Nightly build bug reports

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RKSoft - 16-3-2016 at 06:12 PM

I think it is easier to make a complete new topic for the nightly builds of windows port. So, a new day and new bug(s):


  1. Open a FPG file won't work, it closes (crashes?) DIV
    First, i open a FPG file - Second, it will convert to palette:

    After i select any of these 3 options, DIV closes. No crash reports inside main folder or in system.

  2. Change some things in one of the 2 language files and continue session, main menu shows artifacts
  3. sounds not work in DIV ide (only in compiled programms)

MikeDX - 16-3-2016 at 06:50 PM

Thaks for the report, i'll look into this on windows 7 later :)

MikeDX - 16-3-2016 at 07:53 PM

I've just tested this on windows 7

Seems if you run d.exe from explorer - FPG crash

if you run from cmd - no crash.

So I am guessing it is a stdout problem...


thanks to help from Futgiz testing, this should be fixed in the next nightly build :D

BreadCaster - 17-3-2016 at 05:16 AM

Futgiz is back?! :O :D


iWizard - 17-3-2016 at 06:49 AM

That said, FPG-files save and load just fine now in nightly 17-3-2016 and DIV also quits clean; so naturally a new bug report is desperately needed and *BAM* I can provide said pleasure.

Here's the thing: does your keyboard layout use alt gr, which is alt on the right side of spacebar? If so, does it work?

Because I've tried DIV on three different Windows-computers and it hasn't worked on any of them. I can't do square brackets. One computer has Win10 and two of them has Win7.

oskarg - 17-3-2016 at 11:13 AM

Hola,buenos dias...
Gracias Mikedx ,arreglado los dos bugs que me aparecia en xp en esta ultima version div-beta-nightly-2016-03-17-87c7b71874-win32.zip
Los bugs eran:
1.Me hacia lectura de disco nada mas arrancar el programa o cuando cerraba la ejecucion con alt+x
2.Ahora puedo abrir y crear fpg sin necesidad de entrar en linea de comandos ...cmd...

MikeDX - 17-3-2016 at 03:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by oskarg  
Hola,buenos dias...
Gracias Mikedx ,arreglado los dos bugs que me aparecia en xp en esta ultima version div-beta-nightly-2016-03-17-87c7b71874-win32.zip
Los bugs eran:
1.Me hacia lectura de disco nada mas arrancar el programa o cuando cerraba la ejecucion con alt+x
2.Ahora puedo abrir y crear fpg sin necesidad de entrar en linea de comandos ...cmd...

Muy Bueno :)

Very glad it works for you. I think I will promote this nightly to beta 12.

Dennis - 17-3-2016 at 08:12 PM

Still have the same problem with nightly 20160317 :(

I pick an image from an FPG:

I try to drag it on the "desktop":

It opens a square on the top right of the screen:

BAM! DIV shuts down without showing/logging any error.

MikeDX - 17-3-2016 at 08:19 PM

Thanks for the report Dennis, I'll look into it

MikeDX - 18-3-2016 at 12:22 AM

Can't reproduce on Windows XP :(


Latest nightly build crashed. Must be some weird bug... Will see what i can change to fix it

* update 2*

fixed in latest nightly build :)

RKSoft - 18-3-2016 at 03:04 PM


- Sprite generator won't work
- Convert WAV from/to 8khz, 22khz or 44khz won't work

Thats all what i found till now. Really great work.

Dennis - 18-3-2016 at 07:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  

fixed in latest nightly build :)

Awesome! It works now :)

RKSoft - 25-3-2016 at 06:26 PM

While i'm working on a game ^^ i found another bugs in beta 12 and nightly builds

- changing font size in program editor won't work
- copy & paste etc. with CTRL+... (ie CTRL+C) won't work
- export a map to bmp did not work proberly (see screenshot)

MikeDX - 25-3-2016 at 07:24 PM

It's interesting that ctrl+c / ctrl+v dont work as those were fixed (and tested in linux / osx.. maybe windows has a different issue? maybe using left ctrl works and right ctrl doesnt?)

The bmp bug is annoying - I will fix that in a future version, it was fixed in english div2 but i havent re-fixed it yet in modern div.

to change font size in editor i think you need to restart div.

RKSoft - 24-10-2016 at 02:01 PM

Big bad bug in the nightly builds, so i post it here. Since 'div-beta-nightly-2016-10-21-b753829f99-win32', i get an error in my Donkey Kong PC (i tested it with the original files like fnt, fpg, prg etc.).

- in stage 2, i get an error in the SPIRALSPRING process. It takes an error in the line 'if (collision(type player)) kill=1;end' because DIV could not find the graph tile. But, it is in the FPG!

The game works great with the previous nightly builds but at the 'div-beta-nightly-2016-10-21-b753829f99-win32' i get this error!

I tested the beta 12 and beta 13 for windows. The beta 12 hasn't this bug, but the beta 13 has it!

[Edited on 24-10-2016 by RKSoft]

MikeDX - 24-10-2016 at 02:53 PM

To debug this I'd really need your prg / assets. Hard to reproduce without it.

RKSoft - 25-10-2016 at 02:26 PM

Lol, you have my old Donkey Kong PC with source code but i attached it again to this post ;).

Attachment: DONKEYKONGPC.zip (446kB)
This file has been downloaded 4627 times

MikeDX - 25-10-2016 at 03:15 PM

Ahh ok i thought you meant a new version :)

MikeDX - 25-10-2016 at 08:53 PM

It seems that's very broken. the springs do not appear correctly and jumpman does not rotate correctly either when he dies.

I will investigate this...

Can you tell me what the newest nightly build it works with please? I can then use the changelog to hunt down the bug!

You say it does not work with 2016-10-21 does it work with 2016-10-18?


[Edited on 25-10-2016 by MikeDX]

RKSoft - 26-10-2016 at 01:08 PM

Previous nightly builds and the official beta 12 works. Since the nightly 2016-10-21 does not!

MikeDX - 27-10-2016 at 06:44 PM

This should work in tonight's nightly build

RKSoft - 28-10-2016 at 11:56 AM

Now, it works again. Thanks :)

MikeDX - 28-10-2016 at 03:47 PM

Great. We are getting somewhere now :)

Dani_Karmann - 2-11-2016 at 09:15 PM

I have a problem with the latest release, when I open a map and set the zoom, I cannot move through the map. And I cannot set the video mode. There is another problem: my anti-virus program blocks d.exe, I need to set the option "don't examine archives .exe when opened" if I want to execute d.exe. And another question, Div does not open .jpg files now?

MikeDX - 3-11-2016 at 02:28 PM

I've reported the false positive to symantec who says they will whitelist it, so we will see what happens there.

If you are in map editor, you should not try to resize the screen, as it will break (I need to fix this)

In the map editor if you cannot see the whole map, move the mouse to the edge of the window and use cursor + shift to scroll further. i need a better way of doing this but since DIV was originally meant as a full screen program this isnt easy to get around. I hope you can use the SHIFT+cursor as a workaround for now.

