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To make it easier for you, I created the ZIP with the files, simply follow these steps:
1) Install the update you find on the first page of the thread in a clean and empty folder.
2) download those ZIPs and unzip it in the clean folder where you have just installed this build of DIV.
So try running the d-WINDOWS command directly and possibly from the console as explained in the previous post.
[Edited on 21-2-2019 by CicTec]
[Edited on 21-2-2019 by CicTec]
[Edited on 21-2-2019 by CicTec]
Attachment: (309kB) This file has been downloaded 990 times
[Edited on 21-2-2019 by CicTec]
Attachment: (690kB) This file has been downloaded 971 times
[Edited on 21-2-2019 by CicTec]
dom cook
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Still no luck!
I ran from cmd.exe (if that's what you mean by command console)
I got a message saying d-WINDOWS is not recognised as an external command, operable program or batch file...
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Really very strange, I tried this same procedure and everything works fine.
Regarding the use from the command prompt, you have to position yourself in the folder where the d-WINDOWS.exe file is located and type this in the
console, including the extension.
for example if you install DIV in C:\DIV you need to do:
1) start cmd.exe.
2) go to DIV folder with CD command: cd\DIV
3) once in the directory you should see this prompt: C:\DIV>, so type: d-WINDOWS.exe (the file must be in this folder to be executed).
Could you post screenshots of the folder where you installed this build of DIV? (root folder and system folder).
Which version of Windows are you using?
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I have made all the screenshots of the necessary folders and files (root, system, and help), below:
root folder:
system folder:
help folder:
By double clicking on d-WINDOWS.exe you can see the execution screenshot:
Also I am running DIV (build for Windows) from Linux with WINE, and as you can see everything works here too.
dom cook
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OK Success!
I noticed I was missing a few libraries in the new system folder. Then I had the help folder inside a help folder. But It's working now.
Thanks for your patience and perseverence.
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Great, thanks to you for continuing to try.
Please report back to us when possible, the feedback from this build (compared to the last one you were using) so that we can determine which source
code is the most stable to update the official repository.
dom cook
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Well it certainly feels smooth, good work
I have found my first bug.
It doesn't recognise the 'load_sound' command either in my program or in the built in example.
The one I'm using from feb 2016 works fine with this.
[Edited on 21-2-2019 by dom cook]
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load_sound is a new name, in this build only originals DIV2 names are availables, for now you can replace it with load_wav.
dom cook
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!Bug Report!
Ok, I've been playing with this build this morning and I've found a couple of niggling little bugs.
1. After using the map editor the ink colour for numbers sometimes changes to black. I would prefer a black background in the prg editor so, while
not a major problem, this is a bit of a pain.
2. I usually have to drag maps into the fpg window more than once to get them to save in it.
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Hi dom,
This build does not contain any changes / improvements to the IDE (except the packager generator), but only the core (compiler, interpreter and
runtime library), so these bugs should also be present in previous builds.
Thanks anyway for the report, we will put them in the list of bugs to be corrected.
For the rest, have you encountered problems running programs, code, functions, etc ...?
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Quote: Originally posted by dom cook | !Bug Report!
1. After using the map editor the ink colour for numbers sometimes changes to black. I would prefer a black background in the prg editor so, while
not a major problem, this is a bit of a pain.
Yes, I think that it happens when changing the palette in all the divdx builds, (edit: only inside the divdx ide system).
[Edited on 27-2-2019 by Vortigano]
dom cook
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Missing Buttons
Hi Cic Tec, I've been using your build for a little while now and so far haven't met with any big problems. Having said that, one slightly annoying
feature has recently manifested. The button to continue from the last session that should appear when DIV is opened seems to have disappeared. This
could potentially cause loss of maps etc if the program crashes before they are saved.
[Edited on 4-3-2019 by dom cook]
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Hi dom,
Mmmm ok, this should be about something of the IDE that has not really been touched, but a review would not hurt, I do not find the problem in the
same build for Linux, maybe missing some files, I'll review it and if I find something I inform you.
