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How DIV affected us
Well this is all kinds of weird and bizarre. Feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.
Nice to see a bunch of old names here!
I dunno about you guys but DIV had a huge influence on a huge amount of my work.
I've especially been chasing co-routine based entities as a dream ever since.
I wrote a couple of Python libraries for doing them eventually culminating in this one:
And here's a recording of a short talk I did at PyCon UK last year where I give DIV a lot of love (my bit is the second half of it, my current boss is
the first)
Interesting choice using python - I never really got my head around it - its second only to perl to giving me a headache whilst trying to decipher it.
Guess I've been spoiled with the div language although I'm sure once you've invested the (many) hours into python it can be readable. Bit like
learning to speak french I suppose 
Very cool to see so many people doing well at programming from their humble beginnings on here. Very cool indeed.
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DIV is what got me into programming so I suppose I owe it a lot! Never really understood much about what I was doing but it was such a fun way to
learn. I ended up being a web developer and always did some sort of game related side projects. First Fenix, then C++ with SDL and later added OpenGL
to the mix. After that I went on to use BlitzMax which I've enjoyed a lot and the last thing I used was Monkey X. Always did 2D, never 3D (can't get
my head around that stuff). Did a bit of XNA as well.
I haven't done any gamedev for over 2 years now. Seeing DIV back in action makes it itch to do so again though. Who knows, if I feel properly
motivated, have plenty of energy and can find some time on the side I guess I will! Actually, I'd really like to do some sort of small game, but don't
know yet what. Back in the days I enjoyed Galactic Assault a lot and have always tried to create something like it. Last attempt was a research
project I did in Monkey X which was completely AI driven using Fuzzy Logic, which is very interesting I must say!
Aside from the aspiring game dev endeavors in my professional life (lol) I work mostly with Perl, some PHP for legacy stuff, Javascript or if possible
CoffeeScript together with Backbone.js. I also toy around with Golang from time to time which I think is an awesome and powerful language and tried
many other languages such as C#, Java, Haskell and Python (for a Raspberry Pi project). Web dev has gotten me bored though and I try to stay away from frontend development (HTML/CSS) as much as possible.
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Nice going and to me as well DIV was is unique and awesome and beautiful, as was is
this community. I've been wondering a few times how many of us have ended up in the games industry. Too few that I know of.
Me? It may have been ages but I have no idea what's happened inbetween. Still trying to finish a game.
I think these are finished, whats wrong with these: :D
Lone Wolf
Bomber Bros
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Such beautiful masterworks.
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Creating games was something I got into from a very young age - initially by making cardboard games and "computers" - and DIV finally allowed me to do
the real thing. After Windows XP took over I briefly moved to Fenix and then to modding Total War games. The latter got me in touch with wargames
publishers Slitherine/Matrix and now, several years later, I work full time as an independent game developer.
Considering I never did any computer programming courses/education, I doubt this would've happened if it wasn't for the experience learned from DIV
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Adherbal living the dream! Doesn't surprise me a bit 
DIV got me started with programming, and led me to my web development career, which has kept me well-fed and happy. I sorely miss making games,
though, and I am trying to get back into it. I made ScrapFighter for Ludum Dare 34 in December, and I'm really digging what JavaScript can do for games. Phaser is an outstanding framework.
Great to see some of the old faces again!
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sex,drugs, violence.. the usual for me, aint changed a bit :P
oh yeh I coded some too .. managed to get a game on the play store:
Unfortunately stuff took its toll and I am now in ill health, I did that game in desperation to finally get a game out there before I snuff it. So I
don't give a fig about how the game does, the naming convention of the game was stupid googles fault for half uploading a project with the same name
but not visible!
I had started working with this new DIV, was cool to relearn with a much more mature approach, did A complete level editor in no time :P Using the old
maps and pixel colour reading
Tomorrow I have heart surgery, time to get WASTED!
But I did achieve that for ONCE in my life!
Most of my stuff went on youtube, just search 'boning santa' in youtube search.. :P
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Good ol' boning Santa. Good luck tomorrow Dave, get that ticker fixed!
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I was about to say absolutely fantastic to read all this but then Dave got to post that party pooper!
Just kidding. What Sandman said - good luck tomorrow Dave
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hm yeh, tnx boyz, and girls maybe, and the inbetweeners.. I will leave this with a quote from my favourite sci-fi author..
"Anything that happens, happens.
Anything that, in happening, causes something else to happen, causes something else to happen.
Anything that, in happening, causes itself to happen again, happens again.
It doesn’t necessarily do it in chronological order, though."
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Hi there you all.
I was never looking for programming as an income or as a job, I was at that time and still am a HW designer.