Dani_Karmann - 5-11-2016 at 07:26 PM

Yes, the button combination works.
One thing: I'm using Avast as an anti-virus program.

About the program, I see there is a good advantage: now Div loads the images a lot faster, in Div 2 loading was veeery slow and the cursor gets stuck often.

I have a question: Does the new Div solve all the Div 2 bugs? I mean:

*In Div2, the function "roll_palette" does not work.
*Sound volume was low for wav and pcm.
*Mode 8 was very unstable.
*The cursor is not very visible in the map edit mode (it's a very small square).
*You can see the background color by pressing the B button, but you can't do this if you are "holding" an image in selection mode.
*Div 2 sometimes saves incorrectly the bmp images, as RkSoft shows some messages above.
*Div2 sometimes loads incorrectly the palette of certain pcx images.
*When you change the palette of an image or a fpg, Div 2 converts black colour to transparent, ruining the image or archive.

Ah, I found another bug in DivDx, the system shows incorrectly the 9x16 font when you set the size font, but when you execute a program and return to Div, the font is ok.

Are you going to make more changes in the new Div? I have some suggestions:
-Make the cursor in map edit mode more visible (sometimes it's difficult to see it, due to its little size)
-More levels of zoom (like 16x or 32x), 8x is not enough when you work with resolutions like 1024x768.
-Functions to use the system clock (for example, to open a shop at a certain hour in a game, or make the transition between day and night, like in Pokémon Gold/Silver).

CicTec - 5-11-2016 at 07:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Dani_Karmann  
Yes, the button combination works.
One thing: I'm using Avast as an anti-virus program.

About the program, I see there is a good advantage: now Div loads the images a lot faster, in Div 2 loading was veeery slow and the cursor gets stuck often.

I have a question: Does the new Div solve all the Div 2 bugs? I mean:

*In Div2, the function "roll_palette" does not work.
*Sound volume was low for wav and pcm.
*Mode 8 was very unstable.

Hello Dani_Karmann,

I can response on some questions:
- ROLL_PALETTE works again.
- Sound Volume is more high now, probably the old DOS library had a low volume setting.
- We worked in the reactivation of mode8 for some time, correcting several bugs and adding small improvements, now is quite stable, there is still some small bugs to fix, but it is usable, you can see here http://js.mikedx.co.uk/ varios old/new games/examples and running on web.

[Edited on 5-11-2016 by CicTec]

RKSoft - 6-11-2016 at 02:13 PM

There is no exe file in the last windows nightly build div-beta-nightly-2016-11-06-0c006cca54-win32.zip ;)

MikeDX - 6-11-2016 at 05:52 PM

That's strange. I only changed one line of code

I'll look into it

Drag & Drop Sprites in FPG-file twice

Peter - 8-11-2016 at 09:50 AM

In the nightly build of 29-09-2016 I have to drag & drop sprites into the fpg file twice. Not sure if this has been reported before.
Anyway, I will try the latest build tonight to see if the problem still exists.

Stay tuned.

RKSoft - 8-11-2016 at 03:33 PM

Mike, Mikey, Mister Mike, tststs. ^^
And again, in the last nightly div-beta-nightly-2016-11-06-0c006cca54-win32.zip, there is no exe file! Without this file, i cannot test ;)
No d.exe, no divdbg-windows.exe and no div-windows.exe!

MikeDX - 8-11-2016 at 09:43 PM

This rebuilt 0c006cca54 should work


RKSoft - 9-11-2016 at 05:22 PM

Finally, i can continue my tests. Thx!

BreadCaster - 10-11-2016 at 11:23 AM

Hey all! Been a while since I logged in, CyberCrisis is still in progress but I lost access to the hard drive it was on for a while (I'm sure you know how that feels, MikeDX...) Last few bugs have been ironed out, there's one small glitch that I do have to work on but aside from that it's just shooting and editing the FMV sequences and then I'm done.

In regards to progress on DivDX - how are things coming along with the 16/32 bit colour support? (I'd happily take either, really!) Every time I look at the nightly builds all I can really do is go "ah... yeah that seems neat." I can't really make anything with such a limited colour pallete, especially loading in images made in Photoshop as DivDX just tells me that the pallete will need to be modified and before I know it everything in my FPG looks terrible.

The only game I can see myself making with it currently would be an entirely cel shaded game in black and white (like Mad World), but that's awfully restrictive. Still, good to see some progress in general - will be excited to see full colour support when it's done, I have a few small ideas :)

CicTec - 10-11-2016 at 12:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

In regards to progress on DivDX - how are things coming along with the 16/32 bit colour support? (I'd happily take either, really!) Every time I look at the nightly builds all I can really do is go "ah... yeah that seems neat." I can't really make anything with such a limited colour pallete, especially loading in images made in Photoshop as DivDX just tells me that the pallete will need to be modified and before I know it everything in my FPG looks terrible.

Hello BreadCaster,

Support 16/32bits is in development, it would be possible to get an early software rendering release, the accelerated rendering version (OpenGL, etc...) it would be necessary first to have support in the language for data FLOAT, DOUBLE, etc...

Also need a new FPG, MAP, FNT format to 16/32bits, which is still in phase of processing.

BreadCaster - 10-11-2016 at 12:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CicTec  
Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

In regards to progress on DivDX - how are things coming along with the 16/32 bit colour support? (I'd happily take either, really!) Every time I look at the nightly builds all I can really do is go "ah... yeah that seems neat." I can't really make anything with such a limited colour pallete, especially loading in images made in Photoshop as DivDX just tells me that the pallete will need to be modified and before I know it everything in my FPG looks terrible.

Hello BreadCaster,

Support 16/32bits is in development, it would be possible to get an early software rendering release, the accelerated rendering version (OpenGL, etc...) it would be necessary first to have support in the language for data FLOAT, DOUBLE, etc...

Also need a new FPG, MAP, FNT format to 16/32bits, which is still in phase of processing.

Well if any of you good folks want someone to test the build out, I'm right here, brand new Windows 8 PC and everything. I'd really like to see the combination of mode 8 and 32 bit, and potentially later on, alpha blending/additive blending. I think there's a threshold that DivDX needs to be passed for being considered for indie gamedev, and it's getting closer to it every day =)

is it possible to add TFF support as well or/instead? FNT is kind of cavemen playing with glyphs at this point. I don't know how hard that would be though, just an idea. I have, of course, been working with Bennu for a long time now, so there's a lot that I have to accept when going back to Div! :)

CicTec - 10-11-2016 at 12:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

Well if any of you good folks want someone to test the build out, I'm right here, brand new Windows 8 PC and everything. I'd really like to see the combination of mode 8 and 32 bit, and potentially later on, alpha blending/additive blending. I think there's a threshold that DivDX needs to be passed for being considered for indie gamedev, and it's getting closer to it every day =)

When available, will be definitely released a version for testing, do not worry.

