DIV-DX builds

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CicTec - 11-8-2017 at 08:28 PM

Hello everyone,

Given the current situation that Mike is going through at this time and the current needs of community users, expecting to receive new builds to continue their projects, in agreement with Mike, I will, within my free time limit, be able to provide new builds , In order to make it easy for you to continue to use DIV and grow it, as long as normal official builds can be restored.

This first build is only for windows, I have already installed a Linux distribution on my machine and I should be able to get a working build in the next few weeks.

Here the changes since last nightbuild:
=== 18.04.26 ===
* Fixed:
- [COMPILER] missing support to include .OGG files in the package installer.
- [RUNTIME] fixed SET_WALL_TEXTURE fade params, not working propely passing the -1 value for the luminosity param as documentation says.
- [RUNTIME] fixed GET_SECTOR_TEXTURE returning internal VPE luminosity instead DIV value-range according to documentation.
- [RUNTIME] fixed GET_WALL_TEXTURE returning internal VPE luminosity instead DIV value-range according to documentation.
- [INSTALLER] bug not including some audio libraries needs to windows executable.

=== 17.09.03 ===
* Fixed:
- [RUNTIME] bug memory leak not unloading correctly all memory allocated for FPG > 0 when program ends
- [RUNTIME] bug potential crash when try to unload DLL's not loaded when program ends

=== 17.09.01 ===
* Fixed
- [RUNTIME] bug causing crash when try to import a DLL with IMPORT statement
- [RUNTIME] bug to unable to impot DLL with import statement if it is in the same location of executable
- [RUNTIME] bug calling finalization function twice during end of program causing possible crash sometimes
- [IDE - INSTALLER] bug introduced in previous updates that not allow including some assets on pak sometimes

=== 17.08.18 ===
* Fixed
- [LIBRARY] bug in STOP_SCROLL function not updating correctly internal variables, causing possible crash when the program ends
- [LIBRARY] bug in UNLOAD_MAP function introduced in previous update, not unloading corretly memory maps allocated by the LOAD_MAP, LOAD_PCX, NEW_MAP and WRITE_IN_MAP functions, causing memory leaks
- [RUNTIME] bug memory leak when an user uses DIV LOAD_MAP, LOAD_PCX, NEW_MAP and WRITE_IN_MAP functions not unloading its allocated resources corretly when the program ends causing also possible crash
- [RUNTIME] bug potential memory leak when an user uses DIV LOAD_FNT(S) function(s) without corresponding UNLOAD_FNT(S) function(s) before the program ends
- [RUNTIME] bug potential memory leak when an user uses more concurrent DIV LOAD_FPG(S) function(s) without corresponding UNLOAD_FPG(S) function(s) before the program ends
- [RUNTIME] bug memory leak when an user uses DIV mode8 not unloading its allocated resources when the program ends
- [RENDERER] bug causing black screen and erroneous size when program window is maximized and switch back to normal

=== 17.08.17 ===
* Fixed:
- bug potential memory leaks generated when program ends after an internal "e" or "exer" function call
- bug memory alloc check for VideoMode Setting
- bug memory alloc check for VideoMode RGB surface creation
- bug memory alloc check for VideoMode Setting on UpdateRect
- bug check file opening success to avoid crash saving PCX
- [PSP] bug check file opening success to avoid crash saving
- bug in mismatching data causing big data memory allocation in release version of programs and other errors
- bug of type declaration on function stack-system
- bug potential memory leak when an user uses DIV MALLOC function without corresponding FREE function before the program ends
- bug memory alloc check in LOAD_MAP function
- bug memory leaks in LOAD_MAP function loading PCX in non pack-file
- bug memory leak in LOAD_MAP function when try loading not a valid MAP
- bug potential memory leaks in LOAD_FPG function loading FPG in non pack-file
- bug memory alloc check in LOAD_FPG function for EMSCRIPTEN version
- bug memory leak in STOP_SCROLL function
- bug memory leak in LOAD_FNT function loading FNT in non pack-file
- bug in SET_MODE function to stop/reset correctly the mode7 windows activated
- bug in FRAME_FLI function avoiding crash when is called without FLI/FLC built support
- bug in PLAY_CD function to check properly the param value passed to function avoid stopping the currently CD playing if new call fails
- bug not updating the EXIT function STRING message in DEBUG version
- bug of buffer overflow in packager loader not allowing to load properly large file names on modern platforms
- [INSTALLER] bug of buffer overflow in packager installer not allowing to save properly large file names on modern platforms
- [INSTALLER] bug not including some libraries needs to windows executable

Packages download info:
If you have not installed DIV in your machine, or need a new clean installation, download this complete package.
DIV DX Windows 32bit (x86) Package 18.04.26

[Edited on 11-8-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 11-8-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 12-8-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 14-8-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 14-8-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 17-8-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 17-8-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 17-8-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 18-8-2017 by MikeDX]

[Edited on 18-8-2017 by MikeDX]

[Edited on 18-8-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 2-9-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 2-9-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 3-9-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 3-9-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 25-4-2018 by CicTec]

Attachment: DIVDX-windows-18.04.26-update.zip (4MB)
This file has been downloaded 1658 times

[Edited on 25-4-2018 by CicTec]

[Edited on 31-5-2018 by CicTec]

[Edited on 22-4-2022 by CicTec]

[Edited on 22-4-2022 by CicTec]

RKSoft - 12-8-2017 at 01:50 PM

Doesn't work on Windows 7 because its missing libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll to run.

[Edited on 12-8-2017 by RKSoft]

CicTec - 12-8-2017 at 02:01 PM

Hello RKSoft,

I've re-uploaded the package with missing DLL, download and try to execute again to see if it work please.

BreadCaster - 12-8-2017 at 05:48 PM

Wow, this is great news! Thanks Cictec :) I'll see if I can iron out the few bugs and get a fully working prototype compiled ASAP :) yippee!!

Vortigano - 13-8-2017 at 06:45 PM

Cictec, muy agradecido!!!!, me alegraste el mes. Aquí en Buenos Aires, es fecha de votacion, pero no veo la hora para probarlo. Un gran saludo como siempre a todos y buen fin de semana. (y)

RKSoft - 14-8-2017 at 12:31 PM

Nice release, but i found the same bug like in previous version:

- the compiled exe used again ober 1GB RAM(!)
- there is a problem in file handling (see below)
- aftere the debugger shows an error the colors and graphics are corrupt
- there are missing dll's in the compiled and packed zip file (see below)

But, thanks for making new compiled updates :)

File handling:
if i try to load a file like "", DIV shows "invalid file indentifier (handle)". This worked on previous versions!

b1.jpg - 30kB b2.jpg - 110kB

Missing files in packed ZIP includes the compiled exe:
- libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
- libwinpthread-1.dll

Found another bug in the FLAGS handling. The gfx will be bugged when you use transparents.

b3.jpg - 86kB

[Edited on 14-8-2017 by RKSoft]

CicTec - 14-8-2017 at 12:35 PM

Hello RKSoft,

This is strange because I had the same bug before, but with the new release the RAM consumption is normal now, are you sure you have updated the files correctly?
Are you running d.exe or d-WINDOWS.exe?