However I loved DIV a lot and was quite a heartbreak to see the community going down into oblivion while we waited and waited... more than ten years
ago, for f*** sake
Well the wait is over.
Is it?
BTW, nice to see many of you. Even Dave.
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It's Square/Mith of course!
I remember coding a few demos and eventually a small game called Hero: The Realm, which actually was coded quite badly - but still fun and
DIV was pretty amazing I guess. It got me deeper into coding (from a purely BBC/Archimedes BASIC background) and working a project from start to
finish. I even can say I took some useful lessons from it in terms of level design, optimising a game, definite dos and don'ts in game creation. Which
is a lot.
I used Bennu for a complete recode of Hero: The Realm, which I was pretty happy with. Unity is what I use nowadays and with it's up-to-dateness and
portability, is amazing.
Seems in our modern age plenty of people think they can code games or call themselves game developers/designers without putting time in. This is not
GameMakers or Unity's fault, it's just no one wants to learn in the prelude - or research, endeavour over a project. Result = Shovelware.
Having a good community such as DIV Arena really does help a lot though. I'm almost interested to write a tutorial or contribute to DIV3/DX somehow -
we'll see what will be available on the site in terms of pages/worklogs?
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Because of DIV/Fenix/Bennu, I can almost read Spanish.
DIV ruined my life. I now spend 24 hours a day on it.
Quote: Originally posted by Mezzmer  | SUP GUYS
Having a good community such as DIV Arena really does help a lot though. I'm almost interested to write a tutorial or contribute to DIV3/DX somehow -
we'll see what will be available on the site in terms of pages/worklogs?
Mike? |
I quite agree. If you're feeling up to it you can do a code-along with Mith 
I suggest something easy though at least to start with. I'm almost regretting agreeing to this mario remake... however the result will be pretty cool.
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Dennis aka "waffle eater" here. DIV made me what I am today professionally, and it will probably be the last nail in my coffin. THANKS A LOT! (No
PS: should we tell Deadmaster the forum is back?
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Quote: Originally posted by Dennis  | Dennis aka "waffle eater" here. DIV made me what I am today professionally, and it will probably be the last nail in my coffin. THANKS A LOT! (No
PS: should we tell Deadmaster the forum is back? |
What are you professionally?
I fear BreadCaster is already here
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Looks like there's space for a life story afterall
Moving on from DIV all those years ago was a pain, as nothing else really was quite like it, not quite as effortless to use as DIV. So, I dropped the
idea of using something build for games and decided to go all or nothing and study C/C++ properly, but surprisingly enough non-programming related
stuff started to seem more interesting; perhaps because I couldn't find another community like this, perhaps for other reasons.
While in uni I started studying Ogre on my own because calculators and helloworlds just didn't cut it, but then, for job experience, I joined a games
company which used Unity and switched Ogre to it. The games company went bust in less than 6 months time and I joined another company where I did web
stuff, which was alright at first but when it became just maintenance I got bored real fast. So anyhow, I finished my degree a year or so ago and ever
since (and before but nvm) I've been chasing that perfect wave -uh- game with Unity.
Though I'm thinking again that maybe, just maybe, perhaps I should try to get more excited about normal work again. But games
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Quote: Originally posted by iWizard  | Quote: Originally posted by Dennis  | Dennis aka "waffle eater" here. DIV made me what I am today professionally, and it will probably be the last nail in my coffin. THANKS A LOT! (No
PS: should we tell Deadmaster the forum is back? |
What are you professionally?
I fear BreadCaster is already here |
Oracle IT Consultant. Query tuning, PL/SQL code, Forms, APEX... Also some big data [Censored].
PL/SQL syntax always reminds me a bit of DIV! And I chose PL/SQL because I liked the syntax! There is no coincidence. DIV Games Studio is the reason I
am doing this.
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Indeed. I'm pleasantly surprised to see so many still showing up after all these years. I thought I was the only geek who looked back with nostalgia
on DIV games/arena 
PS: That scrapfighter is a neat idea. The movement speeds can get a bit out of hand though And I'm gonna have to sue you for it vaguely reminding me of Galactic Assault.
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I enjoyed playing Galactic Assault so much back in the day :-). Probably because of the big scale battles which I hadn't been able to experience up
till then!
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Quote: Originally posted by iWizard  | Quote: Originally posted by Dennis  | Dennis aka "waffle eater" here. DIV made me what I am today professionally, and it will probably be the last nail in my coffin. THANKS A LOT! (No
PS: should we tell Deadmaster the forum is back? |
What are you professionally?
I fear BreadCaster is already here |
who is this deadmaster of which you speak i do not know waht you are on about
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