DIV Junior

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Registered: 14-11-2016
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This is a project I'm carrying on with me long ago; never goin' beyond notes, sketches (both in field notebooks and digital) but never taking final
It started as a mod for Resident Evil 2, but the game limitations quickly put it on ice. Besides, the idea of using old-dusty 3D over pre-rendered won
in my mind after seeing this tech-demo of cancelled game
I looked for 3D engines to go on, and now that DIVDX it's real I gotta go with it. Why? Because I want to get fun while at it. simple. And redime to
that child who wanted to do something cool with DIV.
So, preview picture... IN:

Keep in mind its in early stage, there's no way I'll keep those Tomb Raider textures. The final result it's both unoriginal and too detailed for what
I have in purpose. In addition, this level has been made to refresh memories and to learn how far can I go with mode8 atm... It will NOT be in final
game. The final result must look closer to "Castillo de Llers" (Catalunya).
No assets has been made yet, as I said some hand draws and this.
But I can advance it will be a third person game with only a few particular enemies. Can be labeled as an horror game if you want, but I prefer "eerie
I want it to be simple and effective as Tetris. More updates soon.
Posts: 471
Registered: 6-8-2016
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Hola wasabi,
Pinta interesante el proyecto, esperemos ver pronto una alpha/demo jugable, animo con ello. 
Very interesting project, we hope to soon have an alpha/demo playable, good job.
Game Making Machine!
Posts: 232
Registered: 1-3-2016
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Looks interesting. Do you want a Resident Evil 4 like game with DIV DX?
DIV Junior

Posts: 10
Registered: 14-11-2016
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As soon a solid thing comes, it will be released with sources and assets. Did I heard mod-ready?
A date would be hard to set because workflow it's in very early stage (most of it its just "pen & paper") but let me clarify something: I don't
pretend to get Steam Greenlight with this. My idea is to make a basic skeleton of a game but not a template. A DIV tech-demo if you like: forcing a
little the visuals sometimes and embracing the actual engine limitations.
It won't include DIVDX and DIV-Arena logo just for look neat, this really is your game to improve.
Definetly, it's not DIV-RE4... I don't think even in something so big and complex. I don't want to "sell smoke" so please let me keep quiet about the
features at the moment. I'll post a list of 100% confirmed things very soon and if you want a gamer reference: D no Shokutaku + Clock Tower (you vs
time + the-brute-nemesis) and its set in Spain (so kind of lucky guess, RKSoft :lol
EDIT: I want to refresh some memories and share this great 16 colour "textures" made by genious Eric Chahi back at 90s. Beautiful.

[Edited on 19-11-2016 by wasabi]
Note the transition between first draft (the one from the pic in first post) to final version. It has been reduced and some areas moved to another

And here is a preview of final texture set.

What are your thoughs?
[Edited on 21-11-2016 by wasabi]