Mode 8 Adventure Game

steffen87 - 4-4-2022 at 11:46 AM

Hi there!
Recently I found DIV on my computer and startet a new project immediately. I like the idea of an adventure game and want to share it with you.
I have no name yet. But the basic idea is, that you control a young guy (I call him Dennis). It's a mode 8 world, but Dennis is moved sideways. Like in every adventure you must collect items, combining them, talk to people. The game is seperated in chapters.
I've already made two parts of the world, the animation when walking (with the sprites generator), and the inventory. Next step will be a conversation.
I attached the first two screenshots (my first post, I hope I did it right). Any tips are welcome. Inventory was no problem. I'll try to figure out how to make conversations with other characters in the game, but I'll keep it simple. Main focus is exploring the world.

Edit: okay, apparently it didn't work. If anyone could help insert an image... :/

new22b.jpg - 208kB new22c.jpg - 255kB

[Edited on 4-4-2022 by steffen87]

MikeDX - 4-4-2022 at 12:11 PM

Welcome back Steffen!

Yikes. The forum really is broken!

At some point hopefully this week I will install a brand new forum. We need a new server host really - but we have what we have!

steffen87 - 4-4-2022 at 12:32 PM

Let's try this:

I'm a bit further, but now you can see what I mean. :) More screenshots soon.

[Edited on 4-4-2022 by steffen87]

steffen87 - 5-4-2022 at 07:30 AM

When pressed I the inventory opens or closes. When open, Dennis can't be controlled and the left/right-keys will be used to choose an item (not finished yet).

I haven't placed any items in the world yet, but I can change the variable for testing.

The sea looks ugly, but I just started. :) There also is a glitch exactely when walked from the grass to the wooden bridge. Definitely better textures needed.

Next steps: making the sea look better, placing the first items, adding a pick-up-animation.

The items are just examples for testing, but I guess I'll keep them. The planks for a quest to repair a fence, the stick to reach a clock, that needs to be manipulated to trick a construction worker to having his lunch break earlier, because he won't let you pass through the construction. :D

steffen87 - 10-4-2022 at 08:37 AM

Had a little break for 3 days. I placed the first item, a stick, and added a pickup-animation. It works fine.
When near the item, a little hand-icon appears.

When pressed control-key the item will be picked up.

Btw the background looks as ugly as the old one. :( I'll do it later. First everything must work. :D

Vortigano - 11-4-2022 at 12:29 PM

I like it :)

steffen87 - 11-4-2022 at 10:13 PM

Thanks! Worked a bit on it this evening. You can now open your inventory and choose an item and can go into the house. Screenshots tomorrow!

steffen87 - 12-4-2022 at 08:11 AM

As promised, new screenshots. :)
Here we have a tower. Well... it's supposed to be round, but if you could see the top view, it looks more like... an egg. :lol: I'll do it better.
It's also a crossroad.

This will be a small shop.

CicTec - 12-4-2022 at 10:01 AM

Hi steffen87,

Very good game, cheer with development :)

A curiosity: I see that you are using the original DIV emulated with DOSBOX, why not DIVDX, perhaps due to some bug or other reason in particular ?

steffen87 - 12-4-2022 at 11:47 AM

I just had the old DIV on my computer. But I will use DIVDX soon.

I remember that I tried a game like this two years ago with my old computer, and as soon as the character walks on another texture (from dirt to grass, for example) the game crashes. I then downloaded the Windows Version and the game didn't crash. So I'll use the Windows Version soon, or else the game would crash.

This problem didn't occur when I walk from the grass to the bridge, as you can see on the screenshot with the sea. Sometime it happens, sometimes not. But there is a graphic glitch exactly where it happens.

[Edited on 12-4-2022 by steffen87]

CicTec - 12-4-2022 at 12:27 PM

understood, the crashes are due to some DIV bugs (mode8 and no) some have been fixed, some at the moment still not.

