Battle Zone Wireframe 3d

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dom cook - 30-4-2016 at 08:58 PM

One day this will be a game.
WASD and Arrows move things.

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MikeDX - 1-5-2016 at 12:50 AM

Just. wow

This is stunning. Dom, you are some kind of machine!


Sandman - 1-5-2016 at 01:01 AM

Wow, nicely done

dom cook - 2-5-2016 at 08:56 PM

Thanks for the positive comments chaps. I really appreciate them.

Here's an image illustrating the latest feature. Aimable turrets and gun barrels. I know I'm breaking from the original here but I couldn't resist the challenge. Besides to be fair, the original game, although very stylish in my book, has almost zero gameplay value. My goal here is to retain the stylishness and work on making it fun to play.

bz.png - 38kB

MikeDX - 3-5-2016 at 12:55 AM

Dom, div can create screenshots, press ctrl+alt+p

Also, it looks bloody amazing. I really liked how you used the map points to give you the coordinates for the lines. Very very smart indeed.

dom cook - 3-5-2016 at 01:50 PM

But then I wouldn't get to subtly promote Ubuntu.

MikeDX - 3-5-2016 at 02:25 PM

Ah yes, very true :)

dom cook - 4-5-2016 at 12:37 PM

It might not look like much but that little blue cube is a projectile.

Give it a go.

Relevant new keys are:
Shift keys: these modify the function of the movement keys to aim the turret and barrel of the tanks.
Space key: this fires a shell out of the blue (mostly) tank. (Mostly Red hasn't got one yet, he's been naughty).
Control key: this resets the tank shell if you can't wait to have another go.

Don't expect any fireworks. The shell will just bounce a couple of times and reset itself.

By the way Mike, what's the chances of creating a new DIV function to draw triangles much like the existing one that draws ellipses and rectangles?

BZ shells.png - 3kB

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MikeDX - 4-5-2016 at 05:40 PM

Just keeps getting better! very very nice indeed.

We *could* add a triangle, that's easy i guess but im not sure the draw() params have enough to so that, so it either needs to be a separate command or provide an array offset as the x0,y0 param maybe. If we changed x0 to num verts and y0 to struct &verts, that could work - and you could do as many lines as you wanted.

Of course once you're done with BZ, you need to get on the star wars wagon ;)

dom cook - 4-5-2016 at 06:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  

Of course once you're done with BZ, you need to get on the star wars wagon ;)

Sounds like a fun project, I'd have to make a new 3d engine as this one, being built specifically for battle zone, can only rotate objects about 2 axes and the camera about 1. I was a bit daunted when I started and needed to apply a lot of guess work to get it going. I've got the hang of it now though and think I'd be able to make a more comprehensive 3d engine next try. But first I've got to get this thing finished.

Of course, in the meantime, I'm open to making this project a collaboration if there's anyone out there who wants to join in.

Here's its latest version.
New key layout:
Tab: to fire Red's gun
Right Shift; to modify controls.

In the next episode,,,exploding stuff!!

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dom cook - 4-5-2016 at 06:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  

We *could* add a triangle, that's easy i guess but im not sure the draw() params have enough to so that, so it either needs to be a separate command or provide an array offset as the x0,y0 param maybe. If we changed x0 to num verts and y0 to struct &verts, that could work - and you could do as many lines as you wanted.

I realised that about the draw params but your solution sounds nice. Would it do filled polygons or just outlines? I'm after filled ones really.

dom cook - 6-5-2016 at 05:22 PM

Just a quick snapshot for the record. Notice the fading effect. I'm not sure the blue and red works too well, I'm thinking keep things green. After all it works for this website;) Any thoughts?

SNAP0004.png - 6kB

MikeDX - 6-5-2016 at 06:12 PM

I'm sure we can make it do filled and outline polys

Really enjoying your updates on this. very very cool indeed.