RKSoft - 14-8-2017 at 12:43 PM

Tested with d.exe and d-windows.exe. And sure, i unzipped the complete content of your zip file into my DIV folder.

CicTec - 14-8-2017 at 12:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

- the compiled exe used again ober 1GB RAM(!)

I tried it right now and RAM consumption is OK, I'll try to create a package of your game so that you can try it and see how much RAM consumes.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

- there is a problem in file handling (see below)

File handling:
if i try to load a file like "", DIV shows "invalid file indentifier (handle)". This worked on previous versions!

Do you have an example that I can try please ?

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

- aftere the debugger shows an error the colors and graphics are corrupt

This error occurred in the previous relase? Because I did not touch anything on the debugger / IDE

RKSoft - 14-8-2017 at 01:02 PM

Updated my post again!

@new post

program test;

filename = "";


file_handle = fopen(filename, "r"); fclose(file_handle); if (file_handle != 0) gfx = load_map(filename); else gfx = new_map(16, 16, 8, 8, 58); end

CicTec - 14-8-2017 at 01:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

Missing files in packed ZIP includes the compiled exe:
- libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
- libwinpthread-1.dll

This files are already on package submitted in the "system" directory, or are missing on package generated by installer and necessary for executing the game?

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

Found another bug in the FLAGS handling. The gfx will be bugged when you use transparents.

Ok, let me check...

CicTec - 14-8-2017 at 01:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Updated my post again!

@new post

program test;

filename = "";


file_handle = fopen(filename, "r"); fclose(file_handle); if (file_handle != 0) gfx = load_map(filename); else gfx = new_map(16, 16, 8, 8, 58); end

This is correct, you are trying to open an non exist files (filename = ""), so the handle returned by fopen is invalid and fclose advise your of it. :)

RKSoft - 14-8-2017 at 01:19 PM

Also, if the handle is correct, i need to flose and if incorrect then no fclose will be need?

@compiled zip
the 2 missing dll's aren't in the installer generated zip package!

[Edited on 14-8-2017 by RKSoft]

Found another bug:
Loading a PCX file and copy pixel from this PCX into a map (for tiles) are corrupt. This editor works in previous nightly builds but not on your latest.

[Edited on 14-8-2017 by RKSoft]

Attachment: Level Editor.zip (12kB)
This file has been downloaded 1981 times

CicTec - 14-8-2017 at 01:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Also, if the handle is correct, i need to flose and if incorrect then no fclose will be need?

You should always check the value of a handle, at least with an if (handle! = 0), but this does not ensure that the handle is valid, only fclose can control this completely.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

@compiled zip
the 2 missing dll's aren't in the installer generated zip package!

Ok fixed, the installer now incluse thoes libraries, thanks. :)

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

Found another bug:
Loading a PCX file and copy pixel from this PCX into a map (for tiles) are corrupt. This editor works in previous nightly builds but not on your latest.

Ok I will check what happens, I have to see if it is a DIV or program bug, because I have corrected several things about this.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

Found another bug in the FLAGS handling. The gfx will be bugged when you use transparents.

So the values fails on flags >= 4, correct ?

[Edited on 14-8-2017 by CicTec]

RKSoft - 14-8-2017 at 01:38 PM

values > 3 are the gfx bugs

@level editor
it works on previous versions/nightly builds. Why should there have an program error in? oO

@file handle
the background image can be load but no needs. With file handling i can check if there is a background file. If not, use a basic (16x16) program generated image as background. So, my question is: how can i check this when handle isn't correct?

CicTec - 14-8-2017 at 01:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
values > 3 are the gfx bugs

Ok let me check, thanks...

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

@level editor
it works on previous versions/nightly builds. Why should there have an program error in? oO

It may be due to some correct bugs or some bugs that I accidentally introduced during the source code re-format, let me check...

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

@file handle
the background image can be load but no needs. With file handling i can check if there is a background file. If not, use a basic (16x16) program generated image as background. So, my question is: how can i check this when handle isn't correct?

FOPEN return an odd value as ID (so 1, 3, 5, 7, etc... up to maximum 32 handles (32 files opened simultaneally), so 0, negative and even values are surely invalid, In any case it is not known that the ID that you pass to FCLOSE is valid, it may be a odd ID of a previously closed file or not opened yet and fclose would in any case indicate the error.

CicTec - 14-8-2017 at 03:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
values > 3 are the gfx bugs

A bug introduced during source-code reformat, fixed now.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

@level editor
it works on previous versions/nightly builds. Why should there have an program error in? oO

Another bug introduced during source-code reformat, fixed now.

fixed inclusion of missing dll's you're reported.

@high ram consumation on release version:
It seems that now the bug has been fixed but need some test outside my machine.

I've uploaded again the package with all the fix, You can re-download and check if everything is ok.

[Edited on 14-8-2017 by CicTec]

Vortigano - 15-8-2017 at 07:08 PM

Hi, my wip programs run out of memory with the updates :( , even with the 14-8-2017 update. Sometimes when i try to create installationl d-windows crashes and return to desktop. They work in the others nightly builds.

Hola amigos, mis programas se quedan sin memoria con las actualizaciones, incluso con la del 14-8-2017. Algunas veces cuando trato de crear la instalación d-windows crashea y me devuelve al escritorio. Funcionan en las otras nightlybuilds.


CicTec - 15-8-2017 at 07:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Vortigano  

Hi, my wip programs run out of memory with the updates :( , even with the 14-8-2017 update.

Hi Vortigano,

Can you provide more details please? Maybe a screenshot of the problem would help to figure out what's going to happen, how many RAMs consume the programs, and this happens in the environment, release version, or both?

Quote: Originally posted by Vortigano  

Sometimes when i try to create installationl d-windows crashes and return to desktop. They work in the others nightly builds.

Sometimes it works and sometimes no, then? Is this a little strange this, maybe it happens with every program or always the same?

Quote: Originally posted by Vortigano  

Hola amigos, mis programas se quedan sin memoria con las actualizaciones, incluso con la del 14-8-2017.

Hola Vortigano,

Puedes proporcionar mas detalles por favor ? subir quizas screenshot del problema ayudaria a entender que pasa, cuanta ram te consuman los programas y esto pasa en el entorno, en la versione release o ambos casos ?

Quote: Originally posted by Vortigano  

Algunas veces cuando trato de crear la instalación d-windows crashea y me devuelve al escritorio. Funcionan en las otras nightlybuilds.