As mentioned earlier, good work and fun with the development. :)

steffen87 - 12-4-2022 at 01:17 PM

Thanks! It's much fun indeed, especially when it works. And it works! :cool: Hopefully also in the future.:lol:

steffen87 - 14-4-2022 at 08:05 AM

Morning! :)
When on a crossroad or in front of a door an arrow shows the way, meaning key up, down or both.

I tried DIV DX, but my computer gives me a warning (bull guard was pre-installed on my system). Could somebody help me with this problem? I want to use DX to avoid crashes, that occurs when walked over different textures.

CicTec - 14-4-2022 at 08:38 AM

Good morning to you,

Which version are you using, the official one available on the site?, If you are using Windows/Linux, the most recent is currently the one published by me in this thread:

Which fixes a lot of bugs including some mode8, if you are not already using this, follow the posts of the thread, if once installed you still have problems, please report them in the thread of the build itself to try to fix them.

[Edited on 14-4-2022 by CicTec]

steffen87 - 14-4-2022 at 11:45 AM

Hmm... after I exit Bull Guard, there is (of course) no warning and DIVDX is starting. I tried to run my game, but it crashes at the begining. I see the title screen, but I can't hit enter to start.
It works fine with the old Div. :(

Edit: Div crashed and D.EXE disappeared. :(

I'll keep coding in DOS until I have a solution.

[Edited on 14-4-2022 by steffen87]

steffen87 - 14-4-2022 at 12:20 PM

Though I have a problem with DIVDX, I'm happy, because i added a turning-animation. And it looks great. Much better than just mirrowing the graphic.

CicTec - 14-4-2022 at 12:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by steffen87  
Hmm... after I exit Bull Guard, there is (of course) no warning and DIVDX is starting. I tried to run my game, but it crashes at the begining. I see the title screen, but I can't hit enter to start.
It works fine with the old Div. :(

Mmm, maybe some bugs introduced in DIVDX compared to DIV, if you can share (also via PM) the game code or an example that gives the same problem, I'll see if I can find the error for the weekend.

Quote: Originally posted by steffen87  

Edit: Div crashed and D.EXE disappeared. :(

I'll keep coding in DOS until I have a solution.

D.EXE don't exists on DIVDX now is D-WINDOWS.EXE (on windows) D-LINUX (on Linux) etc...

steffen87 - 20-4-2022 at 07:24 AM

I copied an old game from my old computer and it works with DivDX. This means, that my game is the problem, but I don't know what exactely it is, because the game runs in DOS without an error message. In order to avoid the crashes in DOS I must find the problem.

I just throw in a screenshot from the game i made when I was 16 or 17. :lol:

CicTec - 20-4-2022 at 07:32 AM


Thanks for report, possibly it's a problem of mode8, last weekend I tried to test it but with windows 10 it seems that DIVDX has some problems, so I'm updating the port to SDL2 because with SDL1.2 the program starts but the client area doesn't show anything ( in Linux works fine), this weekend I will resume porting to see if we can find the error in your game.

P.S: the version you are using is the latest nightly build or that of the new thread published by me?

steffen87 - 20-4-2022 at 09:06 AM

I used the latest release Beta 13 in the downloads section.

CicTec - 20-4-2022 at 09:36 AM

Beta 13 it is the oldest of all, you should try the latest nightlybuild: https://div-arena.co.uk/downloads/nightly and then with the latest posted in the news thread (the most up-to-date)

steffen87 - 20-4-2022 at 11:25 AM

Okay, I'll do. Thanks.

steffen87 - 21-4-2022 at 08:12 AM

I downloaded the latest nightly and my game works. Unfortunately it still crashes at this spot, but only when I walk to the next scene, then back to the lake.

In the nightly I can't write "\". Has this something to do with the german keyboard? The third assignment of the keyboard doesn't work.

[Edited on 21-4-2022 by steffen87]

CicTec - 21-4-2022 at 08:56 AM

Good morning,

Could you please try downloading in a separate folder, the latest build of the news thread if you encounter the same errors?

steffen87 - 21-4-2022 at 09:50 AM

I will try tomorrow, because I have late shift today and then I can tell you.
Do you mean the links on the first page?

