Windows Beta 11b released
Beta 11b has been uploaded to the downloads page. This should fix the issues with creating and opening files.
Please report any bugs here
Game Making Machine!
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i have the same problems like oskarg (thread http://div-arena.co.uk/forum2/viewthread.php?tid=1&goto=...) with DIV Beta 11.
Previous betas did not have this bug. Only at Beta 11!
Starting programm: d.exe
Using OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64

Next bug. I'm in window mode so:
change resolution = works
ALT+ENTER to go to fullscreen = black screen
ALT+ENTER again for window mode = works again
ALT+ENTER to go to fullscreen again = now works
Edit 2:
Same bug if i run a prg file!
Is it possible to stretch the fullscreen or maximize the window if i run a programm?
Edit 3:
Found! :D
If a programm will open a FPG file we get an error (first bug report). I debugged Donkey Kong and found that error ^^

Edit 4:
Gamepad won't work. I use a MS XBox 360 Controller (x-input support needed, i think)
This should be fixed in next nightlybuild, I no longer try to read the free space of discovered drives.
Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  |
Next bug. I'm in window mode so:
change resolution = works
ALT+ENTER to go to fullscreen = black screen
ALT+ENTER again for window mode = works again
ALT+ENTER to go to fullscreen again = now works
Not experienced that before, but will see if i can track it down
same bug - alt+enter = black screen?
it will be, but not yet. Probably not until we move to 32bit and hw acceleration.
Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  |
Edit 3:
Found! :D
If a programm will open a FPG file we get an error (first bug report). I debugged Donkey Kong and found that error ^^

are the paths correct? Where does d.exe live and where is DKONG/FIGUR.FPG? (and where is the PRG)
Not sure if i need a config for xbox gamepad - but i have been testing with a usb PS4 pad. Soon we'll support all those pads again once we move to
hardware acceleration.
Thanks for the bug report 
Game Making Machine!
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Location: Germany
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Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  |
Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  |
Edit 3:
Found! :D
If a programm will open a FPG file we get an error (first bug report). I debugged Donkey Kong and found that error ^^

are the paths correct? Where does d.exe live and where is DKONG/FIGUR.FPG? (and where is the PRG)
all prg's in prg, all fpg's in fpg etc.

found out that i haven't the fpg's in fpg/dkong. So, after moving the fpg files into dkong there isn't no error anymore. But, after exiting dkong, the
error apears again. So, i think it is a little error in your code, Mike
Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  |
found out that i haven't the fpg's in fpg/dkong. So, after moving the fpg files into dkong there isn't no error anymore. But, after exiting dkong, the
error apears again. So, i think it is a little error in your code, Mike
which error?
Game Making Machine!
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Registered: 1-3-2016
Location: Germany
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lol, i mean that warning
that bug should be fixed in latest nightly
rksoft, also this new nightly looks for fpg, wav, etc in the same dir as the prg so this helps path issues
Game Making Machine!
Posts: 232
Registered: 1-3-2016
Location: Germany
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nice, it works - please take a look into the (in)official nightly build bug
report topic :D http://div-arena.co.uk/forum2/viewthread.php?tid=45
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Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  | rksoft, also this new nightly looks for fpg, wav, etc in the same dir as the prg so this helps path issues |
Aha! I noticed that too. Great. 
I havbe the following problem:
When I drag an image out of an FPG file it says "create a map copy?"
When I click "accept" DIV Games Studio shuts down.
I am currently using [div-beta11b-win] on Windows 10.
PS: it also happens if I drag an image (by dragging the picutre itself) anywhere on the screen background
This should be fixed in this nightly with any luck! 