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

is it possible to add TFF support as well or/instead? FNT is kind of cavemen playing with glyphs at this point. I don't know how hard that would be though, just an idea. I have, of course, been working with Bennu for a long time now, so there's a lot that I have to accept when going back to Div! :)

The FNT format continues to be the only solution to have FNT with texture and color ranges and other effects, the TTF format does not support this unfortunately, however DivDX will support both FNT and TTF.

BreadCaster - 10-11-2016 at 01:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CicTec  

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

is it possible to add TFF support as well or/instead? FNT is kind of cavemen playing with glyphs at this point. I don't know how hard that would be though, just an idea. I have, of course, been working with Bennu for a long time now, so there's a lot that I have to accept when going back to Div! :)

The FNT format continues to be the only solution to have FNT with texture and color ranges and other effects, the TTF format does not support this unfortunately, however DivDX will support both FNT and TTF.

True, but if you develop a write_in_map function then you could manipulate the appearance of the text using graphic commands, hehe ;) thanks, I'll be looking forward to the test build!! :)

CicTec - 10-11-2016 at 01:11 PM

In the new DivDX, you will have many new commands that allow you to manipulate the appearance and graphics effects in realtime. :)

CicTec - 10-11-2016 at 01:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

True, but if you develop a write_in_map function then you could manipulate the appearance of the text using graphic commands, hehe ;) thanks, I'll be looking forward to the test build!! :)

It would be difficult to apply a graphic texture to each glyph, the FNT format also serves to avoid this, then you can apply other effects such as blending, geometric transformations, etc ... easily.

Dani_Karmann - 3-12-2016 at 09:59 AM

I found two new problems:

-First, when you open a file and then you minimize it, the icon goes to the bottom of the DivDX window; but then my Windows start bar hides this part of the DivDX window and I cannot see the minimized objects, and I cannot set the full screen (because I get a black screen). This is caused by the size of the window, but I cannot change the video mode.

-Second, there is a minor problem with the reproduction of the music modules. Let's suppose we have a .xm song, with 64 lines. It begins with the line 001, and when it finishes it restarts from the line 002. But DivDx reproduces the song from the starting.

[Edited on 3-12-2016 by Dani_Karmann]

CicTec - 3-12-2016 at 10:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Dani_Karmann  
I found two new problems:

-First, when you open a file and then you minimize it, the icon goes to the bottom of the DivDX window; but then my Windows start bar hides this part of the DivDX window and I cannot see the minimized objects, and I cannot set the full screen (because I get a black screen). This is caused by the size of the window, but I cannot change the video mode.

This happen because the DIV environment start as the same size of desktop, so the bar hidden part of windows, simply maximize with windows button to "fix" the problem, is normal.

Quote: Originally posted by Dani_Karmann  

-Second, there is a minor problem with the reproduction of the music modules. Let's suppose we have a .xm song, with 64 lines. It begins with the line 001, and when it finishes it restarts from the line 002. But DivDx reproduces the song from the starting.

Look like a behaviour/bug of internal library used to play music files more than a DivDX bug, probably does not recognize/reproduces some particular note, the file is made with standard XM editor?

[Edited on 3-12-2016 by CicTec]

[Edited on 3-12-2016 by CicTec]

Dani_Karmann - 3-12-2016 at 11:55 AM

"simply maximize with windows button to "fix" the problem, is normal."

Oops, silly me hehehe. :smilegrin: Yes, it works.

"the file is made with standard XM editor?"

I don't know, it was a module that I downloaded from the "Mod-archive" web page.

[Edited on 3-12-2016 by Dani_Karmann]

CicTec - 3-12-2016 at 12:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Dani_Karmann  
"simply maximize with windows button to "fix" the problem, is normal."

Oops, silly me hehehe. :smilegrin: Yes, it works.

No problem. ;)

Quote: Originally posted by Dani_Karmann  

"the file is made with standard XM editor?"

I don't know, it was a module that I downloaded from the "Mod-archive" web page.

[Edited on 3-12-2016 by Dani_Karmann]

Please upload the file and explain in detail the problem, I want to try playing with different libraries to see results.

Dani_Karmann - 3-12-2016 at 07:15 PM

This is the problem: song modules are composed by "lines" numbered 001, 002, etc. In some songs, when finished, the reproduction restarts from another line, like 002 or 003, and then reproduces the song until the last line and then restarts one more time. But in DivDx the song always restarts from the beginning (line 001).

In this case, in the song "beach_rb", the song starts in line 001, continues with lines 002 and 003, and then the reproduction continues another time in line 002; but in DivDx the reproduction returns to line 001.

And I found that when you want to exit DivDx by pressing Alt+X, a letter "x" is writed in the .prg that you have on screen.

Attachment: beach_rb.xm (561kB)
This file has been downloaded 3437 times

CicTec - 3-12-2016 at 08:28 PM

Well, i have tested with some libraries, all restart from pattern 1, except openMPT, so maybe is saved with this specific format/program.

If you use windows, please goto: https://openmpt.org/ to download the tracker and execute this song with it, the reproduction of pattern is:
1# - 1 0 2 2 3 3
2# - 2 2 3 3
3# - 2 2 3 3
It should be the original playback you used the Dos version of DIV, right?

CicTec - 3-12-2016 at 08:44 PM

Basically DIV sound system is based on SDL_mixer 1.2 that use libmikmod by default for songs (MOD, XM, etc...) and SDL_mixer 2.0 that use now libmodplug (is possible switch the use of SDL_mixer 1.2 to libmodplug).

libmodplug is old version of library, libopenmpt is the new and is used by the openMPT program, is more updated, also it takes support for JS to play files via the web.

Probably using the modplug library should work fine (I have not tested).

[Edited on 3-12-2016 by CicTec]

Dani_Karmann - 4-12-2016 at 08:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CicTec  

(...)the reproduction of pattern is:
1# - 1 0 2 2 3 3
2# - 2 2 3 3
3# - 2 2 3 3
It should be the original playback you used the Dos version of DIV, right?

Yes, these are the patterns and the sequence of the song, it restarts from line 2.

CicTec - 4-12-2016 at 08:44 PM

Ok, the problem is that the library skip the "restart position" setted on XM and restart from first pattern, maybe is a bug or limitation of libmikmod, should try with libmodplug/libopenmpt.

RKSoft - 23-1-2017 at 01:40 PM

I use/d the follow version: div-beta-nightly-2016-12-01-dc8b7e5a77-win32

Found follow bugs:
- bad fps drops (2 - 5) when running a prg with F10 from DIV DX (window and fullscreen)
- the keys for [ ] (on german keyboard on 8 and 9 with ALT GR) doesn't work in prg editor, so i must set this chars per Notepad++ (later per copy & paste)
- PNG, GIF, JPEG doesn't work, why?
- map export to bmp still doesn't work correct!