BreadCaster - 6-5-2016 at 11:23 PM

Ahhh amazing!! Would love to have a crack at a retro styled 3d space shooter, like Elite 2 or Starfox, once the flat shaded areas has been achieved. :D

Does it used integer based math? So the edges kind of "snap" together rather than moving smoothly? Call me mad but I actually prefer that look. I'm a big fan of retro 3D :3

dom cook - 7-5-2016 at 08:59 AM

Thanks for the comment Bread, Not sure what you mean about the integer based maths thing. Was that in reference to BZ or the proposed draw triangle function? As far as this game is concerned, so far it's pure DIV so only integers. Although, it is using a recent build in which Mike upped the limit of draw objects.

BreadCaster - 7-5-2016 at 09:52 AM

You can see it in game Devil Daggers, where there's no floating point math and therefore the vertexes appear to "snap" together rather than moving around in a more smooth and realisic way, haha

dom cook - 7-5-2016 at 10:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  
You can see it in game Devil Daggers, where there's no floating point math and therefore the vertexes appear to "snap" together rather than moving around in a more smooth and realisic way, haha

Kind of like stop motion?

This runs quite smoothly but smaller objects are prone to a bit of snappiness. If you specifically wanted that effect I think reducing the fix factor, which has a similar function to the "resolution" predefined local in DIV, would do the trick.

dom cook - 7-5-2016 at 10:29 AM

Those red lines sticking out the cube were a nigthmare. It nearly killed me getting them straight.
I spent hours last night randomly arranging a bunch of dots and square brackets in a few lines of code with no success.

FInally, this morning I got it. Here's what I was after. It gets the position of the vertex at the end of the line I want to draw

FROM n=bla..bla..bla..
FROM c= bla..bla..bla..
P1x= obj[n].vertex[obj[n].edge[obj[n].face[c].e[0].v1].x;
P1y= obj[n].vertex[obj[n].edge[obj[n].face[c].e[0].v1].y;
P1z= obj[n].vertex[obj[n].edge[obj[n].face[c].e[0].v1].z;

Is there an easier way than this?
I mean can I make a pointer or something? I had no luck trying.

Anyway the way is now clear for some serious backface culling.

Next episode: Explosions!!

facenormals.PNG - 4kB

BreadCaster - 7-5-2016 at 12:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by dom cook  

Anyway the way is now clear for some serious backface culling.

Next episode: Explosions!!

Are you going to code it so the explosion fragments/particles are polys drawn by subdividing the existing polys from the models? You could make an amazing breaking of glass effect if that were the case, even with locational damage ;)

*cracks whip*

Also, Mikey - do you think that once shading is implemented (if it ever is) this could become an engine that actually loads in model formats, like .3ds? I mean I'm sure it'd be pretty tough and arduous to program, but if you were to have a function that reads a 3d model, then breaks it down into vertices and polys in an array/as code... just trying to keep abreast of what this is capable of and what I let my mind wonder to in terms of potential ideas/future uses :)

dom cook - 7-5-2016 at 08:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

Are you going to code it so the explosion fragments/particles are polys drawn by subdividing the existing polys from the models? You could make an amazing breaking of glass effect if that were the case, even with locational damage ;)

Dammit! get behind me Satan. I only started writing this because I was mouthing off to a mate about how great I was at making games and that I could do it in an evening. What a doughnut! Now this thing has now taken on a life of its own. Today I've been mucking around with a cloth simulation so I can have a little flag on the back of the tanks.
And now you've got me thinking again. I like the exploding glass idea, but not for the tanks themselves, That's one area where I'll stick to the original at least in style. but obstacles could go that way. I can see it now. Thanks Breado! Can I call you Breado?

BFC in action

BFC.png - 5kB

BreadCaster - 8-5-2016 at 03:14 PM

Well, they could seperate into primatives, if you like. Cylinder for the turret, trapezium for the bit the turret's mounted on, prisms and cuboids for the body... shoot the tank and then it all falls apart like a Lego creation getting smashed. it'd also give you the oppertunity to code some basic object physics ;D and yes feel free, lol.

