Nightly Build server
We now have automated nightly builds being uploaded to the site.
If you're into playing with the cutting edge version of code and want to help bugfix the very latest from the DIV beta stables, please check them out.
Currently automated builds are being made for windows 32bit and linux 64bit with more to come.
The build server runs at midnight every night, allowing you to wake up to fresh DIV every morning.
So, grab them whilst they're hot!
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Very nice! The URL however seems to be dead .
Fixed now.
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For anyone on Arch Linux - The binary complained about libjpeg6 not being around, installing this from the AUR fixed it: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/libjpeg6-turbo/
After that it showed up and I wrote and executed a black screen program from memory - it ran! :D
Good tip and well done :D
Not heard of anyone running it on arch, you must be the first!
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Cool! When releases start getting a little more stable I'll be happy to look after an AUR package for it.
Awesome. There's probably going to be a couple more betas of this current version, then it will go stable and the HD / 3D / High colour version will
become the main branch
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Another Arch user! Fist bumps are in order.
Also, I didn't have that problem, though I already have these:
Code: |
% yaourt -Ss libjpeg
extra/libjpeg-turbo 1.4.2-2 [installed]
JPEG image codec with accelerated baseline compression and decompression
multilib/lib32-libjpeg-turbo 1.4.2-1 [installed]
libjpeg derivative with accelerated baseline JPEG compression and decompression (32-bit)
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Hey Sand *high five* :D
Yeah I had the 64bit libjpg-turbo and it wasn't happy with that, so it's possible that the lib32 one delivers a usable library for whatever reason. I
think I saw a couple of posts of people trying to run other software that required it fixing it by pulling that in - but I like to avoid relying on
multilib where possible!
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Runs beautifully on Windows! I about shat myself when it compiled and ran High Octane and Trigger Happy without a hitch.
Crossing my fingers for Pamuchi and Galactic Assault including the PRG source.
Woody, have you tried resizing the IDE window?
Game Making Machine!
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Mike, Mike, Miky :D
The URL is dead again.
is it working now?
Game Making Machine!
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yes, it works now thx
DIV Junior

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Hola Mikedx,en que post se pone los bugs que encuentras en div?¿?
He bajado la ultima beta div-beta-nightly-2016-03-13-ad8cec2a04-win32 y me sale este error

Con esta ultima version aunque utilice el cmd... ya no puedo abrir fpg porque se cierra la aplicacion y no puedo crear fpg porque simplemente le doy
en aceptar,pero no crea nada.
Very strange!
I will run this on my windows 7 and see what results I get. I've had some reports back saying it works well.
This error looks like its trying to open your cd drive, or floppy drive
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No se el motivo del error,la beta anterior me funciona bien,lo descomprimo en la unidad que esta windows xp y da este error y despues no puedo hacer
fpgs ni abrirlos cuando antes si podia con cmd...
I will try again in windows 7 and see if i can find a fix for you 
was this beta11b or a nightly??
DIV Junior

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Windows beta 11b , div-beta-nightly-2016-03-14-3ccdd116e4-win32.zip y div-beta-nightly-2016-03-13 dan ese error.
Im fairly certain DIV is trying to read the drive to get the free space and failing - which it shouldn't do anyway so I will remove that code.
As for not loading an FPG - that is a little crazy!
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Some feedback from my Windows 10 machine:
The FPG loading seems to have been fixed in the latest version (beta 11). I had the same problem. Also not able to view the files when click the file
type seems to work fine (on windows 10 here)
When I press F10 the game starts but it is "unfocused" and I need to press "alt+tab" and click the icon of the launched program in my windows taskbar.
Random crashes seem to occur less also. 
PS: I didn't know we had ISIS emoticons!
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Ohmy, I wonder how this is going to affect arab spam 
Before I'm named head racist; arab spam was a problem at Booleansoup, you racist scum! Whoever you are that is, you racist scum.
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Quote: Originally posted by iWizard  |
Ohmy, I wonder how this is going to affect arab spam 
Before I'm named head racist; arab spam was a problem at Booleansoup, you racist scum! Whoever you are that is, you racist scum.
Specially Processed Arabic Meat
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
DIV Junior

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It's a nice feature that we can test the latest compilation. Well done Mike