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RIP FLANK, Long live CyberCrisis!
Hey everyone!
So I was just going through the external hard drive of my PC, as I needed to get a few files and the PC itself is off being repaired (power supply
blew out the motherboard) - and I found a few old screenshots of a game that I was, and still am, working on.
There's a bit of a story here, so if it's too TL;DR then just skip straight to the end to see the pictures. :p
So a little while ago, back in 2012 - I decided I wanted to start work on a little tank game just for my own amusement, which I titled FLANK. As
always, it got out of hand, and though it was perfectly playable and actually quite a bit of fun, I lost all enthusiasm and stopped developing it.
Then more recently, after having a stroke of inspiration after completing the first Hotline Miami, I've been reworking FLANK into
CyberCrisis, which is basically a reskin with a few different features (some new ones added in and some old ones taken away) and bug
fixes, inspired by the futuristic world that James Cameron introduced us to in the movies Terminator and Terminator 2 - a rubble strewn, blue washed
landscape where humans in jeeps and cyborgs with laser rifles battle over the fate of humanity (and which McGee totally failed to deliver on in the
more recent and [Censored]-tier Terminator films, which I will never forgive him for).

However, as I still can't get any screenshots of the new build until my PC is up and running again, enjoy these old pictures of FLANK, in its former
glory. It was a straight faced military style shooter, with such features as:
- Collect scrap from your fallen enemies and trade it in for cash!
- Repair your tank and buy new weapons using the ingame shop!
- An infinitely scrolling, non-repeating landscape! (the terrain objects are consistently in the same place, yet the playing field is infinite)
- Complete objectives to grant you even more cash!
- Auto aiming weaponry!
- In game CD player! :p
CyberCrisis will feature all of this and more, provided I get my rig back sometime soon. 

- BC
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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Looks good! Can't wait to drive a tank with CD player!
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Neat. Makes me wonder, does the new DIV support 24 bit colour yet?
Not yet but not far away now.. 32 bit is probably happening sooner rather than later
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Just wondering, you can fade the screen, but can you fade the screen except for a HUD? Difficult to explain but I think you know what I mean.
Fade works by changing the palette
you could fade the background by sequentially overlaying a black transparent box (using xput) over the background image(s)
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i just have a black translucent process that appears underneath the sidebar :p although I think it's actually part of the freezeorunfreezeall()
process so it's not particularly inefficient, that needs to be called anyway haha
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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What I might do - possibly - is release a first version for Bennu, and then later release an "uncut & enhanced" version for DivDX with improved
graphics and more features. This is providing, of course, that DivDX actually gets 32 bit colour within a timely fashion! :P
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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I can't wait for your uncut version!
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.... :| are we seriously going there dennis
are we
after last time
and your plubus
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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So I finally managed to get Bennu working on a virtual machine, thanks to the good folks at the BennuGD forum A bit too late to take part in Ludum Dare though.
However, I did manage to get a working build of CyberCrisis together, so have a screenshot 

~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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More screenshots!
I've been procrastinating getting the actual parts that matter done by adding more weapons to the shop! YAY

Above: Engaging a Drone tank in battle. These are one of the two standard level enemies flung at you quite regularly early on in the game.

Above: Popped into the ingame shop while a BFG tank is busy kicking my ass. You really want to avoid these guys. BTW the costs in the shop aren't
final, the shotgun turret will cost far more than $25 in the final release 
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~