Also, BFC?

dom cook - 8-5-2016 at 05:18 PM

Yes, that's kind of the plan.

See here:

You can also see a pretty nice breaking glass effect when you get hit. Is that the sort of thing you had in mind?

I shouldn't have looked. It looks like the parts do fragment. Cool more work!

blostec - 8-5-2016 at 05:45 PM

I like this, are you doing an amazing classic atari remake, congratulations! I will be waiting for testing the next version :)

BreadCaster - 8-5-2016 at 08:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by dom cook  
Yes, that's kind of the plan.

See here:

You can also see a pretty nice breaking glass effect when you get hit. Is that the sort of thing you had in mind?

I shouldn't have looked. It looks like the parts do fragment. Cool more work!

Haha I meant more like each pair of polys seperates and flies apart, like the breaking of glass into shards :p I never played the original Atari Battlezone, it seems like a game mostly focused on accurate shooting and navigating objects, a little slow paced. The tank game I'm making is much more frantic, I even removed solid obstacles in the game world (despite having collisions and reversing working just fine) because I felt they detracted from the flow of the combat.

Kinda weird that DIV's been sort of dead for years, then when it comes back we're both making tank games, right? :p

dom cook - 9-5-2016 at 08:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

Kinda weird that DIV's been sort of dead for years, then when it comes back we're both making tank games, right? :p

Maybe we can network them.

dom cook - 9-5-2016 at 08:53 PM

OK here's a little test.
Which Image is the correct one?

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P.S.I know I promised explosions but Bread Cruster keeps giving me more work to do.

BreadCaster - 9-5-2016 at 09:28 PM

Hahaha well networking them may prove kind of hard! The gameplay style is totally different haha. And hey, they're just suggestions, nothing more ;D I don't expect you to implement everything I have a passing thought about ahaha

dom cook - 10-5-2016 at 08:19 AM

but I like those Ideas you see.
So, How does your game play? RTS, roguelike, single/multiplayer. ?
I've got a few game play ideas which if I get that far will effect a massive diversion from the original Battlezone, The gameplay styles might end up converging quite a bit.

Tracer fire.

dom cook - 10-5-2016 at 09:19 AM

Tracer.PNG - 7kB

BreadCaster - 10-5-2016 at 12:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by dom cook  
but I like those Ideas you see.
So, How does your game play? RTS, roguelike, single/multiplayer. ?
I've got a few game play ideas which if I get that far will effect a massive diversion from the original Battlezone, The gameplay styles might end up converging quite a bit.

Kind of like Hotline Miami but with tanks and jeeps. A little bit slower (though that's not hard as HM is incredibly fast paced haha) but with heavier firepower and explosions in place of blood/gibs. There are upgrades that you need to buy from an ingame shop (which pauses the game while playing) and various objectives, mostly revolving around destroying something or positioning your tank in a certain way :)

dom cook - 10-5-2016 at 02:40 PM

Wow Ambitious. My brain would fry if I tried to make anything that complicated. See there's a reason I like retro. I'm a Retrotard.

Never Drink and DIV

dom cook - 10-5-2016 at 02:45 PM


Any chance of an Undo key in the editor? No pressure.

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MikeDX - 10-5-2016 at 05:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by dom cook  

Any chance of an Undo key in the editor? No pressure.

Jesus. I think we need to get you on the git train ASAP

Taking you back.

dom cook - 13-5-2016 at 03:41 PM

Just to update. Development hasn't stopped here but I'm having to change the engine a bit seeing as the other one was coming apart at the seems. I'm working on a wire frame modeller at the moment.

And I'm also trying to make the whole thing easily reusable so that I can develop a bunch of games almost simultaneously. Vector scan is back big time.

