Game Making Machine!
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Registered: 1-3-2016
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Donkey Kong DDX
Donkey Kong DDX is Donkey Kong PC with bug fixes and better graphics. Most of all gfx were changed. Only the level and hud gfx need an update. Some
bugs like jump are fixed. And, the final will have the hammer, of course .
This is my re-entry in the wonderfull world of DIV.

DIV DX Version: Beta 12
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64
It's beautiful 
I have the assets for two modern donkey kongs here. The first is EmuDX

And the other is Doctor Kong

Maybe I could send them to you and you can have more alternative versions
Loyalty Card Holder
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Registered: 26-2-2016
Location: Belgium
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I like the Doctor Who parody 
Nice Work RKSoft it looks splendid! Sie schaffen das! LOL
DIV Junior

Posts: 40
Registered: 27-2-2016
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very good!
my respect!