DIV Junior

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Registered: 10-3-2016
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Do any code example of 3D maps?
I searched an example to move on a map 3d .wld but can not find any online.
There are examples in the help, but at the moment the only build that supports Mode8 properly is the DOS version.
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Is there the possibility of integrating something within DIVDX that could be used to replace Mode8 - a 3D library of some kind more akin to a simpler
version of the original Quake engine? Or is that indefinitely going to have to be something to be accessed via loading external libraries? I know the
original DIV 1 & 2 were purely software rendered only but I don't know if DIVDX has access to hardware rendering, or if that's likely to make it
much easier to integrate. Just wondering
Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  | Is there the possibility of integrating something within DIVDX that could be used to replace Mode8 - a 3D library of some kind more akin to a simpler
version of the original Quake engine?
I'm looking into all options at the moment. There are some very cool 3D engines out there but finding the ones that fits in DIV nicely is a challenge.
It is still possible we could see the original MODE8 put back into DIV and then a new 3D engine (mode 9?) plugged in after that.
I would imagine both are possible.
Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  | I know the original DIV 1 & 2 were purely software rendered only but I don't know if DIVDX has access to hardware rendering, or if that's likely
to make it much easier to integrate. Just wondering |
Eventually DIVDX will be fully hardware accelerated anyway with each process graph being a texture.. We have lots of options once we got 32bit and HW
Loyalty Card Holder
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Registered: 29-3-2016
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It will be interesting to see where all this goes, I confess I hadn't looked at any of the old systems in years and I see most if not all are open
source now.
Sadly open source doesn't necessarily mean we can use it. Anything GPL is a no go, but LGPL is possible via a dll. Anything *really* open source, is
of course quite possible.
DIV Newbie
Posts: 2
Registered: 29-9-2016
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Is there the possibility of integrating something within DIVDX that could be used to replace Mode8 - a 3D library of some kind more akin to a simpler
version of the original Quake engine? Or is that indefinitely going to have to be something to be accessed via loading external libraries? I know the
original DIV 1 & 2 were purely software rendered only but I don't know if DIVDX has access to hardware rendering, or if that's likely to make it
much easier to integrate. Just wondering 
[Edited on 29-9-2016 by vedutadesign]
DIV Newbie
Posts: 2
Registered: 29-9-2016
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Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  | Sadly open source doesn't necessarily mean we can use it. Anything GPL is a no go, but LGPL is possible via a dll. Anything *really* open source, is
of course quite possible. |
okay thanks!
DIV actually supports mode8 officially now in all builds, and works as well as the original DOS version.
I have been looking at Urho3D to integrate to create a more up to date 3D engine that would be hardware accelerated and a lot more flexible than
mode8. I believe we could also convert mode8 .wld maps to a new format, converting mode8 walls to real time walls and objects, which should look
really nice. The textures will still be 8bit, but they may look better because of how they are rendered.