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dom cook - 21-5-2016 at 08:11 AM

It's time I got on with this again.
I've been faffing around with an object editor and have forgotten that my original intention was to make a pretty basic game. So I've re-evaluated my goals.
Here's the latest update. (Mike can you at least swap it with the version on your js pages)

The arrow keys or WASD control the tanks. If you hold shift they control the turret,
Tab or Enter fire the cannon,
Nothing else for now!

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BreadCaster - 21-5-2016 at 08:32 AM

Awesome, the object editor looks great - yeah, maybe you shouldn't stray too far from the original goal, haha. Not asking for you to make one, but - is it theoretically possible in this engine to make a terrain editor/manipulate the height of points in the terrain? Like terrain formation?

dom cook - 23-5-2016 at 12:04 PM

Thanks BC,

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  
is it theoretically possible in this engine to make a terrain editor/manipulate the height of points in the terrain? Like terrain formation?

Yes that's possible, I'd like to eventually add a few handy tools to the editor such as those you'd typically use for terrain editing. Based on its intended purpose it will have to have a world/terain editor of some sort. However, at the same time I've got to be realistic. I'm not going to be remaking Blender or Wings here. The priority now is to stay on target, as they say.

dom cook - 24-5-2016 at 05:29 PM

Check out the cool compass in the HUDS

BZBOT12.png - 5kB

I've also managed to partially deun[Censored]ify the fps. The so called engine is busting at the seems and an improved version is in development but I've put so much effort into this that I'm determined to force at least this game out of it.

dom cook - 25-5-2016 at 09:10 PM

Collisions are now sorted. You can see the tracer from a shell registering an abrupt stop when it hits the block.

bzbot15.PNG - 6kB

Now with proto explosions

dom cook - 26-5-2016 at 08:22 PM


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dom cook - 29-5-2016 at 08:05 PM

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MikeDX - 29-5-2016 at 10:01 PM

Wow dom this looks amazing!

dom cook - 30-5-2016 at 10:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  
Wow dom this looks amazing!

You're too kind mate, but thanks all the same. If you've got the time, have a little play. I've added some aesthetics. Also any suggestions would be welcome.

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MikeDX - 30-5-2016 at 11:29 AM

If only there was some way of putting all the downloads into a single archive ;)

MikeDX - 30-5-2016 at 11:42 AM

I've tried to make this into a webpage (and some ports to download, even the pi build works great) but its crashing, so i need to look into that.

Also attached a zip of the prg + assets for anyone who doesnt want to download all the files individually

Will be back later to see if I can get it working properly.

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Home made vector font

dom cook - 1-6-2016 at 08:37 PM

Seemed appropriate. It does the whole writing one letter at a time thing too.

BZFNT.png - 3kB

MikeDX - 1-6-2016 at 09:50 PM

So awesome :D

dom cook - 5-6-2016 at 08:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  
So awesome :D

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MikeDX - 6-6-2016 at 02:40 PM

Dom, I still can't get your latest prg to run in the javascript build which is a real PAIN! Hopefully something will fall into place when you are done. I'm getting some stack overflow error.. could be some recursive calls you are doing.. Who knows...

dom cook - 6-6-2016 at 06:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  
Dom, I still can't get your latest prg to run in the javascript build which is a real PAIN! Hopefully something will fall into place when you are done. I'm getting some stack overflow error.. could be some recursive calls you are doing.. Who knows...

Stack overflow huh? I hate those guys. Remind me again.

Well I reckon I am at the finishing off stage now and am gradually eliminating all the redundant code. If the bug isn't eliminated through this process, it ought at least to be easier to find afterwards.

dom cook - 6-6-2016 at 08:25 PM

I might have found that problem.

I think it could be caused by a bunch of structures that I prepared when I was planning to overhaul the engine. I soon gave up on the idea as I reckoned that the 'ahem' engine as it was would just about suffice for this project. Anyway, thinking about it I now realise that things started to misbehave a bit straight after I added these declarations. I think I was overloading the memory. Anyway, enough rambling. If you delete the struct declarations between line 109 and 201 (that is struct pool to struct flag) it might just fix the problem. Worth a try anyhow.

