Bomber XMAS DEMO by Greg Bowler - Play online or download for free! :: DIV-ARENA - The home of DIV GAMES STUDIO!

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by Greg Bowler

Uploaded on 16th Dec 2001 - Downloaded 321 times


If you're in to RPGs, you've probably downloaded the first Bomber demo there ever was. This one is the Xmas version of that. DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!!It's a very simple demo of the finished game, and the next demo with a few more levels on it will probably be out before the new year!


Name Comment
DAve its great i reckon its really cool
Chrismas Man This looks like a very good game in the making! It's a shame it has only a little gameplay.
Rob It's quite boring to begin with, but the bit with the helecopter is really funny! I'm going to be the first to dowload the next WIP of bomber!!!!!
MONKEYPUZZLED It gets a DIV error on mine.
Frank Groeneveld I get an error, something like a file is missing, but in another language
James Bond, James Bond.
Tovi It didn't work for me... :(
cranky wheres the gameplay?
Casper It doesnt work.
bono bit of a high score for somethin that doesnt work
gemma A really addictive game! Hope I can get the next version.
Colin I got the error message first but then I ran it from dos and it worked! BRILL GAME GREG!
Ste I love the bit with the helecopter!
HardyTheGreatest WOW! I made the graphics for this game, and I sorta think it's addictive!
Greg I've seen what the problem is. There is a bug in it so on some computers you have to run it from Dos Prompt.
Craig I like it until it crashes.
Le bibble poison hardy dont lie it crashes all the time and theres a missing file. thx greg for ur help good effort
Greg Bowler Sorry, but I'm just writing this to say that hardythegreatest didn't make the graphics - I did and Callum Hardy does not have any right to any Horace BoBo name. He will soon be reported to MCM Software UK (Horace BoBo's creator) for disobeying lots of copyright rules, etc.
HardyTheGreatest As I have said before, this game is GREAT!
HardyTheGreatest I would like to add that the eariler comment from me, wasn't actually from me, as Greg well knows.
HardyTheGreatest But then again, it was!
bruce wayne I hate this infernal game. Plus 7 comment from Hardy and Greg, who are possibly one and the same.
jmackett Rated: 9/10

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