CicTec - 21-4-2022 at 10:22 AM

OK no problem,

Yes the link: DIVDX-windows-18.04.26-update.zip.

steffen87 - 21-4-2022 at 11:26 AM

No I didn't used this, because 18.04.26 is an empty zip file. I asked a friend to try it, but he has also the same problem.

I then downloaded the latest file from the nightly section (2019-02-19).

[Edited on 21-4-2022 by steffen87]

CicTec - 21-4-2022 at 11:44 AM

Mmmm maybe a hole storage problem with attachments, ok for now I consider the bugs reported by the last nightlybuild, as soon as possible i will let you know, thanks.

steffen87 - 21-4-2022 at 03:23 PM

Thank you, too. I had the problem at the beginning with attaching a screenshot. That's why I use an image uploader.

steffen87 - 22-4-2022 at 07:19 AM

I'm confused now. As I wrote earlier, I can't write backslash (or square brackets etc.) in DIVDX or the latest nightly build. BUT: now I can't do it with the old DIV.
I first thought the Alt Gr key on my keyboard might be broken, but it works, just not in DIV.
So the problem must be my computer or something, not DIV.
New keyboard driver didn't help. I even tried on-screen keyboard.
It used to work. Ooph... I thought I could code a little further, despite the crashes....:(

[Edited on 22-4-2022 by steffen87]

CicTec - 22-4-2022 at 12:48 PM

You need to check if your keyboard configuration is in your language and not another.

I have tried slash and backslash in the DIVDX build I am fixing with SDL2 and they work fine.

steffen87 - 22-4-2022 at 02:59 PM

Okay thanks.

CicTec - 22-4-2022 at 05:06 PM

Hi, I finally got the latest build I compiled with SDL 1.2 to work again (SDL 2.0 is working in progress) ...

I tried your game, apart from the glitches in the "the sea" area I didn't notice any crashes or errors, maybe some bug fixed in this build.

I regenerated the build and uploaded it to the github repository, you can find the link here: https://div-arena.co.uk/forum2/viewthread.php?tid=246#pid225...
By clicking on "DIV DX Windows 32bit (x86) Package 18.04.26 you can download the latest updated build and try the game.

steffen87 - 23-4-2022 at 07:41 AM

A made a new icon. At some point you have a "look at" function. If it's an eye, the textbox opens and you can read what the character is seeing; if it's an eye with wings :lol: the camera flies around. In this case around the tower, and then back to our hero.

Near the lake is a small cottage under construction.

I also made a start selection in mode 8.

I downloaded the link. Sorry, I didn't mention that you have to go to the new scene ("cottage by the lake") AND THEN back to "the lake" (it's not a sea anymore, it's a lake now, because "sea" means "Meer" and "lake" means "See" in german :smilegrin: ). Only after the crash happens. Here's the actual version:

Press F8 and then 1 for chapter 1 to skip the small tutorial. F5 makes the character run faster.

I provided the links for everyone, it's okay. Tell me, if somethings wrong or you have suggestions.

[Edited on 23-4-2022 by steffen87]

CicTec - 23-4-2022 at 11:41 AM


Yes, now the crash occurs, it is an Arithmetic exception error of the internal mode8 engine, let's see why it occurs, thanks for the report. :)

steffen87 - 23-4-2022 at 01:05 PM

Okay, whatever this means. :lol: I'll add a cheat mode, to skip the crash.

steffen87 - 26-4-2022 at 06:39 AM

CicTec - 26-4-2022 at 04:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by steffen87  
Okay, whatever this means. :lol: I'll add a cheat mode, to skip the crash.

An exception is an event that the operating system throws when a program performs an illegal operation that normally leads to the closing or crash of the program that generates it, in this case it is arithmetic, for example a division by 0.