MikeDX - 6-6-2016 at 10:02 PM

Removing those structs didnt help at all sadly

Not that it's much use:


I have no fix in sight either :(


dom cook - 7-6-2016 at 06:10 PM

Here's an update. I think you'll agree it's pretty dang awesome.

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MikeDX - 7-6-2016 at 06:45 PM

Bloody hell Dom that is nothing short of stunning, absolutely beautiful

Still doesnt work in a browser though, which is a real shame. It's going to be keeping me up all night trying to fix it!

MikeDX - 8-6-2016 at 12:59 AM

As promised


Looking beautiful in a browser Dom :)

BreadCaster - 8-6-2016 at 10:14 AM

both looks and runs brilliantly :D shame it's got no computer AI opponent! but still very impressive. One bug i've found though - drive into a wall fast enough and you get stuck in it, as in appear to be outside the wall but the arrow keys/WSAD do not work for getting "unstuck" and driving away.

dom cook - 8-6-2016 at 10:16 AM

Good job.
Posted at 1.59 am. You weren't kidding about staying up all night.
By the way, if you change the gamestate value to -1 (just before the main loop) )you get a cool intro.

dom cook - 8-6-2016 at 10:27 AM

Thanks Breadcaster-
I'll sort out the bug, I have a good idea why that's happening.
I know what you mean about the AI thing but at the same time my philosophy is that games ought to be about interaction. Not saying there's no place for solo stuff. Obviously there is but to me it's a different class of activity using the common medium of the computer screen.. Having said all that, I'll probably put in a single player "practice" mode. and not just because I haven't got any mates.

BreadCaster - 8-6-2016 at 02:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by dom cook  

I know what you mean about the AI thing but at the same time my philosophy is that games ought to be about interaction. Not saying there's no place for solo stuff. Obviously there is but to me it's a different class of activity using the common medium of the computer screen.. Having said all that, I'll probably put in a single player "practice" mode. and not just because I haven't got any mates.

As much as I like multiplayer, some of us don't have any friends who enjoy PC gaming and so will never have the experience of two people crowding round a keyboard. Multiplayer online could work, but again you'd need an opponent, and I'm not even sure if the multiplayer/online feature Mike was talking about is fully implemented yet :p

MikeDX - 8-6-2016 at 03:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  
Multiplayer online could work, but again you'd need an opponent, and I'm not even sure if the multiplayer/online feature Mike was talking about is fully implemented yet :p

Well, it sort of does work, but I need to create a "game server" to allow adhoc connections. This should theoretically work between any platforms and any game.. But I've had issues with the web version of this, which is a setback.

Running two copies on a local machine works though...

dom cook - 8-6-2016 at 04:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  

Running two copies on a local machine works though...

That would be cool but does a local machine mean a single machine or a local network?

In the meantime, I'll put single player mode on the to do list.
By the way, any comments please. I've been tweaking it a bit and seem to go round in circles with my ideas. For example the radar thing has got a few versions. Right now I'm opting for the local coordinate version where the player is at the centre and I personally think its better when only the enemy is shown up (more like the original too). Then there's the fog or fade distance, this can be adjusted by changing the fog global variable. I like the stealth aspect of having a low visibility range but I think that in the end it's too hard like that. I've speeded up the reloading too.

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less fog.PNG - 6kB

dom cook - 8-6-2016 at 04:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

As much as I like multiplayer, some of us don't have any friends who enjoy PC gaming ....

I KNOW, What the heck is wrong with people?

MikeDX - 9-6-2016 at 06:49 PM

Dom, I'm currently working on a new WIP upload feature which will allow people to upload their games and have them compiled to the various platforms. The options will be an archive of some sort (zip), or a github repo link.

