Ok, good tip, thanks!
I was messing around with divdx yesterday but ran into some troubles. I got an error for a few lines of code that didn't make sense. The error
persisted even when commenting out large blocks of code, so I' relatively sure its a bug. I'll try the nightly build approach.
But I did notice that I was heavily using Fenix-only concepts, which unfortunately don't work in DivDX. So I've had to back port 5000+ lines of code.
Here's a list of what seems to be missing ( I might be forgetting a few ):
* Size_x and Size_y for horizontal and vertical scaling
* substr() to get a substring
* signal_all() instead of signalling specific processes
* Various options for controlling songs and sounds.
Also, I found that I couldn't import DLL's? Is this a known issue? |