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CD roms poll!
Hey everybody!
So I'm developing this game, and one of the features in the game is going to be (well - it's already programmed in ) is a CD Player in the vehicle you control. You can press the < and > buttons
to switch tracks and M to cycle through the default 4 music loops, turning music off entirely or using the CD Player in game.
Now, this got me thinking. How many people still own PCs with CD-Rom drives? Who would even listen to a music CD in their own computer? So many
systems these days only accept USBs (new Macbooks, I'm looking at you).
I'd like some opinions! If everyone would prefer then I'll try to work out some sort of way to fool the PC into thinking there's a disc in the drive -
when it's actually a playlist of songs on your hard drive (if there's a way of doing this via some sort of external app, please let me know!).
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
I don't think i even own a music cd anymore
Got loads of vinyl though
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hmmm alright. The game does gain something from being played with music, and the 4 music loops that come with it are only 12 seconds long at most -
this is something that doesn't bother me personally, as the gameplay is designed to keep you playing perpetually and is so addicting and engaging you
kind of don't notice it enough for it to get on your nerves (it usually hooks me for about 30 to 40 minutes if I want to have a serious play about.)
Essentially you're given access to an ingame shop from the word go, and all these different interesting weapons and gadgets are on display but you
can't buy them without money - you get money by either achieving objectives or blowing up enemy vehicles and driving over them to collect that scrap
which automatically trades in for money. It creates the dynamic of "man, I can't wait to collect enough scrap to go buy something from the shop", and
then "YESSS auto-targeting minigun, I can't wait to see what this is like to play with!" - meaning you always have something to look forward to
(there's also one time use weapons in the shop which cost a whole lot, but look cool as hell). Between all that I can't find time to get annoyed by
short music loops!
Having said that, that's just my experience. They might drive others up the wall :P
Like I said, you can just press M to cycle through the tracks & music off. I can't seem to find a way to fool your PC into thinking there's a
music CD in the drive when it's really just pointing to a folder or a playlist or something :/
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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Okay - think I might of sussed something out. It seems that might be able to use VirtualCD to "spoof" a folder as a CD rom, if that's the case then
all I need to do is emulate the format that music CDs use for songs and just copy a bunch of tracks to a folder, then use VirtualCD to fool Bennu into
thinking that's the CD in the drive. :D
Having said that, you may simply choose to just not buy the ingame CD player and put a playlist on itunes or something if it's all gonna be so
complicated XD but I still like the idea of having it there for the retro feel, given that the whole game has a pretty old tech feel.
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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You're the king, queen and queer of great ideas!
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If you're using Bennu, why not put a directory with songs in *.ogg format and use load_song() ? unload_song() depending what track you choose in your
"CD player". You may even include a tool in the directory that automatically converts MP3's to OGG, so all people have to do is drag their mp3 files
in that directory (or set of directories, depending how you program it in Bennu)
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Certainly a possibility! I'll add it to the feature list Dennis, thanks :D
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
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You know, this actually got me thinking... How cool would it be to be able to hear your vinyl in-game? Is it even possible? You can capture sound
through AUX, but actually controlling the turntable with DIV or Bennu... That would be interesting.
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Quote: Originally posted by Dennis  |
You know, this actually got me thinking... How cool would it be to be able to hear your vinyl in-game? Is it even possible? You can capture sound
through AUX, but actually controlling the turntable with DIV or Bennu... That would be interesting. |
Interesting /and/ impossible. Great ideas!
Keep 'em coming though in this holy land of nod.