A veces funciona y otras no entonces ? es un poco raro esto, quizas pasa con cualquiir programa o siempre lo mismo ?

[Edited on 15-8-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 15-8-2017 by CicTec]

Vortigano - 16-8-2017 at 01:23 AM

Hola Cictec, subiré algunas fotos de pantalla muy pronto. Quise aislar el problema y subir algún código fuente del mismo, pero no pude por cuestiones de tiempo (con los ejemplos que vienen en la ayuda de div2 por ahora no he tenido problemas de consumo de memoria). Saludos.

[Edited on 16-8-2017 by Vortigano]

[Edited on 16-8-2017 by Vortigano]

CicTec - 16-8-2017 at 07:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Vortigano  
Hola Cictec, subiré algunas fotos de pantalla muy pronto. Quise aislar el problema y subir algún código fuente del mismo, pero no pude por cuestiones de tiempo (con los ejemplos que vienen en la ayuda de div2 por ahora no he tenido problemas de consumo de memoria). Saludos.

[Edited on 16-8-2017 by Vortigano]

[Edited on 16-8-2017 by Vortigano]

Ok gracias.

Si los ejemplos de DIV no te dan problema de memoria puede ser entonces un problema especifico de tu(s) programa(s), si mas adelante puedes, porporciona un ejemplo o si no puedes conseguirlo, el programa completo (si no te importa), si no deseas publicarlo puedes enviarme un PM con link de descarga.

Incluso si es posible uno de los programas que ocasionalmento o siempre fallan en la instalacion, porque, almenos en mi maquina he probado varios y nunca fallan.

Un Saludo.


OK thanks.

If DIV examples do not offer you memory problems then may be a specific problem for your program(s), if you can, give an example, or if you can, the full program (if not a problem) If you do not want to post it, you can send me a PM with download links.

If possible, also one of the programs that ocasionally crash in the installation to understand the cause, because at least on my machine I tried several programs and no one shows the problems you are pointing to.


[Edited on 16-8-2017 by CicTec]

RKSoft - 16-8-2017 at 04:11 PM

Cictec, now, it works. The transparency works well, great work!
Making a installation works. I start DIV DX with d.exe and not with d-windows.exe!
The copying graphics from a pcx to a map works, too! Thanks for fixing. But...

The ram issue wasn't fixed. I updated my DIV with your zip package from the first post!

b4.jpg - 235kB

CicTec - 16-8-2017 at 04:49 PM

Hello RKsoft,

Thanks for the reports. :)

For now better starting with d-windows to avoid problems.

about ram issue, well, it seems to work fine a few times, others no, the other day before the new update was working well, today trying again to consume a lot of ram, possibly there are still some bugs, we will need to check in detail different parts of the code.

For the rest, the games runs okay? In the last nighbuild your jumpman had bugs of running instability, now how are you?

RKSoft - 16-8-2017 at 04:57 PM

The level editor works well like in mikes nightly build. GREAT! The only issue is the ram of ready compiled .exe! And, i'll switch to d-windows.exe to start DIV DX instead of d.exe! What is the different between both files to starting DIV?

CicTec - 16-8-2017 at 05:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
The level editor works well like in mikes nightly build. GREAT!

Great, your game does it have some instability problems like in nightlybuilds?

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

The only issue is the ram of ready compiled .exe! And, i'll switch to d-windows.exe to start DIV DX instead of d.exe! What is the different between both files to starting DIV?

d-windows is builded with the other files of the package update so is "sincronized" and may be affected by fixes / changes in the upcoming updates, d-exe is the old build.

MikeDX - 16-8-2017 at 05:36 PM

D.exe should still be the "runner" for div. D-windows.exe is a (wrongly) named d.exe

Also i don't think anything should have changed in d.exe (?).

When i get the chance, possibly next weekend i will try to review this build and see what's happened

[Edited on 16-8-2017 by MikeDX]

CicTec - 16-8-2017 at 05:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  
D.exe should still be the "runner" for div. D-windows.exe is a (wrongly) named d.exe

I used d-windows because the linux version uses d-linux, and that mac d-osx, so it seems more appropriate to identify modern platforms, furthermore d.exe is the old name used for the DOS version and the current version DIVDX is still able to compile for this platform, this would avoid conflicts.

Clearly it's just a tip, but it might be better to leave old d.exe for the DOS and d-platform version for new platforms.

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  

Also i don't think anything should have changed in d.exe (?).

Maybe something to add as data info for debugging or other in future, who knows.

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  

When i get the chance, possibly next weekend i will try to review this build and see what's happened

[Edited on 16-8-2017 by MikeDX]

Great, for now I will see if I can fix the big memory allocation bug in the release version and other small things, I'll see pass you the new code as soon as possible, however we will need to find a solution to my repository problem so that we can keep it all up to date in a cleaner and more synchronized manner.

MikeDX - 16-8-2017 at 06:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CicTec  

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  

Also i don't think anything should have changed in d.exe (?).

Maybe something to add as data info for debugging or other in future, who knows.

I hope you know what has changed, otherwise this is quite a worrying release!

CicTec - 16-8-2017 at 06:04 PM

I have not changed anything in the d.exe (runner) code at the moment, but everything is annotated currently.

MikeDX - 16-8-2017 at 07:32 PM

If nothing has changed for d.exe, why does rksoft need to use your new d-windows.exe? :)

CicTec - 16-8-2017 at 07:42 PM

Because all files are compiled on MSYS2 that is different from build provided by DIV-Arena server and maybe some DLL addiction, or other libraries was introduced in the build may not coincide, who knows, so to avoid any unexpected error difficult to identify, better run DIV from d-windows.exe provided in the package for now.

CicTec - 17-8-2017 at 09:03 AM


I think I've finally found and corrected the problem of big RAM consumption in the RELEASE versions of the programs but it needs more tests in different machines.

I've re-uploaded the package on first post.

MikeDX - 17-8-2017 at 09:39 AM

Thanks for your continuing help cictec :)

RKSoft - 17-8-2017 at 02:32 PM

okay, the ready compiled exe uses extemly less memory! Great work, but...

- if you maximize the window and switch back to normal, the content of this window will be black
- if you quit the game (or press ALT+X), it occurs an error (see screenshot #2) - there is nothing in the error log
- the little fps drops always be there (i think every 10 seconds fps drops for ca. 2 seconds)
- when i unzipped your updates, the first start will be done after 10-12 seconds, why? after first start, d-windows starts normal... strange

Memory usage of Mushroom Adventures:
b5.jpg - 148kB

Error by quiting:
b6.jpg - 168kB

good to see you alive :)

[Edited on 17-8-2017 by RKSoft]

[Edited on 17-8-2017 by RKSoft]

CicTec - 17-8-2017 at 02:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MikeDX  
Thanks for your continuing help cictec :)

It's a pleasure Mike. :)

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
okay, the ready compiled exe uses extemly less memory! Great work,


Great, this seems to indicate that the bug was totally correct.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

- if you maximize the window and switch back to normal, the content of this window will be black

Did I notice, it also happened with the last official nightlybuild?

