Another code highlighting for Vim text editor

Zardoz - 10-10-2020 at 11:39 AM

I derived it from Casper files and some old files that I made like a year ago.
So, I present "vim-div" to syntax highlighting of DIV 2/3 files on VIM and Neovim.
It's totally compatible with vim&neovim plugin managers, so for example, using Plug only its necesary to add "Plug 'Zardoz89/vim-div'" to your vimrc file and do a PlugInstall to install it.


vim-div.png - 471kB

MikeDX - 10-10-2020 at 12:02 PM

That's amazing! As a DIV and Vim user (I started text editing using VIM on a 286 xenix network) this is really cool to see.