Urgently needed:
- 16/32 bit graphic support (bad convertings from that to 8 bit)!
- XInput support (for PS3, Xbox 360, PS4 and Xbox One controllers)
- higher scale of the map editor (at 1920x1080 that isn't big currently)

I know MikeDX and Cictec have a real life but if you want DIV popular, we need some new games/programs that shows the features of this great engine. Currently i play with a little code by Mike (jump man tutorial). I will improve that code and extend it to a demo game for new users. Maybe, i will make a version with tiles and a tile-editor for.

Best regards ;)

[Edited on 23-1-2017 by RKSoft]

[Edited on 23-1-2017 by RKSoft]

MikeDX - 23-1-2017 at 06:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
I use/d the follow version: div-beta-nightly-2016-12-01-dc8b7e5a77-win32

Found follow bugs:
- bad fps drops (2 - 5) when running a prg with F10 from DIV DX (window and fullscreen)
- the keys for [ ] (on german keyboard on 8 and 9 with ALT GR) doesn't work in prg editor, so i must set this chars per Notepad++ (later per copy & paste)
- PNG, GIF, JPEG doesn't work, why?
- map export to bmp still doesn't work correct!

Urgently needed:
- 16/32 bit graphic support (bad convertings from that to 8 bit)!
- XInput support (for PS3, Xbox 360, PS4 and Xbox One controllers)
- higher scale of the map editor (at 1920x1080 that isn't big currently)

I know MikeDX and Cictec have a real life but if you want DIV popular, we need some new games/programs that shows the features of this great engine. Currently i play with a little code by Mike (jump man tutorial). I will improve that code and extend it to a demo game for new users. Maybe, i will make a version with tiles and a tile-editor for.

Best regards ;)

Thanks for the report! It's much easier to fix bugs when they are reported.

The input may be something we can configure for [ and ] inputs. I think it currently works on scancode. It's possible that the SDL2 version is better at this as it works on ascii (or unicode?) inputs rather than scancodes which are usually locale dependant.

I have a real job nowadays, unlike before when I was not employed and could spend full time on DIV but sadly that did not pay the bills!

Dani_Karmann - 23-1-2017 at 09:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  
Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
I use/d the follow version: div-beta-nightly-2016-12-01-dc8b7e5a77-win32

Found follow bugs:
- bad fps drops (2 - 5) when running a prg with F10 from DIV DX (window and fullscreen)
- the keys for [ ] (on german keyboard on 8 and 9 with ALT GR) doesn't work in prg editor, so i must set this chars per Notepad++ (later per copy & paste)
- PNG, GIF, JPEG doesn't work, why?
- map export to bmp still doesn't work correct!

Urgently needed:
- 16/32 bit graphic support (bad convertings from that to 8 bit)!
- XInput support (for PS3, Xbox 360, PS4 and Xbox One controllers)
- higher scale of the map editor (at 1920x1080 that isn't big currently)

I know MikeDX and Cictec have a real life but if you want DIV popular, we need some new games/programs that shows the features of this great engine. Currently i play with a little code by Mike (jump man tutorial). I will improve that code and extend it to a demo game for new users. Maybe, i will make a version with tiles and a tile-editor for.

Best regards ;)

Thanks for the report! It's much easier to fix bugs when they are reported.

The input may be something we can configure for [ and ] inputs. I think it currently works on scancode. It's possible that the SDL2 version is better at this as it works on ascii (or unicode?) inputs rather than scancodes which are usually locale dependant.

I have a real job nowadays, unlike before when I was not employed and could spend full time on DIV but sadly that did not pay the bills!

The graphic editor really needs two things:

-Correct the DIV2 bug that converts "black color" into "transparent color" when loading a new palette.

-Increase the zoom in the image editor. In high resolutions like 1024x768, the 8x zoom is not enough, it looks small, we need at least 16x or 32x.

BreadCaster - 24-1-2017 at 09:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Dani_Karmann  

The graphic editor really needs two things:

-Correct the DIV2 bug that converts "black color" into "transparent color" when loading a new palette.

I think we need to have an ability to turn transparency off and on in images, as having a transparent color in the pallete is really useful at present if you want to make non-square images. Dani, what you could do is make a really dark color, maybe with values 1,1,1 and use that instead :)

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  

I have a real job nowadays, unlike before when I was not employed and could spend full time on DIV but sadly that did not pay the bills!

It's understandable Mikey, its a shame though as I'd really hoped to be working with the full/true color version of DivDx soonish (although Id had no set idea of when!). My cyberpunk dystopian raycast-y game has so many levels designed now on paper haha :punk:

MikeDX - 24-1-2017 at 09:38 AM

Having all day every day to work on DIV was great, but sadly i was literally starving to death

CicTec - 24-1-2017 at 10:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

Urgently needed:
- 16/32 bit graphic support (bad convertings from that to 8 bit)!
- XInput support (for PS3, Xbox 360, PS4 and Xbox One controllers)
- higher scale of the map editor (at 1920x1080 that isn't big currently)

I know MikeDX and Cictec have a real life but if you want DIV popular, we need some new games/programs that shows the features of this great engine. Currently i play with a little code by Mike (jump man tutorial). I will improve that code and extend it to a demo game for new users. Maybe, i will make a version with tiles and a tile-editor for.

Best regards ;)

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

It's understandable Mikey, its a shame though as I'd really hoped to be working with the full/true color version of DivDx soonish (although Id had no set idea of when!). My cyberpunk dystopian raycast-y game has so many levels designed now on paper haha :punk:

As mentioned earlier, the mayor problem of the 16/32bits support is to have a more modern compiler/interpreter, the graphics engine is not a problem, but especially the 32bits hardware accelerated nowadays require use of floating-points data, add this support to the current code-base is very difficult, it would be easier to rewrite the entire compiler/interpreter and at this point see what version 3 of DIV should really be and what support from earlier versions, but it requires enough time.

RKSoft - 24-1-2017 at 02:48 PM

Thanks for your replies.

Do you work currently on DIV? How can we help?

Reallife should priority number 1! After that, the privates and hobbies come ;). It is okay when you have not enough time at this moment.
I asked you how can i help? What about DIV-Arena? It will be nice when we can upload new wips and games to site. If i allowed to do moderator for that or someone other that want that will be nice and the site will be activily as before.

[Edited on 24-1-2017 by RKSoft]

CicTec - 24-1-2017 at 05:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Thanks for your replies.

Do you work currently on DIV? How can we help?

Actually work in the DIV languages development ​​for over 15 years now :) and I still do, in the case of DivDX, on what could be the new graphics engine with support for 16/32bit and mode8 refactoring, but as mentioned to assemble all, first need to have new a more modern compiler/interpreter to add all the new technologies and determine what version 3 of DIV should be and what to possibly support from earlier versions.

