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TownX 3D (working title)
Hayhay everyone!! Happy Holidayz!!! :D
So I started working on a mode 8 first-person horror adventure prototype recently and it's now at the stage where I can release a few early
As many people here now I've been experimenting with mode 8 and what you can do with it for a while now and this is the latest in a series of attempts
to create something immersive and enjoyable using the old engine.
For anyone keeping count, this is the sixth prototype that I've made and that's not including the mode 8 tech demo that I released last year but with each attempt I improved and honed the functions that I had made and also
created some new ones many of these are now in used in this new prototype that im posting about here which for the moment I'm calling the Haunted town
prototype or TownX 3D prototype (remember that, Dennis? :p )
Current features are:
* A fully working inventory with an equipped slot, the option to drop items (and pick them back up again!) As well as swap items around in the
inventory and also inspect them up close
* Swinging doors that can be locked and require use of keys to open
* Original hand drawn pixel art texture work ( as I realised this works better with the old mode 8 engine!)
* Sprint bar that becomes repleated when walking
* 3d sound emitters
* "Two sided" sprite bars, which can be used for things like signs, banners etc
Planned future features are first-person survival combat solvable environmental puzzles and inventory puzzles and a diary / to do list which fills up
as you venture around the town - oh yes and a proper name as well :p
Hope to have a working demo of this out soon! 
- BC
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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Wowowowow!!!!! the white fog looks creepy ... it reminds me maybe of Silent Hill.
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Hi BreadCaster,
Really fantastic, you are trying to exploit all the potential and beyond of mode8, keep it up, we hope to see a playable demo soon.
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Hello, hello, it looks very nice
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Thank you all for the positive feedback!! 
@Vortigano - yes, Silent Hill is a big inspiration as it was with
the original TownX that Dennis made, I believe.
@Cictec - yep, trying to do as best as i can in mode 8 - the only thing is that because im using colored zfog there will be a limit to how much work i
can do on it until the set_env_color function is fixed, because I need to use it and at present it stops load_wld working as I posted about in this thread! ). 
Have another screenshot! The sign on the outside of that building reads "CONDEMNED KEEP OUT", by the way
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  |
@Cictec - yep, trying to do as best as i can in mode 8 - the only thing is that because im using colored zfog there will be a limit to how much work i
can do on it until the set_env_color function is fixed, because I need to use it and at present it stops load_wld working as I posted about in this thread! ). 
Yes I understand, I unfortunately have not yet been able to try the example for the bug, I also wait to see how the situation of the code updates can
be resolved.
You're doing an excellent job.
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Very cool indeed! I love this. I remember being completely obsessed with Mode8 all those years ago when I was making my DIV shooter Phoenix Ashes.
I specifically remember wanting to have 2 sided transparent signs like you've made, so I'm stoked somebody's actually implemented it - good work!
Keep sharing!
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Quote: Originally posted by Casper  | Very cool indeed! I love this. I remember being completely obsessed with Mode8 all those years ago when I was making my DIV shooter Phoenix Ashes.
I specifically remember wanting to have 2 sided transparent signs like you've made, so I'm stoked somebody's actually implemented it - good work!
Keep sharing! |
Thanks Casper!!!! it took a bit of poking about but i was able to sort it out - altho i still really should implement non horizontal/vertical
spritebars, so i can place them diagonally, hahah. now that really would be tough :p
Mode 8 can be a tempermental [Censored], but generally once you learn where the bugs are its pretty consistant and you can work out a
reason for it glitching. Im currently in the middle of reprogramming the flickering/blinking light process from scratch to be more flexible and less
of a nightmare/easier to work with
All ill be releasing at first is the completed section of the town with a basic menu and a few puzzles. Therell be at least one "Unavailable in demo"
invisible wall somewhere due to me wanting to be able to link this map to another one once the set_env_color bug is fixed.
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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as a result of Cictecs fantastic support:
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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A really impressive work, especially if we consider the use of only 256 colors (8bit), congratulations, BreadCaster.
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Hermoso trabajo, se ve genial
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So, ive not worked much on this for a lil while - the main issue Im having is lots of black lines glitching all over the map, which are a real pain to
fix. I think Ive worked out what causes them, but sadly its gonna mean im going to have to do a LOT of work fixing the .WLD so they dont show up I really wish Mode8 didnt have this bug!!
Anyway aside from that the main map is finished. Theres a few invisible walls that throw up a "Not available in demo" message but aside from that it's
fully explorable. I've still yet to add: 1) close up "inspect" images of the collectable items 2) texture one interior room 3) add a few more puzzles
4) add a texture animating function for the tops of sliding boxes/crates.
Sadly though I can't create a working install of the game, it simply bugs out and crashes aftar the "DivDX! make your own games" screen - even when i
disable all sound
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
Is there an error log you can paste? I can try to fix it
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Code: |
found file: packfile.pak
divz open file: [packfile.pak]
loaded zip: 378180 C:\Users\user\Desktop\TOWNX3D\TOWNX3D_NOSOUND\TOWNX3D_NOSOUND.EXE 209569
Looking for packfile.pak
Read 628939 of 628939 byte
zipptr 2240020, len: 628939
TESTING packfile.pak
FOUND PAK IN ZIP packfile.pak
Opening Audio Device
compiled with SDL_mixer version: 1.2.12
running with SDL_mixer version: 1.2.12
divz open file: [packfile.pak]
loaded zip: 3784b0 C:\Users\user\Desktop\TOWNX3D\TOWNX3D_NOSOUND\TOWNX3D_NOSOUND.EXE 209569
Looking for packfile.pak
Read 628939 of 628939 byte
zipptr 2240020, len: 628939
divz open file: [packfile.pak]
loaded zip: 3784b0 C:\Users\user\Desktop\TOWNX3D\TOWNX3D_NOSOUND\TOWNX3D_NOSOUND.EXE 209569
Looking for packfile.pak
Read 628939 of 628939 byte
zipptr 2240020, len: 628939
divz open file: [NoEntryFence.FPG]
loaded zip: 3784b0 C:\Users\user\Desktop\TOWNX3D\TOWNX3D_NOSOUND\TOWNX3D_NOSOUND.EXE 209569
Looking for NoEntryFence.FPG
divz open file: [fpg/noentryfence.fpg]
loaded zip: 3784b0 C:\Users\user\Desktop\TOWNX3D\TOWNX3D_NOSOUND\TOWNX3D_NOSOUND.EXE 209569
Looking for fpg/noentryfence.fpg
This is for the version without sound - i mean, ideally id like to distribute the demo WITH sound as it's got some great music and effects :/
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
That's weird there's nothing there. Any other logs?
If you send me the prg etc i could try to reproduce it here and run it with gdb
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Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  | That's weird there's nothing there. Any other logs?
If you send me the prg etc i could try to reproduce it here and run it with gdb |
alrighty - will do via U2U - the version with, or without sound? 
[Edited on 2-3-2018 by BreadCaster]
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
Lets do with, and I'll see how that goes
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Sent u it via U2U/Sendspace
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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Hi Mike - just to check, did u get it OK?
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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The dirty git is partying in Vegas I hear.
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Naughty MikeDX indeed. Does this thread get an update?
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heads up - this hasnt been done yet because I still havent had access to the PC this was made on after we moved flats. As soon as its all set up I'll
send it all over to Mike and see if its possible to get it compiled it to a web version
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~