VC Christmas. by Scribbley (Jeremy) - Play online or download for free! :: DIV-ARENA - The home of DIV GAMES STUDIO!

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VC Christmas.

by Scribbley (Jeremy)

Uploaded on 19th Dec 2001 - Downloaded 920 times


I hope you enjoy this little festive offering. Its short but it is possible to complete... (Honest!!).Just use the cursor keys and Space or Control or Z to jump (Well it is christmas!) and the only thing left to say is.... Merry christmas to you all from Me, Mel and William. See you all in 2002!!


Name Comment
Mike Green Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas. Nicely done, and well in the christmas spirit!
Htbaa It's fun to play, how long did you do about it?
Tovi It asked me to push start, and I couldn't find it on my keyboard... Nah, just kidding :-), the game looks great. The graphics are amazing (as usual), but I do have a bit of a problem with the sound. Every time I ran the sound setup, I tried changing the configuration, but as soon as I let go of a button (to change the config.) it jumped back to the previous setting, so I couldn't get the sound... :(. Why, oh why?
chris shead and fun popup stuff
Peter Great stuff put me in the christmass mood. Sound was fine if a bit hissy. My only complaint is that every time santa appears looking for his mince pies he scares me :?
PsyMantis Merry christmas to ya all!!!!!!
Tovi Drageo ----> if DIV2 were out, it would be posted all over the site, and especially in the news section, and they also said that it would be out in January. The DIV2-logo must have been taken from the teaser, am I right?
scribbley Yep your right the logo was pinched from the teaser. I just wanted to promote div2 a little before its release :o)
MONKEY scarey santa scare me. A bit of a different style game to the original VC.
Pearme2000 Great game and good sound and graphics too!! but the game was a bit slow when jumping and paused a bit when the background animation of santa comming came.
RaverDave Nice..well done!!massive levels..that engine would look nice on my mantlepiece.. :O)
Inventive Software Wonderful. Love the Christmas theme, but I never get my graphics that good :( Rated: 10/10

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