Mandelbrot in BennuGD

Dennis - 10-9-2017 at 01:34 PM

I was bored lol.

I was wondering if you could create a game with this. Like, with some character exploring the fractal :P

(link to image)

PS, this is the source code:

import "mod_say" import "mod_video" import "mod_key" import "mod_draw" import "mod_wm" import "mod_math" import "mod_map" function int mb(float p_real, float p_imag,int p_x, int p_y) private float l_real; float l_real_tmp; float l_imag; int l_count = 1; begin l_real = p_real; l_imag = p_imag; while(pow(l_real,2)+pow(l_imag,2) < 4 and l_count < 256) l_real_tmp = pow(l_real,2)-pow(l_imag,2)+p_real; // 2+3i = 4+2*2*3-9 l_imag = 2*l_real*l_imag+p_imag; l_real = l_real_tmp; l_count = l_count + 1; end; if (l_count == 256) // bound put_pixel(p_x,p_y,rgb(0,0,0)); else // unbound put_pixel(p_x,p_y,rgb(0,l_count,255)); end; return 1; end; process main() private float l_start_x = -1.5; float l_start_y = 0.25; float l_zoom_level = 0.000625; int l_size_x = 800; int l_size_y = 800; // float l_real; float l_imag; int l_countx; int l_county; begin set_mode(1024,768,16); l_real = l_start_x; l_imag = l_start_y; from l_county = 1 to l_size_y; from l_countx = 1 to l_size_x; //say("cnt y " + l_county + "cnt x " + l_countx); mb(l_real,l_imag,l_countx,l_county); l_real = l_real + l_zoom_level; end; l_real = l_start_x; l_imag = l_imag - l_zoom_level; frame(5); end; say("complete"); repeat frame; until(key(_esc)); end;

[Edited on 10-9-2017 by Dennis]

Vortigano - 12-9-2017 at 10:51 AM

I just tested it, it looks nice.