Excluding that someone has the appropriate knowledge, this rewrite of the core should be done by me or Mike (or both), but first we should have the time to organize how and what should be done, this is what is lacking at present.

Essentially what is missing right now is the time to do certain things, this problem could only be solved:

1) Addition of other programmers who might collaborate in the project, so as to reduce the workload and thus the time required.
2) Have any economic funds to deal with DIV as real work and thus have more time.

Let's say you could help in any way that you feel can. :)

RKSoft - 24-1-2017 at 06:01 PM

Languages i know are HTML, PHP, PAWN, DIV, Blitz BASIC, Commodore BASIC but no c++ or similar, sorry. :(

[Edited on 24-1-2017 by RKSoft]

MikeDX - 24-1-2017 at 06:25 PM

Roland if you know PHP maybe you can help with the development of the div-arena site itself. It is written in a PHP framework called cakephp.

we need a new system for uploading wips and automating the builds (I think that may be too complex to ask of you) and of course moderation would be a great help

would that be something you might be interested in?

CicTec - 24-1-2017 at 06:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  
Roland if you know PHP maybe you can help with the development of the div-arena site itself. It is written in a PHP framework called cakephp.

we need a new system for uploading wips and automating the builds (I think that may be too complex to ask of you) and of course moderation would be a great help

would that be something you might be interested in?

I was going to suggest it, you may also cooperate in the creation of some examples (tutorials, mini game or other), and possibly in the documentation, there are a lot of things where you can work together. :)

RKSoft - 25-1-2017 at 03:14 PM

First, why not using a CMS? Take a look at wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_content_management_sys...
I use wordpress for my homepage. ;)

Documentations? My english isn't so good for that i think. I can make one in german and someone can translate them?
Moderation (forum, files, sitenews etcl.), yes, sure, of course!
Tutorials? I work on and try my best for more tutorials.

I think helping with the DIV engine isn't a good plan else bugreports!

@Off topic
Why not concentrate on 1 or 2 systems (linux and windows) or maybe a 3. (macos), optimizing and bugfixing the div engine and then make ports for other systems?

CicTec - 25-1-2017 at 03:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

Documentations? My english isn't so good for that i think. I can make one in german and someone can translate them?

Also have a documentation in German would help, for ingles version, mike and other people of the native language are more suitable.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

Tutorials? I work on and try my best for more tutorials.

Well, this also helps enough. :)

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

@Off topic
Why not concentrate on 1 or 2 systems (linux and windows) or maybe a 3. (macos), optimizing and bugfixing the div engine and then make ports for other systems?

The porting on platforms is not normally a problem, the 95% of the code is always the same for all, can change the remaining 5% depending on the platform.

The bug depends on what can be easy to correct or difficult (maybe different pieces of code must be rewritten).

The hardest thing is to add new features, and here as said DIV need a more modern core.

BreadCaster - 26-1-2017 at 03:45 PM

well i mean if there were a gofundme or patreon or somthing set up id be happy to occasionallly throw some money into it yeah, though really its about how much would be needed to rewrite the core. I would imagine its more time than monies.

id love to make some full games in Divdx but until i can basically use photoshop and other third party programs to make graphics for Div it really isnt likely to happen.... because I find using the Div image editor torturous and all attempts to make things in 256 colours in PS have been rejected by Div sadly :(

CicTec - 27-1-2017 at 11:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  
well i mean if there were a gofundme or patreon or somthing set up id be happy to occasionallly throw some money into it yeah, though really its about how much would be needed to rewrite the core. I would imagine its more time than monies.

Is mainly a matter of time, Mike is very busy by new work and I have periods with more free time and periods with less.

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

id love to make some full games in Divdx but until i can basically use photoshop and other third party programs to make graphics for Div it really isnt likely to happen.... because I find using the Div image editor torturous and all attempts to make things in 256 colours in PS have been rejected by Div sadly :(

I understand you.

I'm continuing to work for now in what would be the graphics engine and the mode8 refactoring, we hope to soon have the time to the new core.

BreadCaster - 27-1-2017 at 11:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CicTec  
Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  
well i mean if there were a gofundme or patreon or somthing set up id be happy to occasionallly throw some money into it yeah, though really its about how much would be needed to rewrite the core. I would imagine its more time than monies.

Is mainly a matter of time, Mike is very busy by new work and I have periods with more free time and periods with less.

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

id love to make some full games in Divdx but until i can basically use photoshop and other third party programs to make graphics for Div it really isnt likely to happen.... because I find using the Div image editor torturous and all attempts to make things in 256 colours in PS have been rejected by Div sadly :(

I understand you.

I'm continuing to work for now in what would be the graphics engine and the mode8 refactoring, we hope to soon have the time to the new core.

Fantastic! well its good to know that progress is being made behind the scenes even if it is a bit slow :) if you had a paypal donate button or something I'd be more than happy to toss some money for coffee your way! :smilegrin: <3

dom cook - 27-1-2017 at 01:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  
well i mean if there were a gofundme or patreon or somthing set up id be happy to occasionallly throw some money into it yeah, though really its about how much would be needed to rewrite the core. I would imagine its more time than monies.

id love to make some full games in Divdx but until i can basically use photoshop and other third party programs to make graphics for Div it really isnt likely to happen.... because I find using the Div image editor torturous and all attempts to make things in 256 colours in PS have been rejected by Div sadly :(

I've run into the same problem with other graphic editors. If you run your images through Libre Office (They have a draw program) you can get a 256 colour version of them that DIV likes.

BreadCaster - 27-1-2017 at 02:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by dom cook  
Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  
well i mean if there were a gofundme or patreon or somthing set up id be happy to occasionallly throw some money into it yeah, though really its about how much would be needed to rewrite the core. I would imagine its more time than monies.

id love to make some full games in Divdx but until i can basically use photoshop and other third party programs to make graphics for Div it really isnt likely to happen.... because I find using the Div image editor torturous and all attempts to make things in 256 colours in PS have been rejected by Div sadly :(

I've run into the same problem with other graphic editors. If you run your images through Libre Office (They have a draw program) you can get a 256 colour version of them that DIV likes.

Dom saves the day again!! Thanks a lot. I might play around with it a bit after all :)

Was thinking of making a basic mode 8 game where you hop from rooftop to rooftop, and I might be able to actually have a go at it now :) still probably wont be making a full thing until 32 bit colour is in but its definitely a place to start!

RKSoft - 27-1-2017 at 06:44 PM

Bugreport: div-beta-nightly-2016-12-01-dc8b7e5a77-win32

- bug in write/write_int - sometimes it crashes, sometimes not *strange oO

Test this with my little smb program please. If i had a bug in please report!

Attachment: SMB.zip (571kB)
This file has been downloaded 2919 times

[Edited on 27-1-2017 by RKSoft]

Okay, found bug in dead animation of enemies. But the process explorer shows wrong values about active process. The number is invalid.