So soon you'll be able to upload and generate your own weblinks and platform downloads :)

Your latest version is now up online


[Edited on 9-6-2016 by MikeDX]

MikeDX - 9-6-2016 at 06:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by dom cook  

That would be cool but does a local machine mean a single machine or a local network?

Well it means the same machine in its current state but once the game server is up and running it will be from any version of the game running, like a matchmaking mode where basically if you start the game and somebody else does, you'll ge paired up. Or more than one pair... or pairs of pairs, or groups, or whatever you want it to be.

Short version is the implementation of this is actually dead easy. The hard part is getting the server to cooperate :)

dom cook - 9-6-2016 at 10:29 PM

Good news!
Now when you die you go to heaven!

Ascension.PNG - 8kB

Today's update.

dom cook - 10-6-2016 at 06:54 PM

Try running out of ammo and fuel.

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dom cook - 10-6-2016 at 07:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  
Dom, I'm currently working on a new WIP upload feature which will allow people to upload their games and have them compiled to the various platforms. The options will be an archive of some sort (zip), or a github repo link.

So soon you'll be able to upload and generate your own weblinks and platform downloads :)

[Edited on 9-6-2016 by MikeDX]

Wow, Impressive, You deserve a lot of credit for what you're doing here. I don't know how you manage this whole DIV project single-handedly. I'm getting bogged down with this, what was supposed to be a weekend project. Still, I'm pretty happy with it by now. I reckon It will be done in a week or two. Then comes the next one.

MikeDX - 10-6-2016 at 11:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by dom cook  

Wow, Impressive, You deserve a lot of credit for what you're doing here. I don't know how you manage this whole DIV project single-handedly.

No Dom, I've told you before, It's not good, or clever, it's pure sadness :)

dom cook - 11-6-2016 at 06:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  


No Dom, I've told you before, It's not good, or clever, it's pure sadness :)

Said with a smiley?!

"In the path of our happiness we shall find the learning for which we have chosen this lifetime."

(Donald Shimoda)

But last time you said it was madness not sadness and if it's madness then I reckon it's of the Magnificent sort,

[Edited on 11-6-2016 by dom cook]

MikeDX - 11-6-2016 at 12:40 PM

I definitely mean sadness as in sad (slang) and not sad unhappy :) or mad if you like, both equally acceptable.

Dom are there any function that DIV is lacking that you think would have made this easier? I'm trying to find ways to get it to run a bit quicker on lower end machines but it's pushing an awful lot of maths around, so you may have an idea on what we could do :)

dom cook - 11-6-2016 at 03:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  

Dom are there any function that DIV is lacking that you think would have made this easier? I'm trying to find ways to get it to run a bit quicker on lower end machines but it's pushing an awful lot of maths around, so you may have an idea on what we could do :)

I guess the thing is, I started it as a proof of concept (i.e. can I do 3d stuff without floats) So it wasn't built for speed. I do have a second framework ready which would be faster but I can't face the process of transplanting at this stage. Also as far as development is concerned I want to strike a balance between the game and the engine.

It would help if I knew a bit more about how DIV works - you know what slows it down.

The other thing is I don't really know what DIV can do already to make things faster. For instance is using pointers an advantage in terms of speeding things up.

Having said that, for sure some vector handling functions would be welcome.

Can the drawing commands be improved? Managing texts and draw objects using delete_text delete_draw can be a bit awkward. A nice rewrite of the draw commands would be wonderful along with the possibility for filled and even textured primitives / triangles.

Got to go. I'll work on a list.

MikeDX - 11-6-2016 at 03:46 PM

If you've got ideas for draw, i'm happy to hear them. Getting DIV to be the best it can be is of the utmost importance :)

dom cook - 12-6-2016 at 11:14 AM

Well I've been for a walk in the trees and have come back with a handful if ideas on how to speed things up. For example, I've figured a way of possibly using native DIV functions in place of some of the most maths intensive custom stuff. I'll work on implementing it all soon but probably not before I get the gameplay itself sorted. As far as that's concerned, I'm almost there.