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

- if you quit the game (or press ALT+X), it occurs an error (see screenshot #2) - there is nothing in the error log

Maybe some bugs caused by the attempt to erase memory will not validate, the original DIV code has a lot of spare dynamic allocations everywhere, it's not so easy to find and correct any links, I'll see if i can identifies the problem, thank you.

One question, this happens with all the programs that follow (including the examples) or just some?

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

- the little fps drops always be there (i think every 10 seconds fps drops for ca. 2 seconds)

It's always the bug you brought here:

Or is that something else?

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

- when i unzipped your updates, the first start will be done after 10-12 seconds, why? after first start, d-windows starts normal... strange

I have no idea sincerely, with d.exe does the same thing happen?

[Edited on 17-8-2017 by CicTec]

RKSoft - 17-8-2017 at 03:00 PM

Switching is strange; in Mushroom Adv. i get this errors. In my level editor not! Same, when quiting the game. The level editor works well but the game not.

CicTec - 17-8-2017 at 03:04 PM

Maybe your game uses some DIV functions that allocate memory that you try to free up when you exit the program, would it be possible to have the source + assets to try it?

RKSoft - 17-8-2017 at 03:28 PM

okay, here is my Mushroom Adventure and if you quit by doing ESC (lost a live) till it shows 'game over' the game quits correct. But ALT+X or pressing the X on the window title it occurs the error.

Attachment: Mushroom Adventures.7z (30kB)
This file has been downloaded 1911 times

CicTec - 17-8-2017 at 04:19 PM


I've tried but this error does not happen in my machine, I tried all the combinations (ALT + X, X window, etc ...) always terminate correctly both RELEASE and DIV versions. :\

Vortigano - 17-8-2017 at 08:50 PM

Wow, voy a probar la última actualización Cictec. Iba a reportar sobre el update anterior porque el ejemplo "example_start_mode8" de la ayuda de div fallaba al ejecutarlo desde el ide al momento de cerrarlo con "alt+x", ademas de haber preparado un ejemplo que consume mucha memoria hasta que se cuelga el programa, pero como es para un update antiguo me reservo los detalles para evitar confusiones, voy a probar la última actualización ahora mismo. Muchísimas gracias Cictec.

[Edited on 17-8-2017 by Vortigano]

CicTec - 17-8-2017 at 09:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Vortigano  
Wow, voy a probar la última actualización Cictec. Iba a reportar sobre el update anterior porque el ejemplo "example_start_mode8" de la ayuda de div fallaba al ejecutarlo desde el ide al momento de cerrarlo con "alt+x", ademas de haber preparado un ejemplo que consume mucha memoria hasta que se cuelga el programa, pero como es para un update antiguo me reservo los detalles para evitar confusiones, voy a probar la última actualización ahora mismo. Muchísimas gracias Cictec.

[Edited on 17-8-2017 by Vortigano]

Ok Vortigano, muchas gracias por los tests y feedbacks.


Ok Vortigano, thank you very much for tests and feedbacks.


Vortigano - 17-8-2017 at 10:14 PM

Example_start_mode8 __ It works fine, but crashes when use alt + x.
Divdx_update_tester ___ runs out of memory.

update_17.08.17_report_00.png - 100kBupdate_17.08.17_report_01.png - 188kBupdate_17.08.17_report_02.png - 43kBupdate_17.08.17_report_03.png - 98kBupdate_17.08.17_report_04.png - 100kBupdate_17.08.17_report_05.png - 43kBupdate_17.08.17_report_06.png - 27kBupdate_17.08.17_report_07.png - 27kBupdate_17.08.17_report_08.png - 28kBupdate_17.08.17_report_09.png - 37kB


Vortigano - 17-8-2017 at 10:16 PM

P/d: Se hace un lío al mostrar los FPS XD

Attachment: divdx_update_tester.PRG (1kB)
This file has been downloaded 1654 times

[Edited on 17-8-2017 by Vortigano]

CicTec - 18-8-2017 at 09:06 AM

Hola Vortigano,

Gracias por el test, esto muestra 3 errores:

1) El primer error es de memory leak y esta en el ejemplo mismo, el siguiente trozo de codigo del proceso "poner_letra":
loop graph=write_in_map(0,letra,4); y=y+velocidad; if(tiempo>1 and y<580) tiempo--; else signal(id,s_kill);end frame; unload_map(graph); end

Tiene un fallo, cuando el tiempo acaba, llamas la funcion SIGNAL que pone en estado de "killing" el proceso y justo despues se ejecuta FRAME, esto indica a DIV que el proceso a acabado su ejecucion para este FRAME y esta listo para el siguiente, todavia despues la ejecucion de todos los procesos (llamada a FRAME) el proceso que ha sido puesto en estado de killing es destruido por el gestor de procesos de DIV ante de empezar el nuevo FRAME, esto implica que la ultima llamada a WRITE_IN_MAP no es seguida de la correspondiente llamada a UNLOAD_MAP, causando una perdida de memoria (el MAP sigue en memoria).

2) El problema que provoca el bloqueo del programa es debito al bug del programa indicado en el punto 1 y a un bug del codice di DIV.
DIV puede crear hasta 1000 mapas en memoria (con WRITE_IN_MAP o NEW_MAP) cuyos ID van desde 1000 hasta 1999, todavia el codigo que se encarga en WRITE_IN_MAP de devolver el ID es el siguiente:
while(g[0].grf[next_map_code]) { if(next_map_code++ == 1999) { next_map_code = 1000; } }

El bucle busca si una "slot" de los 1000 mapas utilizables es disponible y devuelve tal ID, todavia con el bug del punto 1 todos los "slot" se van rellenando hasta no tener uno libre y como el bucle no tiene condiciones de salida validas se queda ejecutandose infinitamente provocando el bloqueo del programa.
Habra que arreglar el codigo para que el bloqueo no se verifique nunca.

3) El consumo del RAM que sube en el programa parece ser debito a un problema de gestion de la memoria: WRITE_IN_MAP pide memoria al SO y esa es alocada si todo esta bien y UNLOAD_MAP deberia liberarla, pero parece no ser asi, aunque el codigo sea corretto, habra que mirar efectivamente cosa provoca esto.

Sobre el crash del programa del ejemplo del mode8 pulsando ALT + X, como para el juego de RKSoft sigue funcionando bien en mi maquina, asi que de momento no sabria a que es debito.


