DIV Beta 12 for OSX released
Please test out Beta 12 for OSX.
DIV Beta 12 OSX (preview)
If this works I will promote it to the downloads page.
It works locally, but as we know that means nothing :P
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I have just compiled and ran the Columns remake and everything (inc sound) seems to be working.
For anybody having trouble running the OSX build, you may need to make sure you have the SDL libraries installed. The easiest thing is to use Homebrew:
on the command line run
Code: | brew install sdl
brew install sdl_mixer |
once these are installed DIV should run fine
I'm fairly sure it's possible to put those frameworks into the app bundle itself but so far I've had little luck getting that to work.
But this is a great step - that version of DIV should be pretty solid!
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I tried to run Div Dx on OSX Captain 10.11.6 and after installing brew and sdl / sql_mixer still doesn't work. It says it's not comptabile with O.S.
version: "Div2015 no puede abrirse debido a un problema. Consulte al desarrollador para asegurarse de que div2015 es compatible con esta versión de
OS X. Es posible que tenga que reinstalar la aplicación. Asegúrese de instalar todas las actualizaciones disponibles para la aplicación y para
Haga clic en Informar para ver información más detallada y enviar un informe a Apple."
Any clue?
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Hi josepgames,
Maybe you installed a version that does not match the build DIV, which SDL/SDL_Mixer version you have installed ?
You have installed Beta 12 I think, because Beta 13 is not available for Mac yet.
[Edited on 9-11-2016 by CicTec]
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Yes of course it was Beta 12. I installed SDL / SQL Mixer after installing latest version of brew and executing brew install sdl commands.
Josep my mac isnt working at the moment but I am looking at a cross compile solution which uses libs from the other package manager.
Maybe you can test for me?
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Quote: Originally posted by josepgames  | Yes of course it was Beta 12. I installed SDL / SQL Mixer after installing latest version of brew and executing brew install sdl commands.
Ok, but which version you have installed, for example if you have installed SDL 1.2.15 on your system and the last DIV was built with SDL 1.2.14 It
may not work.
Which version of SDL/SDL_mixer you have installed ?
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SDL version 1.2.15 and sdl_mixer-1.2.12 version.
And when running d-OSX returns following error:
Code: | /d-OSX
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/SDL.framework/Versions/A/SDL
Referenced from: /Volumes/div2015/div2015.app/Contents/MacOS/./d-OSX
Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap: 5 |
It seems it's unable to locate SDL library path properly... any clue?
[Edited on 14-12-2016 by josepgames]
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Hey guys. Ive managed to get this version of DIVDX running okay finally - but the issue is that whenever I try to run any kind of program, even a
simple example program, I get a message pop up inside Div saying "Insufficient memory." Is this an issue with my laptop or just how Div is set
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
i think i have this same problem but div just quits straight away for me
i will see if i can track this down
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okay so this is likely to be a div issue - not a laptop issue. phew! thought id have to buy a new lappy for a bit :P was browsing the £50 and under
section on ebay haha
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  | i think i have this same problem but div just quits straight away for me
i will see if i can track this down |
Any progress as of yet, Mikey? Looking at some eBay laptops and wondering if I should make a move
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~