I'll be in touch about draw functions.

MikeDX - 12-6-2016 at 11:22 AM

Sounds good to me. We can test some of your ideas in a DLL before we decide to put them in the core. It would be very cool to have a vector mode in DIV that was easy to use like mode7 and mode8

dom cook - 15-6-2016 at 08:20 PM

That's me on the left. The good looking one.

crew.PNG - 8kB

No fuel! no problem!

dom cook - 16-6-2016 at 12:40 PM

Here's the idea.
If a player runs out of fuel, he'll be able to get out of the tank and go and get some on foot. Shells too, although that shouldn't be necessary unless he hasn't got either. In which case, the tank will initiate a countdown to self destruct so he'll have a minute to go fetch.

If the tank blows up while he's outside, he'll have a chance to get a shell and do an IED job on the enemy.

Here's a screen shot of a matey carrying a fuel tank.

Any thoughts? More to the point any thinkers?

SNAP0001.PNG - 4kB

MikeDX - 16-6-2016 at 01:19 PM

This is going to be awesome to play and definitely makes me want to get the online multiplayer working better even if it doesn't include the web version. Just had an idea about that though, might go do a small test...

Meet Jetpack Joe

dom cook - 16-6-2016 at 02:44 PM

So The IED idea will involve a once only (for obvious reasons) chance to use a shell like a kamikazi jet pack. The in-flight camera should provide a fun view.

jetpack joe.PNG - 1kB

MikeDX - 17-6-2016 at 07:11 PM

Looking forward to playing the next build you let us see :)

dom cook - 17-6-2016 at 08:47 PM

I'm looking forward to uploading it too. It'll probably be a few days at least though as, since I essentially crowbarred those cool figures in, the code has got into a bit of a mess. There are glitches springing up all over the place. So basically it's not working properly and I've lost track of what I did to mess it up.

Did you get anywhere with your idea regarding online multiplayer?
One good thing about that, as far as I can tell, is that it would free up some valuable processing power as each computer would only have to draw one camera view. Or alternatively, there could be a red/blue analglyphic 3D option.

Talking of processing power, I'm setting the fps down to 24. That will teach you for having a fast computer. The thing is 24 fps gives intended pace.

MikeDX - 17-6-2016 at 10:47 PM

i haven't made huge progress, there is a lot to do, having the server setup things and do other various annoyances is, well, annoying. Writing the server code is taking a little while but we'll get there, and it'll be awesome :)

dom cook - 19-6-2016 at 07:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  
we'll get there, and it'll be awesome :)

I think you might have a point there. It would make DIV arena into a kind of Arena for DIV games. I always wondered about the name. It's all starting to make sense now.

MikeDX - 19-6-2016 at 01:02 PM

Div arena will finally live up to its name!

I cant wait, just a shame i need to do so much to make it happen

BreadCaster - 19-6-2016 at 04:13 PM

Mike - have you ever considered redesigning the front page of the site using a heavily modified Wordpress theme? They're free and it'd look more up to date, post web 2.0, that sort of thing. Could be a great way to have the front end of the site be a little more approachable? Then the forum could stay mostly the same and maybe just use the colours from the front page and the same font to give it a cohesive house style. Just a thought =)

[Edited on 19-6-2016 by BreadCaster]

MikeDX - 19-6-2016 at 05:44 PM

As I've said before, the main site is a bootstrapped html/js/css responsive page (the whole site is)

Maybe the "newsy" front page isn't in vogue anymore, but the site as it stands isn't the old div-arena tables and html.

dom cook - 20-6-2016 at 08:27 PM

I've just been reinstalling the moon in the background and it occurred to me that it would be nice to have it show the right phase. That got me thinking that DIV could do with functions to get the system time and date. What are the chances, Mike?

MikeDX - 20-6-2016 at 08:35 PM

Time functions are not easy simple as they might seem, you've got timezones, time fomats, general formatting..