In the case of your game it is a division by 0, examining the source code with the debugger there is a part of the mode8 code that checks when an object crosses a transparent wall (which can be a door, a window or in the case of your game the bridge that unites with the lawn) between two sectors to verify collisions through the variable radius and it is assumed that this variable is always> 0.
In the case of your game this is not the case, as you divide the protagonist into two processes: 1 is dennis which turns out to be an object of mode8 which renders the character himself and the other is the camera which follows the character and moves the whole scene, for the internal engine it turns out to be 2 objects, where the camera has radius = 64, while dennis radius 0, and this looks like the crashing object.

What is still unclear is why when we pass from the "stockis house" scene to "the lake" and cross the bridge several times nothing happens, while if we change to the "cottage by the lake" scene and return to "the lake ", crossing the bridge executes the part of the engine code that causes the crash.
Two other problems I noticed, the first as you reported, always in "the lake" some glitches of the bushes processes are produced, it seems that the engine in some circumstances does not render an object well, the second (at least in what I see ) passing from "cottage the lake" to "the lake" the texture of the bridge seems to be rendered in a corrupt way.

In the next few days let's see if I can correct the problem, consider that hammer used an external engine developed by third parties for the mode8 that was not even a final version which the author himself reported that there were some bugs not currently solved, also they applied some themselves engine modifications to adapt it to DIV.

Quote: Originally posted by steffen87  

Very good :)

steffen87 - 26-4-2022 at 09:10 PM

Thank you, I understand it now. When I press c (for crash :lol: ) Dennis jumps to the house scene, so I can avoid the crash.
If I encounter another crash I'll report it. No crash when walked from the bridge to the lawn in the new scene called "edge of the forest". Is it "woods" or "forest"? Haha! In my language both means "Wald".

Quote: Originally posted by CicTec  

Very good :)

Thanks! :blush: I thought it would look bad, but actually it looks nice. I found some free textures and the trees look good. The woods (or forest) will be a little darker. Let's see who Dennis meets there. I'm making up the story on the side.

CicTec - 29-4-2022 at 06:44 PM

The woods are mostly flat areas where it is possible to build or find paths built and managed by men, normally it is a small area of at least 2000mq.
The forests are very dense and mostly wild areas of at least 10000mq.

I would therefore say that from the type of game it would be the woods.

[Edited on 29-4-2022 by CicTec]

Dennis - 8-9-2022 at 02:38 PM

The game looks nice. Reminds me of the Playstation 1 games from my youth.

steffen87 - 11-9-2022 at 08:43 AM

Thank you!
I will be working on this game when it's getting colder. I didn't do anything during the summer, but I have some new ideas. :)
Takes much time to to make the world, especially the woods with all the trees.
Maybe I'll upload a small demo in a few weeks.

[Edited on 11-9-2022 by steffen87]

Dennis - 22-9-2023 at 07:31 PM


I am looking forward to it!

steffen87 - 29-10-2023 at 02:49 AM

I have to admit, that I haven't done anything for a year. I was doing other things. BUT I'm just changing some things in the game. There will be a symbol when you're at a point where a scene ends. When walking "up" (for example to the sawmill or a door) the camera will move forward for a brief moment, which looks good.
Also I will change the code, because I'm using so much IFs when the character walks out of the screen (or scene).
For example: IF ( x < 12345 ) everytime, which can be easily done which structeres I think.
Also the Editor often crashes when I'm trying to edit the WLD, which is a little demotivating.
Maybe I'll make this game smaller than I planned.

CicTec - 29-10-2023 at 10:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by steffen87  
Also the Editor often crashes when I'm trying to edit the WLD, which is a little demotivating.
Maybe I'll make this game smaller than I planned.


Try as much as possible to report the points or moments in which the editor crashes during map editing, so we can try to reproduce the crash in debug mode to see the possible point in the code that produces the error.

For the rest, the project is very interesting, we hope to see at least a more advanced demo soon.