[Edited on 27-1-2017 by RKSoft]

CicTec - 27-1-2017 at 07:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Bugreport: div-beta-nightly-2016-12-01-dc8b7e5a77-win32

- bug in write/write_int - sometimes it crashes, sometimes not *strange oO

Test this with my little smb program please. If i had a bug in please report!

[Edited on 27-1-2017 by RKSoft]

Okay, found bug in dead animation of enemies. But the process explorer shows wrong values about active process. The number is invalid.

[Edited on 27-1-2017 by RKSoft]

In my machine it does not appear a crash, but the game freezes (as if it came into infinite loop) when you are killed by an enemy (this happens randomly, however).

see some correlation with the current bug?

RKSoft - 28-1-2017 at 01:04 PM

I took the dead animation code and put it into the main process (ie: player_deadth into player, goomba_death into goomba and koopa_death into koopa). Now, it works without infinite loops and crashs. But, why? oO

And the process explorer should be fixed. At game start, it show 58 processes. This is okay and the real value. After restart (killed or ESC), it shows different value.

Player goes some pixel till first goomba dissappear on the left site. Player was killed by next goomba. Game restarts. Process explorer does not show 58 processes!

[Edited on 28-1-2017 by RKSoft]

CicTec - 28-1-2017 at 09:09 PM

I carried out some tests.

The number of initial processes is 60, if it is less, something is not created correctly.

1) It depends on which goomba is killed, the debugger displays fewer processes than expected, for example 2, 3, 6, this seems to suggest it is deleted more than a process of this kind, or that the debugger does not display the correct number.
2) Depends on which goomba is killed earlier, when the player process is killed, the program hangs in an endless loop.
3) Trying to remark all the "dead" code (code calls and processes), the random block does not occur, however, the number of deleted processes continues to be random.

Everything seems to suggest some kind of bug in the process task manager or some manipulation functions (COLLISION, LET_ME_ALONE, etc...).

@RKSoft, if you can, please perform these tests.

1) Reset the original code (with previous animations).
2) When the game starts, open the debugger to display the number of active processes (should be 60), the number of goomba should be 15.
3) Do not kill the first goomba, he tries to kill the second, then open the debugger again to see how many processes are running (and how many goomba).
4) Then press ESC, in my PC due to the exit from the game and back into the environment of DIV.
5) If step 4 ends the execution of the game, then start it again, repeat steps 2 and 3, and then tries to kill the 4th goomba, then open the debugger again to see how many processes are running (and how many goomba).

These tests are used to see if the execution the same in different machines and OS or if there are other changes.

[Edited on 28-1-2017 by CicTec]

RKSoft - 29-1-2017 at 01:20 PM

I took the dead animation code from _goomba_death into the main goomba process (same for koopa) and it works without crashs or freezes. It is strange because i must set some animation into a seperate process.

@process explorer
on first start, its 60 process = okay
when an enemy is leaving the left site of the scrolling window = process ends for this enemy and the explorer shows correct values
when i was killed (by esc, an enemy or by falling out the screen), an enemy left the scrolling screen and the game restarts = the process explorer shows 59 processes

This is strange because after a restart of the game it shows all 60 processes correctly on screen but not in the process explorer!

RKSoft - 29-1-2017 at 07:41 PM

So, i tested this bug again, but with Malvado.
I jumped on a bear, the stars appears and i pressed ESC to quit. The game freezes again. So, i think it is a bug in stop_scroll() function!

Same on DIV Beta 12 and Beta 13!!!

Please fixed this, so i can continue my work here ;).

[Edited on 29-1-2017 by RKSoft]

MikeDX - 29-1-2017 at 08:34 PM

This is very interesting findings. Can you test with any older builds of DIV? I don't recall any big change like that happening so it's likely if it is introduced it is from an unset c variable or a c vartype change

RKSoft - 29-1-2017 at 09:37 PM

So, i changed some thing in code and now it works perfect. I release the next beta here next day because i will finish some thing.

The bug occurs when process created but the main game isn't ready to go! The stop_scroll() bug isn't realy a bug. But this feature(1) occurs on Malvado, too!!!
I added a little loop into all process. This will wait until all process created and the setup_level is finish. The var PROGRAM_CONTINUE will set to true and the main loop with all process started his work.

And finally, the process explorer shows all 88 processes every start/kill/win etcl.! :)

I used this process-waiting in Big Mac, too! I find that there and it works. Strange, but it is logic because when process was created it run immediately, of course. ;)

So, i think we should make a sticky post with this information for all DIV users or not?

I tested Malvado with DIV Beta 12, Beta 13 and the last nighty build (see above). Same errors/freezes! I should test it with DIV2 under DOSBOX in the next days. I hope there is this bug too, so we need a fix for the engine not the port.

[Edited on 29-1-2017 by RKSoft]

CicTec - 30-1-2017 at 09:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
So, i changed some thing in code and now it works perfect. I release the next beta here next day because i will finish some thing.

The bug occurs when process created but the main game isn't ready to go! The stop_scroll() bug isn't realy a bug. But this feature(1) occurs on Malvado, too!!!
I added a little loop into all process. This will wait until all process created and the setup_level is finish. The var PROGRAM_CONTINUE will set to true and the main loop with all process started his work.

And finally, the process explorer shows all 88 processes every start/kill/win etcl.! :)

This suggests that there is a bug in the task manager, but it could not be.

I analyzed the better your PRG original and there are some errors, especially in the "setup_level" process:

1) the "CLEAR_SCREEN" function call is not necessary, you are not using any put function to draw the background.

2) the call to START_SCROLL is carried out at the wrong time, it should be called before the creation of the scroll-type processes, to prevent the jobs that are wrong "code".

3) Each game reset, new texts are created (WRITE_INT) without having eliminated the previous ones, it should be called the DELETE_TEXT(ALL_TEXT) function.

I think I have identified the possible bug, occurs with the call to STOP_SCROLL for some reason, commenting the call and using LET_ME_ALONE, the game works well without crash or freeze (at least on my machine).

I add here the PRG that had initially deployed, with the necessary modifications, in order to test whether it works well in other machines


Attachment: smb.prg (28kB)
This file has been downloaded 2241 times

RKSoft - 30-1-2017 at 03:47 PM

I agree with Cictec ^^. In my current beta version, i created the scroll first and then the processes that will be show in.
With CLEAR_SCREEN, thanks for that info. I thought, i needed it for clearing the screen completely (Blitz BASIC, BASIC dialects etc.)
And, tadadaaa, i readed the info about write/write_int and defined vars for every write command to clear that after game is over.

I'm sorry that i thought there is a bug into DIV. But DIV works completely different than other programming languages and i forget that.
I worked with functions (ie: Blitz BASIC, PAWN, PHP etc.) and functions works not like processes.

Function: A sub program that we can call and that will run once
Process: A complete selfrunning program that we need to kill when we do not need anymore.