Hi Vortigano,

Thanks for the test, this shows 3 errors:

1) The first error is memory leak in the same example, the following process code "poner_letra":
loop graph=write_in_map(0,letra,4); y=y+velocidad; if(tiempo>1 and y<580) tiempo--; else signal(id,s_kill);end frame; unload_map(graph); end

It has a failure, at the end of time you call the SIGNAL function that causes the process to "killing" and immediately executes FRAME, this indicates to DIV that the process has finished running for the current FRAME and is ready to the next,
However after executing all processes (called to FRAME), the process that has been put into killing is destroyed by the DIV process manager before starting the new FRAME, this implies that the last call to WRITE_IN_MAP is not followed by the corresponding call to UNLOAD_MAP, causing memory leak (the MAP persists in memory)

2) The problem that causes the program to be blocked is due to program bugs mentioned in step 1 and a DIV code bug.
DIV can create up to 1000 memory maps (with WRITE_IN_MAP or NEW_MAP) with identification from 1000 to 1999, the code that manages IDs in WRITE_IN_MAP is as follows:
while(g[0].grf[next_map_code]) { if(next_map_code++ == 1999) { next_map_code = 1000; } }

The loop searches if a "slot" of the 1000 usable maps is available and returns that ID, but with point 1 bug all "slots" are filled until they aren't free and since the loop has no valid exit condition it runs infinitely, causing the program to be blocked.
It will be necessary to correct the code so that the block does not occur anymore

3) The RAM consumption that goes progressively increasing in the program seems to be caused by a memory management problem: WRITE_IN_MAP asks for memory to the SO and this is allocated if everything is OK, UNLOAD_MAP should release it, but it does not seem like this even if the code is correct, we will need to see what actually causes this.

About the crash of the mode8 sample program by pressing ALT + X, as with the RKSoft game, it keeps running well in my machine, so at the moment I do not know what's the cause.

[Edited on 18-8-2017 by CicTec]

[Edited on 18-8-2017 by CicTec]

Vortigano - 18-8-2017 at 09:39 AM

Muy interesante todo esto, gracias por compartir tu experiencia y conocimiento Cictec. Esto es genial.

BreadCaster - 18-8-2017 at 12:39 PM

CicTec, this is fantastic. Thanks so much for putting the time and effort into this. I've been trying to get to grips with Unity3D recently as I want to make a 3d game next for sure, but it's been kicking my ass. Is there any liklihood that this working build of DivDX will be ported to OSX - as in, is that something in the pipeline that you and Mikey think you could do in the near future?

If so I'm very tempted to make a quick n nasty Blood styled 2.5d shooter, using some of the functions I wrote :lol:

RKSoft - 18-8-2017 at 01:26 PM

i found a solution how fixing the ALT+X or window-x button bug. I set up the compatibility mode to windows xp sp3 and it works. But this isn't really fine.

I tried another game (project Candy Time), made an installation and run it without the comp. mode. No bugs with ALT+X etc. (i use no scrolling in this game). Maybe a bug there?

CicTec - 18-8-2017 at 03:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  
CicTec, this is fantastic. Thanks so much for putting the time and effort into this.

It's a pleasure BreadCaster. :)

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

Is there any liklihood that this working build of DivDX will be ported to OSX - as in

DIVDX is able to be compiled for Mac, unfortunately I do not have it so I can not make the build, and the DIV-Arena server I think is currently not set to do so.

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

is that something in the pipeline that you and Mikey think you could do in the near future?

There are a lot of ideas and things in the pipeline that we have in mind for DIV, unfortunately everything stalled because of Mike's current lack of time, when he would come back to it, you would soon see a modern DIV3 version (32bits color , Modern features, etc ...) working on your machines.

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  

If so I'm very tempted to make a quick n nasty Blood styled 2.5d shooter, using some of the functions I wrote :lol:

Well, 2.5D is currently mode8, I understand it is limited in some features and lack of colors at least 16bits, we can currently try to fix all the bugs present and possibly add some tiny new feature while waiting for more advanced versions.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
i found a solution how fixing the ALT+X or window-x button bug. I set up the compatibility mode to windows xp sp3 and it works. But this isn't really fine.

Thanks for the report RKsoft, yes is not really fine, maybe I can fix this problem.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

I tried another game (project Candy Time), made an installation and run it without the comp. mode. No bugs with ALT+X etc. (i use no scrolling in this game). Maybe a bug there?

Thanks for the test, this could help find the problem.

According to your reports and Vortigano, they seem to crash programs using scroll y mode8, maybe parts related to it during the finalization of the program are involved in the problem, I will control it.

[Edited on 18-8-2017 by CicTec]

CicTec - 18-8-2017 at 06:34 PM


I've re-uploaded the package on first post, contains some bugsfix of error(s) reported by us and others found, worklog also updated and tagged as "=== 17.08.18 ====".

BreadCaster - 18-8-2017 at 08:22 PM

Cictec the only thing really stopping me at the moment is that the Mac build isnt done, I mean I could go downstairs and try to use the tower PC but it's a pain to set up and I have to plan a dedicated day to it, rather than doing it anytime on my laptop. Still planning on polishing up Forgotten and releasing it as a test/demonstration though :)

Vortigano - 19-8-2017 at 12:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CicTec  

I've re-uploaded the package on first post, contains some bugsfix of error(s) reported by us and others found, worklog also updated and tagged as "=== 17.08.18 ====".

Genial, estaré probando la actualización en unas horas.

Vortigano - 19-8-2017 at 03:36 AM

Todo va excelente Cictec, ya no más problemas de memoria y se sale del ejemplo de mode8 sin errores, son un groso, saludos desde Argentina de Vortigano (Y).

Vortigano - 19-8-2017 at 05:07 AM

Las instalaciones también funcionan de manera correcta con la última actualización. 10/10 pts.

RKSoft - 19-8-2017 at 11:16 AM

hm, same bugs here again with the latest update. Tried another game, DIV Kong, too and it crashs after start.

CicTec - 19-8-2017 at 11:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Vortigano  
Todo va excelente Cictec, ya no más problemas de memoria y se sale del ejemplo de mode8 sin errores, son un groso, saludos desde Argentina de Vortigano (Y).

Las instalaciones también funcionan de manera correcta con la última actualización. 10/10 pts.

Me alegro, gracias por los tests y las enhorabuenas Vortigano.

Un Saludo.

I'm happy, thank you for the test and compliments Vortigano.


Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
hm, same bugs here again with the latest update. Tried another game, DIV Kong, too and it crashs after start.

uhmm, maximzing the window and switch back to normal also still not working ?

DIV Kong crashes on previous updates or nightbuilds ? would it be possible to test it in my machine ?

One thing noticed by these tests and that now Vortigano gets all functional (like me) but you still have problems, we have windows 10, you windows 7.

