humildadever - 27-3-2016 at 09:40 PM
Hi, i think is important the people knew a little about all people that participe in this fórum.
I m from Portugal, when i m little boy lol i know div and my love for pcs is so much...My year is 1984!!so i knew the evolution of the games! i have
many consoles, game boy, megadrive, snes, etc etc
i m nurse...
But when i have some time i programe some games... my great hobby...
i like the languages of programming c, c++, pascal, dark basic, dark basic pro, agk, agk 2, and offcourse div, div2 and now div dx...
RKSoft - 27-3-2016 at 11:11 PM
nice humildadever
I'm from germany. I was born in 1977 and began writing games in BASIC with a Commodore Plus/4, later C64 and then ... PC with DIV . Some of my BASIC games are worst (take a look at Commodore Plus4 World). After DIV
Arena closed his doors, i searched for alternatives and found Blitz Basic. On my webpage, you can find my released games (DIV and Blitz Basic).
I think I like to develop things in my head and then to create the game on my computer. It is a fantastic and creative hobby...
jepalza - 28-3-2016 at 12:50 PM
Yo soy de España (Norte de España, Bilbao), nacido en 1967. Llevo programando desde los 14 años (empecé con un ZX81). Fui el primer programador de
videojuegos de mi zona regional, con una adaptación del "frogger" para ZX Spectrum, año 1984. He realizado juegos comerciales (abracadabra para
Amstrad CPC) y muchos, muchos emuladores (Saga Mr do's independiente, mame, mess, etc.)
He programado en Basic, C, Pascal, Forth, Fortran, ASM, etc. y por supuesto, en DIV.
En DIV hice algunos juegos por diversión, pero no conservo ninguno, por que los guardaba en discos de 3.5" y se estropearon con el paso de los años.
Hoy en día programo muchos emuladores de CPU en FreeBasic (Z80, 6502, 68000, 6809) solo por diversión.
I'm from Spain (North of Spain, Bilbao), born in 1967. I've been programming since I was 14 years (I started with a ZX81). I was the first game
programmer in my regional area, with an adaptation of "frogger" for ZX Spectrum, 1984. Did made commercial games (abracadabra for Amstrad CPC) and
many, many emulators (independent MR do's saga, mame, mess, etc.)
I have programmed in Basic, C, Pascal, Forth, Fortran, ASM, etc. and of course, in DIV.
In DIV did some games for fun, but do not have any, he kept them in 3.5 "disks and soured over the years.
Today I set many emulators FreeBasic CPU (Z80, 6502, 68000, 6809) just for fun.
note: sorry for writing in Spanish and English, but do not speak English and the translator of google has many faults, and if I write in both
languages are more likely to understand what I write.
BreadCaster - 8-4-2016 at 01:17 PM
We understand you just fine jepalza, welcome to Div-Arena :D it's not too active atm but hopefully that'll change if people start making more games
and spreading the word about DIVDX!
stecum - 10-7-2016 at 04:01 PM
My name is Stephen, I got DIV GAME STUDIO with my birthday money from PC world, back when I turned 15, I didn't even know you had to type code to make
After struggling and giving up at first, a few months later, I came back to DIV and have been making games on and off ever since, I eventually went
into software development and can honestly say I have DIV game studio to thank for that!
I'm now 31 still living in the same city (Plymouth England) looking forward to seeing new advances in DIV and would love to help in anyway I can.
willicab - 12-7-2016 at 01:54 PM
Hola, mi Nombre es William y soy de Venezuela, conocí DIV gracias a un juego que compré en una revista llamado tokenkai el cual vino con un demo de
DIV2, programo desde los 15 años y uso Linux desde los 18, hace ya algunos años descubrí BennuGD y decidí aprenderlo, pero por otras razones lo
abandoné, hace poco lo volví a buscar y me encuentro en su página el regreso de DIV y aquí estoy XD
Hi, my name is William and i'm from Venezuela, I met DIV thanks to a game called tokenkai that I bought in a magazine which came with a demo of DIV2,
I program from 15 years and use Linux from 18, a few years ago I discovered BennuGD and I decided to learn it, but gave it up for other reasons,
recently I went back to look and find myself in your page's return DIV and I'm here XD
Dani_Karmann - 4-8-2016 at 07:29 PM
¡Hola a todos! Mi nombre es Daniel, soy de España y llevo usando Div desde que en 1999 probé una "demo" del DIV1. Después me compré el cd del
DIV2, y he hecho varios mini-juegos y tengo algunos proyectos. Estoy contento con la aparición del nuevo DIV, y estoy deseando mostraros los diversos
trabajos que he ido realizando a lo largo de estos años.
Hello everybody! My name is Daniel and I'm from Spain. Sorry for my English, it's not very polite. I began using Div Games Studio since 1999, I tried
the DIV 1 demo, and then I got the registered and complete version of Div 2. I made some little games and I have some projects. I'm very happy with
the new Div, and I want to show you the games that I was making since then.
josepgames - 1-11-2016 at 07:37 AM
Hello, my name is Josep. I'm from Barcelona (spain), I was born in 1982 and I remember buying DIV also with my birthday money, as Stephen! I think I
was around 15 years old when I started trying div. I started programming when I was 12 when I first came through an Spectrum ZX 128, and learned
Basic. I also programmed many games under Klik and play (now called the Games Factory) which was quite limited, and then I moved to Div which was a
great tool at the moment. I have developed around 30 games with this two platforms and I still keep the binaries (unfortunately I lost many of the
source files, hope MikeDX helps me in this task). I'll try to post my best games here so that you can try them!
I'm working now as a freelance computer engineer providing Business Intelligence solutions, datawarehousing and developing web applications with
Oracle APEX (and also PHP, jQuery). Its been more than 15 years sinceI developed my last game but it'd be great to port my old games to new platforms
such as android or, who knows!, creating new ones!
I discovered this webside yesterday and I'm so excited seeing Div is still alive thanks to you!! My best wishes for all this community