So, i recommend for every process:

- first, use a loop before the main code of that process should be start
- use a global variable for all first-start-loops (in all processes) that checked when this var is set to true, break this loop
- set the global var to true when all setup and intialisings are finish and the game can start

My little example:

program process_test local program_ready; begin program_ready = false; initial_my_game(); while (not program_ready); frame; end loop frame; end end procress im_a_process() begin while (not program_ready); frame; end loop frame; end end process intial_my_game() begin /* here me setup/initial code like loading fonts, maps, fpg, sounds etc. */ im_a_process(); im_a_process(); im_a_process(); program_ready = true; end

[Edited on 30-1-2017 by RKSoft]

MikeDX - 30-1-2017 at 05:29 PM

Can you "remove" this bug by calling frame() before any processes are spawned?

CicTec - 30-1-2017 at 06:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
I agree with Cictec ^^. In my current beta version, i created the scroll first and then the processes that will be show in.
With CLEAR_SCREEN, thanks for that info. I thought, i needed it for clearing the screen completely (Blitz BASIC, BASIC dialects etc.)
And, tadadaaa, i readed the info about write/write_int and defined vars for every write command to clear that after game is over.

I'm sorry that i thought there is a bug into DIV. But DIV works completely different than other programming languages and i forget that.

No problem, do not worry, DIV works differently to normal programming languages, it is normal to be confused. :)

The bug actually exists, as the example of Dr. Malvado and seems to be initiated by something that is executed by the call to STOP_SCROLL.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

Function: A sub program that we can call and that will run once
Process: A complete selfrunning program that we need to kill when we do not need anymore.

So, i recommend for every process:

- first, use a loop before the main code of that process should be start
- use a global variable for all first-start-loops (in all processes) that checked when this var is set to true, break this loop
- set the global var to true when all setup and intialisings are finish and the game can start

My little example:

program process_test local program_ready; begin program_ready = false; initial_my_game(); while (not program_ready); frame; end loop frame; end end procress im_a_process() begin while (not program_ready); frame; end loop frame; end end process intial_my_game() begin /* here me setup/initial code like loading fonts, maps, fpg, sounds etc. */ im_a_process(); im_a_process(); im_a_process(); program_ready = true; end

[Edited on 30-1-2017 by RKSoft]

Well, maybe this works for now, but you do not really need this in order to obtain proper operation.

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  
Can you "remove" this bug by calling frame() before any processes are spawned?

Tried, continues to fail if it is called STOP_SCROLL.

I tried the original example of RKSoft and my modified in the original version of DIV2 via dosbox and other, both work properly.

Have you changed something in the process system, scroll, or maybe correct some apparent bug that causes this error now?

[Edited on 30-1-2017 by CicTec]

RKSoft - 30-1-2017 at 06:47 PM

Ahh, also the bug is in the port of DIV DX and not in original DIV1/2? However, my example fix this problem and i hope it could help others with their projects. :)

CicTec - 30-1-2017 at 06:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Ahh, also the bug is in the port of DIV DX and not in original DIV1/2? However, my example fix this problem and i hope it could help others with their projects. :)

Yes the problem appears only in DivDX for what I've seen so far.

MikeDX - 30-1-2017 at 07:48 PM

If this is a bug in DIV-DX this will be a real pain to track down, but hopefully with good examples of how to reproduce we can fix it!

RKSoft - 30-1-2017 at 09:20 PM

Mike, you can test it with Malvado. Start game, jump on a bear ... when the stars appears press ESC ;)

I think when the stop_scroll is called and a process -which is defined for that scroll- do a frame it freezes because the scroll isn't.

[Edited on 30-1-2017 by RKSoft]

CicTec - 30-1-2017 at 09:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Mike, you can test it with Malvado. Start game, jump on a bear ... when the stars appears press ESC ;)

I think when the stop_scroll is called and a process -which is defined for that scroll- do a frame it freezes because the scroll isn't.

[Edited on 30-1-2017 by RKSoft]

Yes but in the case of your game happen:
1) The game returns to the environment of DIV development, when the player is killed.
2) The game will freeze in infinite loop when the player is killed.

The second case clearly indicates that some part of the code containing loops, can not end (perhaps the condition of control variables do not update properly), the problem is that the engine has plenty loops internally (process manager, frame manager, etc...) to find the exact point is very hard, you would need an example as simple as possible to reproduce the same problem, in order to analyze a few pieces of code one by one until you find the freezing point.

RKSoft - 31-1-2017 at 01:57 PM

I thought Mike used the DIV2 engine and let it run on other os with different dll's (like emulation)? Did he rework the DIV2 engine (for dos)?

CicTec - 31-1-2017 at 04:42 PM

Is the original DIV2 engine, translated to modern compilers, added SDL to operate in new platforms and OS, small improvements and many bugs fixed, maybe some translation or bugfox caused this new bug, or simply some original code does not work as expected with new compilers and should be changed, can be anything.

RKSoft - 1-2-2017 at 04:23 PM

Ok, how can i help you to find the bug? Please let me know!

[Edited on 1-2-2017 by RKSoft]

CicTec - 1-2-2017 at 05:14 PM

One way would be to create a smallest possible example which reproduces the same bug, to reduce the search areas on which check.

Yesterday I tried to make some changes to the core (interpreter), restoring the original code from the changes made by Mike, but the result is that now your example returns to the environment DIV at each performed action (press ESC, killed by any enemy), it is not easy to find and the structure of the code does not help the search.

RKSoft - 1-2-2017 at 10:41 PM

Try this little test out. By pressing ESC it is interesting what happen. ^^

- Comment out the frame after loop in main code it occurs an error.
- With frame, the programm quits after pressing ESC!

- Using scroll.camera = id is different than manuell scrolling with scroll[0].x register. Try it out.

It runs but not i thought. Why? Maybe this can help finding the bad hidden bug in the engine.

Attachment: Test.zip (25kB)
This file has been downloaded 2187 times

CicTec - 2-2-2017 at 11:16 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Try this little test out. By pressing ESC it is interesting what happen. ^^


Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

- Comment out the frame after loop in main code it occurs an error.
- With frame, the programm quits after pressing ESC!

This happens because seems that does not run the while, and runs much faster set_up() until you reach the limit of 64.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

- Using scroll.camera = id is different than manuell scrolling with scroll[0].x register. Try it out.

This is normal for the internal implementation of the core system, the IDs are different depending on the amount of code and declared variables.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

It runs but not i thought. Why? Maybe this can help finding the bad hidden bug in the engine.

Perhaps by accident.

I believe that this is a core issue running, or it could also be that the compiler generates an incorrect code or "different" from what you should read the core.

