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There are a set of quick start tutorials on the forum, check them out here

Benko sent in another Tutorial, this one is on hardness maps and covers:
Creating an animated character, Creating a scroll, and Collision detection with hardness maps. You can download it here (currently not available)

Here is a small program to demonstrate the use of the roll_palette command. Grab the zip here

Benko sent in a tutorial on how to make a sprite that moves in circles. Great reading, get it here

Michael Sexton has done it again, get his updated RPG tutorial here

Michael Sexton has answered your calls about an RPG tutorial, which goes into depth about how you should start writing your very own RPG. Download it, and discuss ideas this on our message board. Thanks again to Michael for this.

Mike Milne sent in Mode7 tutorial, containing all you need to get to grips with rotating and scrolling. Some knowledge of DIV is required, but very little. Download it here .

Charles Wardlaw sent in a tutorial and guide to making your first game! This is aimed at the total beginner, and goes through a useful set of steps to creating your own masterpiece.

Some of the things included in this tutorial are:

  • Adding dual parallax scrolling starfields
  • Make powerups fall
  • Creating 3way shots
  • Collisions
  • Smart bombs
Download it here

The first contribution to this section is more of a QUICK START GUIDE than a Tutorial, and is designed to help ease you into DGS. Commissioned by FastTrak Software and written by Shane Monroe,  this should help you people in a big way. A big respect out to Shane!!

Download PDF version - 1.2mb (requires adobe acrobat reader)

The second set of tutorials was submitted to us by John of Fore-Go Gaming. Its in html format, and guides you through creating your first game. Many thanks to John for this tutorial.

Download Zipped html files

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