[Edited on 19-8-2017 by CicTec]

RKSoft - 19-8-2017 at 02:02 PM

Switching fullscreen, maximize and to normal works! For DIV Kong, use Donkey Kong PC (its the same code currently) and make an installation with your latest update. Doesn't work! The window pop ups, shows the DIV DX splash screen, after some seconds, the window close.

This game work on all previously versions of DIV DX includes Mikes nightly builds.

@operating system
i use 64-bit windows 7 and all programs and games (old games like driver 1 (programmed for windows 98) or grand theft auto 3) works well on my machine. Newer games like Tomb Raider 2013 or GTA V works well, too. I think there isn't any issues on my os. ;)

[Edited on 19-8-2017 by RKSoft]

CicTec - 19-8-2017 at 03:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Switching fullscreen, maximize and to normal works!

Great, thanks for the feedback.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

For DIV Kong, use Donkey Kong PC (its the same code currently) and make an installation with your latest update. Doesn't work! The window pop ups, shows the DIV DX splash screen, after some seconds, the window close.

Where i can download it with source + assets for testing ? i only found this thread:

But has no downloading link.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

This game work on all previously versions of DIV DX includes Mikes nightly builds.

Ok, we will see what happens.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

@operating system
i use 64-bit windows 7 and all programs and games (old games like driver 1 (programmed for windows 98) or grand theft auto 3) works well on my machine. Newer games like Tomb Raider 2013 or GTA V works well, too. I think there isn't any issues on my os. ;)

[Edited on 19-8-2017 by RKSoft]

Was it just as observational, would you please try to open the DIV help start_mode8 example, run it and close the program with ALT + X or X in the window ? This example caused to Vortigano crashes in previous updates and seems works fine now.

CicTec - 19-8-2017 at 03:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  
Cictec the only thing really stopping me at the moment is that the Mac build isnt done, I mean I could go downstairs and try to use the tower PC but it's a pain to set up and I have to plan a dedicated day to it, rather than doing it anytime on my laptop. Still planning on polishing up Forgotten and releasing it as a test/demonstration though :)

I understand you Breadcaster, unfortunately i can't help you, i don't have a Mac to build DIV, maybe Mike can do something here setting DIV-Arena to build for Mac o generate a build himself.

Vortigano - 19-8-2017 at 03:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Switching fullscreen, maximize and to normal works! For DIV Kong, use Donkey Kong PC (its the same code currently) and make an installation with your latest update. Doesn't work! The window pop ups, shows the DIV DX splash screen, after some seconds, the window close.

This game work on all previously versions of DIV DX includes Mikes nightly builds.

@operating system
i use 64-bit windows 7 and all programs and games (old games like driver 1 (programmed for windows 98) or grand theft auto 3) works well on my machine. Newer games like Tomb Raider 2013 or GTA V works well, too. I think there isn't any issues on my os. ;)

[Edited on 19-8-2017 by RKSoft]

I use win8.1 x64 with custom updates like vc++, etc.
i hope you find it useful

CicTec - 19-8-2017 at 03:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Vortigano  

I use win8.1 x64 with custom updates like vc++, etc.
i hope you find it useful

Ah, not windows 10 ? from the screenshots of the task manager seemed to be, maybe it has not changed from 8 to 10, thank you for the info.

BreadCaster - 19-8-2017 at 11:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CicTec  
Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  
Cictec the only thing really stopping me at the moment is that the Mac build isnt done, I mean I could go downstairs and try to use the tower PC but it's a pain to set up and I have to plan a dedicated day to it, rather than doing it anytime on my laptop. Still planning on polishing up Forgotten and releasing it as a test/demonstration though :)

I understand you Breadcaster, unfortunately i can't help you, i don't have a Mac to build DIV, maybe Mike can do something here setting DIV-Arena to build for Mac o generate a build himself.

that'd be much appriciated if he could :)

RKSoft - 20-8-2017 at 03:14 PM

Cictec, i tried the mode 8 example it works well on my system. First start, the window pops up, showing the DIV splash screen, after closed! I copied the both needed files (WLD and FPG) into the unzipped archive and it works well. ALT+X and window mouse closebutton (X) works great. No compatibility mode etc.

Of course, i tried this example once under the DIV development system and as an compiled EXE (made by the DIV installer).

Here is the complete archive. I did not had the example, so i rewrote it from the DIV help to prg.

Attachment: HELP-MODE8.7z (1.7MB)
This file has been downloaded 1875 times

btw. DIV Kong aka Donkey Kong PC:

[Edited on 20-8-2017 by RKSoft]

CicTec - 21-8-2017 at 10:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

btw. DIV Kong aka Donkey Kong PC:

[Edited on 20-8-2017 by RKSoft]

Thanks, i've tried DKong, it works fine on DIV environment, but on the installer version crashes after splashscreen.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Cictec, i tried the mode 8 example it works well on my system. First start, the window pops up, showing the DIV splash screen, after closed! I copied the both needed files (WLD and FPG) into the unzipped archive and it works well. ALT+X and window mouse closebutton (X) works great. No compatibility mode etc.

Of course, i tried this example once under the DIV development system and as an compiled EXE (made by the DIV installer).

Here is the complete archive. I did not had the example, so i rewrote it from the DIV help to prg.

Thanks, mmmm strange that it not work on installer version, you don't need to copy any resource on installer folder, those are embedded on EXE, please try this installation version if it works:

Attachment: EXAMPLE.zip (2.1MB)
This file has been downloaded 2065 times

RKSoft - 21-8-2017 at 01:21 PM

yes, you must put the WLD and FPG file into the folder where the compiled exe is. Else it crashes! Unzip my written help example (from the DIV help) and remove the WLD and FPG file. It doesn't really start!

At your example, it works well on my pc. ALT+X and window-mouse-x work without a crash!

@both examples
don't know why your example works without FPG and WLD file and mine not...

CicTec - 21-8-2017 at 03:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
yes, you must put the WLD and FPG file into the folder where the compiled exe is. Else it crashes! Unzip my written help example (from the DIV help) and remove the WLD and FPG file. It doesn't really start!

I see, but it is normal.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

At your example, it works well on my pc. ALT+X and window-mouse-x work without a crash!

Well, thanks for the test.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

@both examples
don't know why your example works without FPG and WLD file and mine not...

I yes, if you compare the exe's size you can see that your EXE is 1.186KB, my EXE is 2.267KB this mean that my EXE contains assets embedded on it and works fine, your EXE not, for it crashes and need assets to be copied on the folder.
This is really strange because the installer pack always the files on EXE for now.

Maybe you have not updated DIV well? Try deleting all .EXE and .DLL files from your root folder and from the DIV's "systen" subfolder, unzip the update in the DIV folder and try to create the installation for mode8 example.

RKSoft - 22-8-2017 at 08:51 AM

Nope, same size. I deleted all .exe and .dll files from DIV root and system folder. Unzipped your latest update (18.08) into DIV DX folder and compiled the mode example to an exe; exe size is 1.186KB again.

i tried to remade an exe with the options "include sound setup" and "create subfolders". It crashes when i use the first option "include sound setup".

