Code-along with Mike
Welcome to the first great code-along with Mike
This is an experiment to create a community DIV Game, and have the source and assets all available.
At the end we will publish our game to the google play android store, as well as create web, windows, linux and other format downloads.
I thought for the first game we might do a classic remake, something simple, and post the code up as we go, taking suggestions along the way
So the question is, what game shall we make?
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Plataform game Mário
Well it'd the only suggestion so far!
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A code along with uncle Mike! Obviously I want to make Quake.
Was thinking of something that might take less time
although quake is doable, use the quake engine as a dll...
DIV Junior

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What Mikedx propose?
Well since you are the only suggestion, maybe we will go with that! Lets do a simple mario style game.
Game Making Machine!
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Sounds good, i hope i have time to help. A Mario game is not so simple you think, Mike.
But i think, here we have great coders.
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How will people collaborate?
Will you show snippets of code with explanations? That would be really cool.
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What about doing that Mario Kart with 101 players you mentioned in another thread? Seems more exciting to collaborate on. Different levels, different characters, there's room for a lot of ideas.
The code will be on github, and every day / lesson will be tagged appropriately. When DIV gets proper git support, this will be nice and easy to
The MariKart project is doable, but I think I need to get that one done fast by myself.
A simple platformer is a bit easier to do for a first attempt too.
I've started this mario code-along. Hope you enjoy it
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I'm happy to do some early alpha testing and/or do some code review.
However, what about legal issues when uploading a Mario remake with actually Mario game graphics to Google Play Store?
Out of the box: How about promoting DIV Games Studio inside the game using the logo, the website, etc... and perhaps a unique DIV character instead of
the Mario character?
All non dos div games have a div-arena splash screen.
I wouldn't really upload a mario clone with mario gtaphics to the play store. Although lets not forget we sold div with a pacman clone game!
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It's a great idea. But I shouldn't have enough time to collaborate .
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At a later stage in the "Code along with Mike" series, I'd love to see a utilisation of network functions to make a simple net play game. I never
managed to get my head around the Fenix/Bennu DLL and there's a few things I'd really love to do with it! :D
DIV Junior

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I'd have prefered to make a megaman classic style game
There's not that much difference to a megaman game, stilla platform game.
DIV Junior

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The three main classics, that I remember growing up was, Pong; Pacman and Battle Zone (3D'sh tank game from Atari)
Ouch! That's a bit of a "guess my age" moment... LOL
May your journey be free of incident.
Live long and prosper.
If you like battlezone look up dom cooks amazing div tank arena!
[Edited on 9-1-2017 by MikeDX]