DIV Junior

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Registered: 27-2-2016
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Div dx in FUZE
In next month I will bought Fuze! Is very interesting use Div dx in that!
That's interesting - where did you hear about the FUZE?
FUZE comes with FUZE BASIC which is quite fun, but DIV isn't supported on the FUZE at all
DIV will export to Pi boards though, so you can run games on it.
DIV Junior

Posts: 40
Registered: 27-2-2016
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Fuze basic is very interesting too !

I mean how did you discover it? I used to be lead developer of FUZE BASIC before I ressurected DIV
DIV Junior

Posts: 40
Registered: 27-2-2016
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I don t know it!!! But I m very happy for know it!
Your project with div dx is a dream came true!