[Edited on 22-8-2017 by RKSoft]

CicTec - 23-8-2017 at 08:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

i tried to remade an exe with the options "include sound setup" and "create subfolders". It crashes when i use the first option "include sound setup".

[Edited on 22-8-2017 by RKSoft]

Ok I'll check the problem later, thank you.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Nope, same size. I deleted all .exe and .dll files from DIV root and system folder. Unzipped your latest update (18.08) into DIV DX folder and compiled the mode example to an exe; exe size is 1.186KB again.

Ok, please try:

1) Delete the contents of your "install" folder and try again to create an installation version of the example to see if it works.

2) If point 1 fails, delete your "install" folder and unzip it to see if it works now:

Attachment: install.zip (1.1MB)
This file has been downloaded 2138 times

RKSoft - 23-8-2017 at 03:22 PM

No, same file size of exe! I tried step 1 = same size and step 2 = same size.

CicTec - 23-8-2017 at 03:35 PM

Ok, then maybe some installer bugs to fix.

RKSoft - 29-8-2017 at 01:57 PM

Cictec, how about the current state? Could you fix some bugs in installer?

CicTec - 29-8-2017 at 03:36 PM

Next month I will be able to correct other possible things in DIV, now I am busy in other things. :)

RKSoft - 31-8-2017 at 01:46 PM

Sounds good. :)

CicTec - 2-9-2017 at 04:22 PM


I've re-uploaded the package on first post, contains some bugsfix of error(s) reported by us and others found, worklog also updated and tagged as "=== 17.09.01 ====".

Vortigano - 2-9-2017 at 08:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CicTec  

I've re-uploaded the package on first post, contains some bugsfix of error(s) reported by us and others found, worklog also updated and tagged as "=== 17.09.01 ====".


Vortigano - 3-9-2017 at 04:44 AM

17.09.01 update crashes divdbg-WINDOWS.exe when the program is closing. With the previous update version this problem doesn't happend.

CicTec - 3-9-2017 at 06:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Vortigano  
17.09.01 update crashes divdbg-WINDOWS.exe when the program is closing. With the previous update version this problem doesn't happend.

Hello Vortigano,

Thanks for the report, please try if it appens also with install version.

CicTec - 3-9-2017 at 10:30 AM


I've re-uploaded the package on first post, contains some bugsfix of error(s) reported by us and others found, worklog also updated and tagged as "=== 17.09.03 ====".

Vortigano - 3-9-2017 at 11:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CicTec  

I've re-uploaded the package on first post, contains some bugsfix of error(s) reported by us and others found, worklog also updated and tagged as "=== 17.09.03 ====".

Ok, thx. :)

Vortigano - 3-9-2017 at 06:11 PM

17.09.03 update works fine , divdbg-WINDOWS.exe now doesn't crash when the program is closing.

CicTec - 3-9-2017 at 07:04 PM

Thx for the report, Vortigano. :)

BreadCaster - 20-9-2017 at 12:12 PM

Okay, well I've recently been able to get access to my PC again and I tidied up/finished off the last few bits of a test build of Forgotten - probably the only version of it that I'm going to end up releasing because my interest in it has waned, but still its a good proof of concept and has taught me more about Mode 8 and its limitations. :)

I downloaded the fix from page 1 of this thread and extracted it into the Div DX folder, and then attempted to compile a version of the game - after installing, I tried to run it, but I had the same problem. The splash screen ("Made in DIVDX!") displays, the game sets the resolution, and then it crashes. I tried running it in compatibility mode for windows XP service packs 2 and 3, and again for Windows 7, and had the same issue.

I'm currently running Windows 7 professional 64-bit, on an HP computer with plenty of RAM - here's the stdout.txt output I got after trying to run the game:

[RUNTIME - START] exesize: 28215 [RUNTIME - START] datsize: 3935898 [RUNTIME - START] package.....: 5184433 [RUNTIME - START] datsize.....: 3935898 [RUNTIME - START] exesize.....: 28215 [RUNTIME - START] exestart....: 1220310 [RUNTIME - START] datastartpos: 1248525 [RUNTIME - START] DIV_VER: j(106) [RUNTIME - START] len: 5183871 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[0]: 0 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[1]: 85393 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[2]: 130066 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[3]: 4000 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[4]: 0 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[5]: 108 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[6]: 49 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[7]: 0 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[8]: 130115 [RUNTIME - START] iloc_len: 158 [RUNTIME - START] imem_max: 762275 [RUNTIME - START] len_descomp: 520424 SDL KEY INIT 7b6e90 found file: packfile.pak divz open file: [packfile.pak] loaded zip: 7b6f18 C:\Users\user\Desktop\FG\FORGOTTEN.EXE 1248525 Looking for packfile.pak FOUND IT! Read 3961423 of 3961423 byte zipptr 4260020, len: 3961423 TESTING packfile.pak FOUND PAK IN ZIP packfile.pak [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FG_FNT.FNT (1/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: STONESTEP_1.WAV (2/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: STONESTEP_2.WAV (3/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: DUCTSTEP_1.WAV (4/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: DUCTSTEP_2.WAV (5/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: DUCT_LAND.WAV (6/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: STONE_JUMP.WAV (7/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: BUZZ1.WAV (8/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: BUZZ2.WAV (9/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: BUZZ3.WAV (10/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FLURO2.WAV (11/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: SCRAPE1.WAV (12/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: SCRAPE2.WAV (13/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: ATMOS_GROAN.WAV (14/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: PEBBLES.WAV (15/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: ATMOS_MYST1.WAV (16/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: DUCT_BARS.WAV (17/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: METAL_DOORSQUEAK_1.WAV (18/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: METAL_DOORSQUEAK_3.WAV (19/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: METAL_DOORSQUEAK_2.WAV (20/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: DOORSQUEAK_CLOSE.WAV (21/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: DOOR_METAL_LOCKED.WAV (22/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: PANTING.WAV (23/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: METAL4.WAV (24/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: UNLOCK.WAV (25/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: LIGHTBUZZLOOP.WAV (26/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FANLOOP.WAV (27/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: STEAM.WAV (28/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: TIC4.WAV (29/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FG_MENU.FPG (30/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FG_ENV.FPG (31/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FG_TEST_UPPER.WLD (32/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FG_TEST_LOWER.WLD (33/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FG_TEST_VENTS_TOP.WLD (34/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FG_ENV.PAL (35/35) IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll Loading DLL [libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening libmad-0.dll Loading DLL [libmad-0.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on libmad-0.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening libmikmod-2.dll Loading DLL [libmikmod-2.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on libmikmod-2.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening libSDL_mixer-1-2-0.dll Loading DLL [libSDL_mixer-1-2-0.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on libSDL_mixer-1-2-0.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening libwinpthread-1.dll Loading DLL [libwinpthread-1.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on libwinpthread-1.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening SDL.dll Loading DLL [SDL.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on SDL.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening SDL_mixer.dll Loading DLL [SDL_mixer.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on SDL_mixer.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening SDL_net.dll Loading DLL [SDL_net.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on SDL_net.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening zlib1.dll Loading DLL [zlib1.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on zlib1.dll DIV Autoload DLL's found: 0 Mix_Init error: Failed loading libvorbisfile-3.dll: The specified module could not be found.

