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The Forum
This is the place to see whats happening, and to place bug reports. Also to suggest things to add/remove from the forum.
5 21
30-1-2018 at 03:12 PM
by RKSoft
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Folder Competitions  
Check out the latest DIV competition! Big prizes on offer.
Sub-Forums: Code Golf
7 105
1-1-2023 at 10:06 PM
by ahmok
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Folder News  
News and Comments.... Long overdue.
8 274
8-9-2019 at 11:06 AM
by MikeDX
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Folder User News  
If you have news to post, post it here as a new thread, and if it is good enough, it will be moved to the regular news forum to be posted on the front page.
5 20
3-1-2020 at 07:00 AM
by ahmok
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Folder DIV's future  
See the latest news into DIV's future.
5 86
14-11-2024 at 08:48 PM
by golfishdev
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Folder General Discussion  
Talk about anything DIV related, but keep the topics away from those which would be discussed in specific boards. For example dont post coding questions here.
Sub-Forums: DIV
41 293
27-4-2021 at 09:40 PM
by CicTec
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Folder Beginners  
New to DIV? try here and help each other out
12 72
23-2-2022 at 11:30 AM
by Vortigano
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Folder Hardcore Coders  
For the more experienced coders amongst you
8 62
6-7-2019 at 08:21 PM
by Vortigano
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Folder Technical Q&A  
Technical questions and answers, need we say more?
32 271
14-11-2024 at 08:47 PM
by golfishdev
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Folder Remakes  
This is the place to post requests or announcements about remakes of classic games.
2 17
1-1-2017 at 01:43 PM
by dom cook
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Folder Code-along with Mike  

Sub-Forums: Tutor 0 - Space shooter!, Tutor 1 - Platfom Game
10 78
5-10-2017 at 07:20 PM
by MikeDX
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Folder WIPS  
The place to discuss the recently uploaded WIP uploads
25 507
11-3-2022 at 10:45 PM
by MikeDX
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Folder Code Snippets  

Sub-Forums: DLLs
22 265
21-4-2021 at 05:10 AM
by CicTec
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Folder Finished Games  
The discussion board for the latest GAME OVER games. Try it!
8 54
19-10-2021 at 09:50 AM
by MikeDX
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Folder Resource Sharing  
Offer your skills or look for people with skills you need!
9 41
23-8-2021 at 11:22 AM
by MikeDX
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Folder DIV 1 + 2 (DOS)  
Discuss the classic DOS versions of DIV
3 13
22-12-2017 at 10:50 PM
by CicTec
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Folder DIV 2 (Modern)  
Discuss the modern port of DIV2 (8bit)
1 2
28-2-2016 at 01:28 AM
by MikeDX
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Folder DIV 3 (DX)  
Discuss the latest generation of DIV GAMES STUDIO!
Sub-Forums: DIV Windows, DIV Linux, DIV OSX, DIV Android, DIV 3DS, DIV Raspberry Pi, DIV HTML/JS, DIV iPhone / iPad (IOS), DIV GCW Zero, DIV Pandora, DIV PSP
40 530
12-5-2019 at 04:05 AM
by BreadCaster
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Folder Screenshots  
Post your screenshots here of your upcoming games. Anything unsuitable that is posted will be removed.
19 232
30-11-2023 at 05:24 PM
by CicTec
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Folder Time Out  
Doesnt have to be DIV related, just somewhere to post jokes, and have some fun.
77 525
11-5-2024 at 02:33 AM
by DarioDpt8
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