It would need some thought, like time_get(t_hour, t_min, etc)

Sounds like the perfect candidate for a dll though dom.

dom cook - 21-6-2016 at 03:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  

Sounds like the perfect candidate for a dll though dom.

Right then, I'm on the case!
Just as soon as I've finished this project, which won't be long now (and all that). I've been focusing on repairs in order to stabalise things a bit but now I'm switching back to creative mode so the next thing to do is the kamikazi thing.

dom cook - 23-6-2016 at 08:24 AM

Problem: What if both players end up on foot with their tanks destroyed?
Solution: Tank commanders are to be issued with sidearms.

Here's a shot of me training down the firing range.

hey joe.png - 2kB

dom cook - 25-6-2016 at 03:11 PM

I've been meaning to upload something for a while but I'm haven't yet managed to get the code into a semi-stable state. Although I'm not far off, it still might take a while as time and ability to focus are limited. Plus my computer is thinking of quitting on me.
So here's the latest WIP anyway, in case anyone is interested.

Attachment: DTA.zip (618kB)
This file has been downloaded 4260 times

I can fly!

dom cook - 29-6-2016 at 08:19 AM

get out the tanks (key _1)
run around
switch to shooting mode (key _shift)
shoot things
fly around (key _space)

Flying is meant to only be possible when a player is carrying the shell so that rotates appropriately when you fly with it on your back.

superman.png - 2kB

Attachment: DTA06.PRG (132kB)
This file has been downloaded 4258 times

MikeDX - 29-6-2016 at 10:26 AM

Looking forward to playing this once i get back!

MikeDX - 29-6-2016 at 04:49 PM

Just got back today and have been enjoying the updates Dom. It even identified a bug in the compiler (long strings / compiler trying to look for it as a file to include)

MikeDX - 29-6-2016 at 11:02 PM

uploaded the most recent zip (not the flying prg) to the js site:


dom cook - 30-6-2016 at 01:45 PM

Glad you're back!
I'll probably be uploading as I go along from now on because my computer is threatening to konk out.

dom cook - 30-6-2016 at 06:04 PM

Ok now you can only fly if you get a shell / jetpack.
Once you've got it press _space.
Try a flyby on the opponent.
Be warned though

"He who rides a tiger can never get off."

So you'll have to quit when you're bored, although, if you want to, you can crash into the blocks for which you'll be rewarded with the word boom. Explosion next upload.

Attachment: DTA08.PRG (135kB)
This file has been downloaded 4211 times

MikeDX - 30-6-2016 at 06:31 PM

Dom, we need to get you using github to save your progress. It's coming as a built-in for the linux build(s) at first (it will commit every time you hit compile / run)

New achievement available

dom cook - 1-7-2016 at 07:58 PM

"Man versus Tank"

Attachment: DTA10.PRG (139kB)
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[Edited on 3-7-2016 by dom cook]

Attachment: kazam_g3s02pwq.movie.mp4 (1.1MB)
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laser sights

dom cook - 4-7-2016 at 05:57 PM

I've added a nice little laser dot for the side arm as well as a couple of other effects.
Improved tracer fire and added rocket flames.
If you want to try it you'll need the updated FPG

Attachment: Kazam_screencast_00000.mp4 (181kB)
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laser.PNG - 2kB

Attachment: DTA14.PRG (148kB)
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Attachment: battlezone.FPG (675kB)
This file has been downloaded 4279 times

rocketfire.png - 2kB

dom cook - 6-7-2016 at 05:38 PM

Players can pour the fuel on the ground and then shoot the puddle to make a fireball.

Hold down up and down to get out the tank.
press fire while carrying the fuel to pour it out (while walking)
use down key to aim at the ground. (while aiming)
change between walking and aiming using shift key.

inferno.png - 12kB

Attachment: DTA19.PRG (155kB)
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Attachment: battlezone.FPG (707kB)
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