Dragonball Z: The Game by MOS studios - Play online or download for free! :: DIV-ARENA - The home of DIV GAMES STUDIO!

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Dragonball Z: The Game

by MOS studios

Uploaded on 31st Mar 2001 - Downloaded 22837 times


Destroy the enemy with energy balls.Not just for fans of the TV program.Single and Multiplayer mode included


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Name Comment
Francisco Costa The graphics aren't bad, but the game is not very good... Maybe if you add some estrategy stuff, like wind...you know what i mean
J^miC its pretty good i would recommend this game if you don't want to use to much space on ur hard drive
James Kemp It was absoloutely rubbish! It is the worst game I have ever played in my whole entire life!
Martin ACtualy if you wouldnt mind e-mailing baricevicm@aol.com and telling me how to get it to actualy start then i can rate i!I tried all the files on the disk i saved it to please help me some one if you here me!
Martin Finaly i got it to work and i think its great for a new game maby you could add different attacks for each player and maby and like francisco sez add different elements and then you could add lvs like to the players and to the game like lv 1 freeza lv 2 android 19 excetra
marty Tinaaz10 and for the subject right for your bro to read k!
PZ13 Hey, i think this is pretty good for a WIP. I think the instant transmission is pretty cool also.. good work!
Angel :):):)
jtwerkz its a bit boring but its alright to play once in a blue.
Htbaa The enemy has unlimited KI, and that sucks!
Chibi Cell Gimme more
Boo more, more, more!
The Programmers of D Master Joshi (Jos Scheper)& The Eternal Dragon (Mart Slot)
SP AD G The game's not too shaby.I like it.WELL DONE!!!
Vegeta SSJ-4 The graphics are poor the concept is bad plus there are too many limitations.
Drussviper Cool man Jos, heb je mooi gemaakt. Mail je me even als je de 3D versie gemaakt hebt??
Master Joshi patience my dbz-friends
ggggggggggggans he snoz je lees dit wel he
mark james yo it waz graet but u need more charactors
Carlos it's cool, but it could of been better!
newgamer The graphics make it look bad, and the gameplay is not there at all! why call it "the" game? Rated: 1/10

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