountcy by Lukas"Adherbal"Nijsten - Play online or download for free! :: DIV-ARENA - The home of DIV GAMES STUDIO!

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Dimensional Paramountcy

by Lukas"Adherbal"Nijsten

Uploaded on 25th Jun 2001 - Downloaded 1202 times


yes I did it ! :) after 8 month it's finally 'ready'. It still has an A-bug (read the Readme.doc !) and the "dodging-routines" still suck, but I guess the game is ok. Have fun :)


Name Comment
ZZzzZZzz Very good programmed m8!
ion_tovi7 Surely is the best RTS game in DIV. Could use a little bit more animation. I gave it a ten though :)
roxh (kjelle) owh yeah, giveme giveme giveme (the next version!)
Lukas I love the comments, tnx guys :-) btw, the animation is fixed in the new verion
ion_tovi7 Woohoo, here's another ten for fixing the animations :)
Scotty Amazingly programed! I give it a ten
Mike Green Awesome RTS, what more can I say?
Futgiz Nice game. Getting bored to it. Way too hard, i think computer cheat, does it? I dont care about animations, looks with out them still good. But i dont see very good programmed, played&seen this too much to say that! :)
Lukas Comp cheats ? no it doesn't. Why would they ?
koppatroopa congratulation
psycho pigeon help me i wanna play properly
Lukas just wait for the next version (coming in 1 or 2 weeks) which fixes all bugs
Xitex Software Very good programming. How did you do this with Div. Can you send me the programming language to: Xitex Software, IJssel 20 , 1703 KX Heerhugowaard, Holland. Thank You, Rodrik
MK1 Looks like it should be excellent, but runs too slowly on my PC. Time to upgrade...
Futgiz Sorry about that my comment before. I ment really nice game, even its too basic. But really really amazing game as a Div game. Really looking forward for the next version!
Lukas the next verion is allready here .though I think not many ppl noticed as it wasn't placed on top of the new wips :-((
me wow
Pearme But the game i think is good,well it would be a great game after you finish improving it! keep it up!
Htbaa But it's a wunder you did it!
Alex Incredible. This puts my RTS attempt to shame. Once it's completed I would probably buy it.
Reapper Thanks
Ferret The games kewl. Well done. Work out some better obsticle avoiding though.
Xenthar an absolute ten! very nice game, and beautiful! though one question... eh, how do you get the mana? :)
Tazu Good bu the resolution is too high so it's far too slow! Rated: 8/10

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