Uploaded on 1st Jan 1970 - Downloaded 1034 times
Update of the 3D buildings "game" I uploaded a while ago, this version is way better than the last, some of the updates are: Car Psycic (or how effer you cal that...) engine (collision detection, wheel spins, hand brake (space)), Shaddows (car and buildings), trees, larger city (but still small)... and more, The city is still small, becouse i want to finish my engine before i start building the city('s) and the game it selfe (this is still just an engine), but this engine should be able to run juge city's whitout getting anny slower than it runs now. The engine uses between 5 and 250 prosseses at the same moment (never more than this).I have included the *.prg file, so if you can make annything out of it... Be free, and create your own game out of it!I really hope this game will be on the div2 cd, but i didn't ask jet, so: "please can it be on the cd???"If you wan't my game to be on the cd, i will clear up the code and add comments to it, I will clear up the code anny way... ;-)Thnx 4 reading this boring story... now just start downloading, and play the game ;-)X_streambetter know as: Jelle de Jong (JT Software)