For the rest, thanks for the report.
dom cook
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Quote: Originally posted by CicTec | Hi dom,
Mmmm ok, this should be about something of the IDE that has not really been touched, but a review would not hurt, I do not find the problem in the
same build for Linux, maybe missing some files, I'll review it and if I find something I inform you.
For the rest, thanks for the report. |
Hi again,
I did a bit of amateur system analysis to try and figure out this problem, by which I mean I started deleting files out of the system folder. I
started with the ones beginning with 's' like session and startup and although this got me back to the screen where you put your name in, it still
didn't return the 'continue' button.
After that, I decided that my best bet was to get rid of files with 'exec' in the name, and hey presto! I got my button back.
Anyway I'm posting a couple of zipped folders containing the stuff I deleted in case you want to ananlyse it.
Attachment: pesky exec (14kB) This file has been downloaded 970 times
Attachment: Suspected (301kB) This file has been downloaded 968 times
[Edited on 8-3-2019 by dom cook]
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Hi dom.
Thanks for the tests ...
I looked at the files.
The first ZIP contains the EXEC (as you mentioned) which are the files that are created when you compile and run a program.
The file is a config file that stores user information during the first boot phase.
The second ZIP contains the setup files you need when you create a packeger, start a program, etc ... and session files store everything you leave
open in the IDE (PRG, menus, editors, maps, etc ...)
It can happen sometimes that some files are saved badly, this can cause errors like the one you got, so when you install a new version if you
encounter problems, the order of operations to do are:
1) manually delete all EXEC.EXT files.
2) if the first point does not solve the problem, delete the setup.ext files, and session.ext, this will delete the entire saved session (as explained
3) if the first two points do not solve, delete to completely reset the first phase of startup and config of the environment.
[Edited on 8-3-2019 by CicTec]
dom cook
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Good job. Thanks.
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Quote: Originally posted by dom cook | !Bug Report!
1. After using the map editor the ink colour for numbers sometimes changes to black. I would prefer a black background in the prg editor so, while
not a major problem, this is a bit of a pain.
Hello, I am very busy studying, but I think I have found a clue about what causes the problem with the ide and the graphic editor.
in the ide menu:
MAIN_MENU -> SYSTEM -> CONFIGURATION -> program_editor.numbers = color_index.
after i apply soften FX to my map, when i return to the code editor the program_editor.numbers_color seem to be seted to 0 so the ide will paint it
using transparent color. Something like this:
MAIN_MENU -> SYSTEM -> CONFIGURATION -> program_editor.numbers = 0.
Anyway the ide sometimes works fine although the "program_editor.numbers_color" says transparent color. When i return from running some program or
restart the ide the problem is corrected.
dom cook
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Good detective work Vortigano. Good luck with the studying, don't overdo it.
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Quote: Originally posted by Vortigano | Quote: Originally posted by dom cook | !Bug Report!
1. After using the map editor the ink colour for numbers sometimes changes to black. I would prefer a black background in the prg editor so, while
not a major problem, this is a bit of a pain.
Hello, I am very busy studying, but I think I have found a clue about what causes the problem with the ide and the graphic editor.
in the ide menu:
MAIN_MENU -> SYSTEM -> CONFIGURATION -> program_editor.numbers = color_index.
after i apply soften FX to my map, when i return to the code editor the program_editor.numbers_color seem to be seted to 0 so the ide will paint it
using transparent color. Something like this:
MAIN_MENU -> SYSTEM -> CONFIGURATION -> program_editor.numbers = 0.
Anyway the ide sometimes works fine although the "program_editor.numbers_color" says transparent color. When i return from running some program or
restart the ide the problem is corrected.
Hi Vortigano,
Probably there will be some bugs somewhere that causes this problem, all the interested parties should be analyzed.
Thanks for the report.
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