Vortigano - 30-10-2023 at 04:35 AM

Hi, I think it must be those 'random' crashes that happen, for example, when creating a WLD from scratch. Sometimes it would fail when clicking outside the mode8 map editor window.

steffen87 - 4-11-2023 at 05:24 PM

When right-clicking on the 3d-map to move around, no crash happens. But when I make a change and THEN click right again, it crashes.

daltomi - 30-11-2023 at 02:53 PM

Thread 1 "div-LINUX" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00005555555c88b6 in map_editpoint () at src/divmap3d.c:2290 2290 my_map->points[edit_point]->x=x; (gdb) bt #0 0x00005555555c88b6 in map_editpoint () at src/divmap3d.c:2290 #1 0x00005555555cba45 in MapperCreator2 () at src/divmap3d.c:677

(gdb) p edit_point $4 = -1

Perdón, voy a escribir en español.

Entonces se vé que edit_point es igual a -1 y esto causa el SIGSEGV.

Posible fix así sin pensarlo mucho xD

diff --git a/src/divmap3d.c b/src/divmap3d.c index ad49752..1937726 100644 --- a/src/divmap3d.c +++ b/src/divmap3d.c @@ -2284,7 +2284,7 @@ void map_editpoint() } } - if (mouse_b&2 && old_but2==0) { + if (edit_point != -1 && mouse_b&2 && old_but2==0) { if(mouse_b&1) MouseFocus=0; old_but2=1; old_but1=0; my_map->points[edit_point]->x=x; ~

CicTec - 30-11-2023 at 05:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by daltomi  
Thread 1 "div-LINUX" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00005555555c88b6 in map_editpoint () at src/divmap3d.c:2290 2290 my_map->points[edit_point]->x=x; (gdb) bt #0 0x00005555555c88b6 in map_editpoint () at src/divmap3d.c:2290 #1 0x00005555555cba45 in MapperCreator2 () at src/divmap3d.c:677

(gdb) p edit_point $4 = -1

Perdón, voy a escribir en español.

Entonces se vé que edit_point es igual a -1 y esto causa el SIGSEGV.

Posible fix así sin pensarlo mucho xD

diff --git a/src/divmap3d.c b/src/divmap3d.c index ad49752..1937726 100644 --- a/src/divmap3d.c +++ b/src/divmap3d.c @@ -2284,7 +2284,7 @@ void map_editpoint() } } - if (mouse_b&2 && old_but2==0) { + if (edit_point != -1 && mouse_b&2 && old_but2==0) { if(mouse_b&1) MouseFocus=0; old_but2=1; old_but1=0; my_map->points[edit_point]->x=x; ~


Si, el debugger indica aqui el error, pero la solucion del fix no es correcta, porque no sabemos las variables MousFocus, old_but2 y old_but1 donde se usan y cual comportamiento pueden variar.
Ademas hay la llamada a map_off para resetear paredes y vertices.
La solucion ideal es poner el if en la modifica de los puntos solamente.
if (mouse_b&2 && old_but2==0) { if(mouse_b&1) MouseFocus=0; old_but2=1; old_but1=0; if(edit_point != -1) { my_map->points[edit_point]->x=x; my_map->points[edit_point]->y=y; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Apago tanto los vertices como las paredes //--------------------------------------------------------------------- map_off(); }

Voy a hacer el fix en mi repositorio y resubir la build, gracias en todo caso por la ayuda con el fix. :)


Yes, the debugger indicates the error here, but the fix solution is not correct, because we do not know the variables MousFocus, old_but2 and old_but1 where they are used and what behavior they can vary.
There is also the call to map_off to reset walls and vertices.
The ideal solution is to put the if in the modifier of the points only.
if (mouse_b&2 && old_but2==0) { if(mouse_b&1) MouseFocus=0; old_but2=1; old_but1=0; if(edit_point != -1) { my_map->points[edit_point]->x=x; my_map->points[edit_point]->y=y; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Apago tanto los vertices como las paredes //--------------------------------------------------------------------- map_off(); }

I'm going to make the fix in my repository and reupload the build, thanks in any case for the help with the fix. :)

steffen87 - 21-1-2025 at 11:01 AM

I'm creating a library at the beginning of the game. It's just a short part of the game where we find a magic book which brings our hero to the fantasy world.