There's a new ARENA in town
It is my great pleasure to announce the latest project from the team that bought you DIV Games studio, FUZE 4 Nintendo Switch is being released on the
30th August 2019, and with it a brand new community site.
I hope to see many of you join us! It's going to be a lot of fun making games for the switch.
dom cook
Div Pro
Posts: 387
Registered: 4-3-2016
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Looks interesting. I'll check it out. In the meantime, what (if anything) is happening with DIV?
DIV is still an open source project, i still have plans for it but as usual in life, work prioritises over hobbies.
dom cook
Div Pro
Posts: 387
Registered: 4-3-2016
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I'm not sure I approve of that attitude.
yeah I'm not sure i do either but hobbies don't pay the bills 😢
dom cook
Div Pro
Posts: 387
Registered: 4-3-2016
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Bills, I hate those guys.
By the way, how do you plug a keyboard into a Switch?
USB slot in the side or usb-c to A adaptor
dom cook
Div Pro
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Registered: 4-3-2016
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DIV Junior

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Registered: 27-2-2016
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Hi Mike
Is there some kind of free player in Switch that lets other people run your games?; Or they need to also own Fuze4?
I think part of the attraction in FUZE is that you buy it, make your own games and you get to play lots of "free" games from others.
There might be a free player in future, but I doubt that is any time soon.