Megaman Level by Tifu - Play online or download for free! :: DIV-ARENA - The home of DIV GAMES STUDIO!

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Megaman Level

by Tifu

Uploaded on 10th Dec 2001 - Downloaded 2291 times


I started work on this yesterday... and im quite impressed with what I have so far. A small working level, X runs jumps shoots clings to walls and all that stuff. Even has some enemies to fight... its early in the works, yet still least I think so


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Name Comment
MuscleMan cool game keep goin make it a full megaman clone that would be good to see, just hope ya dont get sick of workin on it cos i did :(
Peter good work keep it up jimmy or else
Futgiz Just downloading it - anyway why it is on Game Over if it isnt ready yet? :P
Tifu game Over? I submitted it to the WIP section, which is where I see it...? Hm, anyway... the game's coming along fine (albeit slowly...) so... thanks for the comments or something...
Jace probably better than i will ever make. good job, but can you make X shoot a little faster and have sound?
Tifu I thought he was shooting faster then the original as it was? The game has been sped up a little since I released this beta, and of course it will have sound :) I just always put that in last for some reason...
Tifu Just so you know, I aint quit on the game. It's going great and is almost finished... unfortunately the end product might be too large to upload to GameOver. As I loaded it with background music and a bunch of levels ^___^ hehe, it shall be great, just wait MWAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!
Tovi Very nice... few glitches here and there, but has great potential. Looking forward to the full version. (I'm also making a game like this, which ALSO uses capcom graphics, what a coincidence, huh? ^_^ Up for some competition? Bah, yours is better anyway)
Nik sweet game

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