Try this modification:
program test; global file_fpg; fpgs = 0; main_count = 0; begin //set_mode(m320x200); set_fps(30, 2); write_int(0, 160, 10, 4, &main_count); write_int(0, 160, 20, 4, &fpgs); loop main_count++; fpgs++; set_up(); repeat frame; until(key(_esc)); //while (not key(_esc)); frame; end //frame; /* <-- comment this out will be an error after pressing ESC */ stop_scroll(0); end end

Try different combinations, for example:

When you can use the debugger to examine the value of variables.

You'll see that with every run and combination of code, there will be different results.

[Edited on 2-2-2017 by CicTec]

RKSoft - 2-2-2017 at 04:53 PM

Hm, also you can't find the engine bug in this code? It is strange that my game (previous version) could freeze DIV but this test program not.

CicTec - 2-2-2017 at 05:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Hm, also you can't find the engine bug in this code? It is strange that my game (previous version) could freeze DIV but this test program not.

This also freezes DIV test, simply says the call to STOP_SCROLL and uses the WHILE and REPEAT, pressing esc sometimes the program will be blocked (frozen).

From this last test, the most likely cause is a bug in the interpreter, and should control it all, but it could also be in the compiler, or more of a bug, it's not easy to find.

RKSoft - 6-2-2017 at 04:30 PM

So, another bug found but it is in compiled version. I used the latest nightly build (see above). Take a look at my task manager.

The Jumpman tutorial game used 1.4GB RAM? Not really or? I think this is a bug in the compiled (.exe) version because the in-DIV-version used ca. 12 MB.

task.jpg - 122kB

MikeDX - 6-2-2017 at 05:02 PM

That seems insane! I wonder if we have a memory leak

Some things are unpacked and loaded into ram but that's crazy

RKSoft - 6-2-2017 at 10:05 PM

Sure, its crazy because in DIV the game use only ~12 MB RAM ;). I hope it can be fixed soon as possible because we want release games as exe (for Windows as example). ^^

CicTec - 7-2-2017 at 10:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
So, another bug found but it is in compiled version. I used the latest nightly build (see above). Take a look at my task manager.

The Jumpman tutorial game used 1.4GB RAM? Not really or? I think this is a bug in the compiled (.exe) version because the in-DIV-version used ca. 12 MB.

Hi RKSoft,

Please try to recreate EXE with this modification:
begin set_mode(m320x200); set_fps(30, 2); file_enemies = load_fpg("enemies.fpg"); file_effects = load_fpg("effects.fpg"); file_extras = load_fpg("extras.fpg"); file_font8x8w = load_fnt("smb8x8w.fnt"); file_font8x16w = load_fnt("smb8x16w.fnt"); file_player = load_fpg("player.fpg"); file_screen = load_fpg("screens.fpg"); animcounter(); loop /* Code: Title */ game = false; player_dead = false; player_win = false; program_continue = false; setup_level(0); while (not program_continue); frame; end x = 160; y = 100; file = file_screen; graph = 2; fade_on(); loop if (key(_esc)) exit("Jumpman quits here!", 1); end if (key(_space)) player_dead = true; program_continue = false; break; end frame; end while (not program_continue); frame; end fade_off(); frame(3000); //stop_scroll(0); /* Code: Initial the game */ player_coins = 0; player_level = 1; player_lives = 4; player_score = 0; player_world = 1; font_score = write_int(file_font8x8w, 76, 15, 2, &player_score); font_lives = write_int(file_font8x8w, 96, 7, 1, &player_lives); font_coins = write_int(file_font8x8w, 144, 15, 2, &player_coins); font_world = write_int(file_font8x8w, 196, 15, 0, &player_world); font_level = write_int(file_font8x8w, 212, 15, 0, &player_level); font_time = write_int(file_font8x8w, 276, 15, 1, &player_time); /* Code: Game */ loop //file_screen = load_fpg("screens.fpg"); player_dead = false; player_win = false; program_continue = false; setup_level(player_level); while (not program_continue); frame; end file = file_extras; graph = 1; x = 0; y = 0; time_count = 0; fade_on(); while (game) time_count ++; if (time_count > 25) time_count = 0; player_time --; if (player_time < 1) player_dead = true; program_continue = false; break; end; end if (key(_esc)) player_dead = true; program_continue = false; break; end frame; end while (not program_continue); frame; end if (player_dead) player_lives --; if (player_lives < 0) font_gamestatus = write(file_font8x16w, 160, 100, 1, "game over"); frame(10000); fade_off(); frame(2000); delete_text(font_gamestatus); break; end end fade_off(); frame(2000); //stop_scroll(0); end /* Code: Uninitial the game */ delete_text(font_coins); delete_text(font_level); delete_text(font_lives); delete_text(font_score); delete_text(font_time); delete_text(font_world); graph = 0; frame; end end

Try, please, even to generate an EXE uncommenting the calls to STOP_SCROLL and compare if the memory levels are different.

RKSoft - 7-2-2017 at 01:24 PM

Same problem!!!

And, the file_screen = load_fpg(...) must be inside the loop because in-game it deletes something in the hardmap and at a restart it will be needed. ;)
And, why not stop_scroll(0)? Did you think thats can be the error?

@this ram bug
why is the ram when the program is running under the DIV editor at ~12MB and compiled ~1.4GB?`I think the bug is in the compiler or in a DLL.

CicTec - 7-2-2017 at 02:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Same problem!!!

And, the file_screen = load_fpg(...) must be inside the loop because in-game it deletes something in the hardmap and at a restart it will be needed. ;)
And, why not stop_scroll(0)? Did you think thats can be the error?

Ok, It was to carry out some tests.

STOP_SCROLL is not necessary if you reuse a call to START_SCROLL in the same window, as if invoked, implicitly makes an automatic STOP_SCROLL and then re-creates the window with the new parameters.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

@this ram bug
why is the ram when the program is running under the DIV editor at ~12MB and compiled ~1.4GB?`I think the bug is in the compiler or in a DLL.

Probably the bug is in the RELEASE version of the core, or in the packing system, the IDE does not use the packing system and how core uses the DEBUG version (for the debugger, etc ...), so maybe see this difference.

As suggestions for your tutorials, when you create a single instance of a type of process (eg Player) do not use COLLISION(TYPE name), because this has to find the process in all of the active processes list, get the ID with player_id = player (...), then uses COLLISION(player_id), this makes your programs more efficient.

[Edited on 7-2-2017 by CicTec]

CicTec - 8-2-2017 at 01:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

Found follow bugs:
- PNG, GIF, JPEG doesn't work, why?

Hello RKSoft,

You may specify please in more detail the things you mean by "not working", where these formats do not work?

RKSoft - 9-2-2017 at 07:27 PM

All, PNG, GIF, JPEG doesn't work in loading maps or as background for DIV ;). It tells me filetype not recognised. It only work BMP, PCX or map.

Tested with the latest nightly build, too: div-beta-nightly-2017-02-08-fb9d1ac228-win32

[Edited on 9-2-2017 by RKSoft]

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