Vortigano - 12-3-2018 at 10:37 PM
Hello, I would like to know what function these data fulfill in the div palettes.
Hola me gustaría saber que función cumplen estos datos en las paletas de div:
Range of colours
16 definitions of range :
Number of colours 1 byte (8,16 o 32),
Type of range 1 byte (0:direct, 1 -2-4-8 editable each "n" colours).
Fixed 1byte (0:no, 1:yes )
Black colour 1byte
Colours in the range 32 bytes (according to type).
The PAL file head says "version", What is it for?
[Edited on 12-3-2018 by Vortigano]
Vortigano - 12-3-2018 at 10:41 PM
This is just an experiment, I didn't know where to publish it, so I decided to publish it here. Anyway, what is the range for? I just followed the
instructions on page 274 of the div2 manual in English, and it works.
Attachment: GENERAR_MAPA.PRG (16kB)
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