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Hello everybody 
Well, I am working on a few things at the moment (most of them not DIV related though I am in the process of actively working on one game from time to
time). Most of my creative energy is now spent on digital & paper based art and fashion/apparel design 
Having said all this, it'd be great to know what games everyone's been playing for fun since the days of DIV-ARENA 1.0! What genres are most of you
into now, and what games have really gotten into?
Personally, if you like adventure games or a really good narrative driven game, I'd recommend The Cat Lady. Throughout my mid to
later teenage years I suffered with (roughly diagnosed and prescribed for) mental health issues, and it's the only game that I've seen that even comes
close to accurately representing those issues in a game (although depression quest, away from all of the controversy and blah blah blah, does an
alright job. But it's not as visceral or hard hitting as The Cat Lady.)
On the other side of the same coin is Hotline Miami, which is simply brilliant and ultraviolent in all the right ways. The mental
illness in the plotline isn't a problem as far as I'm concerned because it's simply a weakness in the character which allows him to be exploited and
used as a pawn for the use of others - he's not cast as a generic Hollywood psycho (except for all the full body hallucinations). The shooting and
twitchy gameplay is just right up my street 
What have all of you been playing? And what year was DIV-ARENA last up? I can't tell what I played since DIV and what overlapped with me still being
on the forum :P
- BreadyTits
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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That's mental! And good to have you back.
Ooh, in-depth views! And ooh, I've played Hotline Miami and yes, it has rather good ideas. I think it became a bit too fast a bit too repeative.
I think the game I've enjoyed the most during DIV-Arena's hibernation has been Terraria. It has an amazing design from the getgo and through out is
such a prime example of what a game should be - an experience. I really consider it essential for anyone interested in game design. Of that sort.
Chivalry is a good bit of fun best enjoyed a few times a month with a friend. On the technical side it's still, years after, buggier than any WIP
here. Sometimes it's frustrating like a <beepboop> because of plain bugs or because it just sucks. Sorry, just thinking about that dreadful
piece of <beepboop> gets my blood flowing; and now I want to play it. I usually play on Black Knight mod servers these days.
Then there's been the usual COD4, BF3/4, Mafia and so forth. New Hitman in a week or so!
I'm guessing this place has been away from 2005 or 2006. Guessing.
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I enjoyed Hotline Miami greatly. The music was also pretty nice; that bass yo.
I am into Rocket League these days. It takes a while to get good at it, but it's quite rewarding I think.
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Elite Dangerous! dang addicting. It gets some bad reviews from people without a brain though.
Left 4 Dead 2 (kinda old?)
Hmm and many others. JRPGS and stuff.
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Yes, games!
I am looking forward to getting an nVidia Shield TV console. Apart from playing, I'm hoping to develop for this console and the handheld version.
This will mean I can stream PC games I cannot be bothered to use keys for/sit in front of the desk with a joypad for. I mean isn't it much better
sitting on the sofa with the big screen TV console style?
I have a list of games I will be revisiting, just my style of play is affected for presently:
Dirt 2
Renegade Ops
Street Fighter 4 (5 perhaps)
Anything else that comes along. Any controller style Android titles?
Has anyone played any PC controller style games recently that I could check out?
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Dennis. As you mention Elite Dangerous again here, check your messages.
I'm willing to put some more time in on that game.
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About those controller games. I recently played Rise Of The Tomb Raider. Not bad, awesome graphics but no sexy costumes and not very innovative
Aside from that:
* 7 days to die (Survival horror crafting game, pretty good for being alpha, has many realistic effects)
* Planetbase (very nice Mars base simulator)
Anyone tried a Vive or Occulus Rift? My gfx card can handle it but I cannot afford 900 eur for a censored headset.