Greetings, DIVmaniacs:
Is there any chance to replace the "Made with DIV..." screen at executable init? Can't find it anywhere in the DIV dir, please, don't tell me it's
It's not that I'm looking for hiding this honourable seal, but certainly I would like to give it my own touch... for eye-friendly purposes, y'know
watta mean.
You could recompile DIV and replace the splash, but of course you'd then need to share your modified code if you distributed the game.
If you want to design a new screen, please let me know and i'll add it. It's not the best, I'm no graphic designer!
Hiya Mike
What are the requirements of the splash screen? Id be happy to help with a new one haha
( btw as for where ive disappeared to - had a big move to another part of the country - not had time to make games sadly! Am still on Bennu, coming
back to DIV is interesting to me but I feel like I should wait until it comes on a bit - new code base, 16/32 bit etc, mode 8 bugs ironed out etc )