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Registered: 31-10-2016
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I've seen ports to many platforms but I'd like to ask whether there's the possibility to port to Wii (or Wii U) since Wii has its own HomeBrew
I've read Bennu had the possibility to export games to Wii, since it was born from DIV I think that, perhaps, it could be possible to integrate this
feature to DIV DX 3.
I don't know if I can help you anyhow? I tried contacting Bennu but their website's been down for a while...
[Edited on 7-11-2016 by josepgames]
The Wii is a platform i want to target buy i need to get a Wii setup with homebrew channel first.
Maybe I'll get a chance to look soon. It would be cool to see iy running on there.
Loyalty card holder
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Registered: 31-10-2016
Location: Barcelona - Spain
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Mine has HomeBrewChannel running
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Hello josepgames,
Bennu draws its syntax from DIV, but it is not implemented by its code, is a "remake."
I do not know if you really can DIVDX implementing a homebrew version of the porting without legal problems for these platforms you must have a
software company, to be the official developer and buy / use the official development kit.
Any WII ported to the homebrew should be used only for free use and/or private, depending on the type of license that will DIVDX may not be possible
to include it without problems.
In any case a possible porting of Bennu version should be released under the same license.
I think a form of "unofficial" wii port is doable. Maybe i can make a binary for you to try out until i can get my own wii + homebrew set up.
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Registered: 31-10-2016
Location: Barcelona - Spain
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That would be awesome! Right now I'm just thinking on testing purposes, to see if we can take advantage of Wii mote controller for games.
Mike, I've just seen at GAME are selling refurbished Wiis for 40€ (at least here at Barcelona)!
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Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX ![](images/davis/lastpost.gif) | I think a form of "unofficial" wii port is doable. Maybe i can make a binary for you to try out until i can get my own wii + homebrew set up.
If it was doable then perfect, but we are careful that it can not cause problems in the future.
Loyalty Card Holder
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Registered: 2-3-2016
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Would it be compatible with WiiU as well? Or perhaps the new Nintendo Switch? To give DivDX the best chance of survival, it'd be a good idea to aim
for compatibility with the newer consoles on the market, otherwise it's just going to be another neat little feature that doesn't really give DivDX
the kind of relevance it could really need.
~*~ Princess of Pies and Pastries ~*~
With homebrew on the switch, we could definitely have an unofficial DIVDX for switch.