This happening for anyone else?

RKSoft - 20-9-2017 at 12:52 PM

Why not using the latest nightly build which includes the bugfixes from Cictec?
Can you attach your testprogramm (prg with needed resourcen)? So, i can test it on my pc (Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit).

CicTec - 20-9-2017 at 01:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Why not using the latest nightly build which includes the bugfixes from Cictec?

Not exactly, the last nightlybuild contains only some installer bugfixes, only the update 19.09.03 at the beginning of this thread contains all the bugfixes, as all code changes have not yet been accepted and merged in the official repository.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

Can you attach your testprogramm (prg with needed resourcen)? So, i can test it on my pc (Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit).

This is a good idea, so we can test in more machines the result.

Quote: Originally posted by BreadCaster  
Okay, well I've recently been able to get access to my PC again and I tidied up/finished off the last few bits of a test build of Forgotten - probably the only version of it that I'm going to end up releasing because my interest in it has waned, but still its a good proof of concept and has taught me more about Mode 8 and its limitations. :)

I downloaded the fix from page 1 of this thread and extracted it into the Div DX folder, and then attempted to compile a version of the game - after installing, I tried to run it, but I had the same problem. The splash screen ("Made in DIVDX!") displays, the game sets the resolution, and then it crashes. I tried running it in compatibility mode for windows XP service packs 2 and 3, and again for Windows 7, and had the same issue.

I'm currently running Windows 7 professional 64-bit, on an HP computer with plenty of RAM - here's the stdout.txt output I got after trying to run the game:

[RUNTIME - START] exesize: 28215 [RUNTIME - START] datsize: 3935898 [RUNTIME - START] package.....: 5184433 [RUNTIME - START] datsize.....: 3935898 [RUNTIME - START] exesize.....: 28215 [RUNTIME - START] exestart....: 1220310 [RUNTIME - START] datastartpos: 1248525 [RUNTIME - START] DIV_VER: j(106) [RUNTIME - START] len: 5183871 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[0]: 0 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[1]: 85393 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[2]: 130066 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[3]: 4000 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[4]: 0 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[5]: 108 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[6]: 49 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[7]: 0 [RUNTIME - START] mimem[8]: 130115 [RUNTIME - START] iloc_len: 158 [RUNTIME - START] imem_max: 762275 [RUNTIME - START] len_descomp: 520424 SDL KEY INIT 7b6e90 found file: packfile.pak divz open file: [packfile.pak] loaded zip: 7b6f18 C:\Users\user\Desktop\FG\FORGOTTEN.EXE 1248525 Looking for packfile.pak FOUND IT! Read 3961423 of 3961423 byte zipptr 4260020, len: 3961423 TESTING packfile.pak FOUND PAK IN ZIP packfile.pak [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FG_FNT.FNT (1/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: STONESTEP_1.WAV (2/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: STONESTEP_2.WAV (3/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: DUCTSTEP_1.WAV (4/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: DUCTSTEP_2.WAV (5/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: DUCT_LAND.WAV (6/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: STONE_JUMP.WAV (7/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: BUZZ1.WAV (8/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: BUZZ2.WAV (9/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: BUZZ3.WAV (10/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FLURO2.WAV (11/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: SCRAPE1.WAV (12/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: SCRAPE2.WAV (13/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: ATMOS_GROAN.WAV (14/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: PEBBLES.WAV (15/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: ATMOS_MYST1.WAV (16/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: DUCT_BARS.WAV (17/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: METAL_DOORSQUEAK_1.WAV (18/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: METAL_DOORSQUEAK_3.WAV (19/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: METAL_DOORSQUEAK_2.WAV (20/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: DOORSQUEAK_CLOSE.WAV (21/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: DOOR_METAL_LOCKED.WAV (22/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: PANTING.WAV (23/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: METAL4.WAV (24/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: UNLOCK.WAV (25/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: LIGHTBUZZLOOP.WAV (26/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FANLOOP.WAV (27/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: STEAM.WAV (28/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: TIC4.WAV (29/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FG_MENU.FPG (30/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FG_ENV.FPG (31/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FG_TEST_UPPER.WLD (32/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FG_TEST_LOWER.WLD (33/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FG_TEST_VENTS_TOP.WLD (34/35) [RUNTIME LIBRARY - BUSCA_PACKFILE] ZIP EMBEDDED FILE: packdir filename: FG_ENV.PAL (35/35) IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll Loading DLL [libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening libmad-0.dll Loading DLL [libmad-0.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on libmad-0.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening libmikmod-2.dll Loading DLL [libmikmod-2.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on libmikmod-2.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening libSDL_mixer-1-2-0.dll Loading DLL [libSDL_mixer-1-2-0.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on libSDL_mixer-1-2-0.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening libwinpthread-1.dll Loading DLL [libwinpthread-1.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on libwinpthread-1.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening SDL.dll Loading DLL [SDL.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on SDL.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening SDL_mixer.dll Loading DLL [SDL_mixer.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on SDL_mixer.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening SDL_net.dll Loading DLL [SDL_net.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on SDL_net.dll IMPORT (find_dll #1): Try to opening zlib1.dll Loading DLL [zlib1.dll] Couldn't find DIV entrypoint on zlib1.dll DIV Autoload DLL's found: 0 Mix_Init error: Failed loading libvorbisfile-3.dll: The specified module could not be found.

This happening for anyone else?

Hello BreadCaster,

Seems that missing libvorbisfile-3.dl for the execution, try to disable temporaly any sound function call from the game and try again to create the installer version if it works, if still fails maybe there are some other bugs, the latest version that you've got of your game works perfectly (release and no) with the latest update released, maybe you added something new from the version I own?

BreadCaster - 21-9-2017 at 04:01 PM

ok, ive tried disabling all the sound and now it compiles and runs fine as a standalone - but all the colors are messed up. I've tried running it in the IDE and it doesnt have this problem.... anyone got a clue?

messedupcolors.png - 109kB

CicTec - 21-9-2017 at 04:58 PM

It looks like a color palette problem, try to create a sample installer of the start_mode8 function and some other 2D examples to see if you get the same color problem, so we can try to trace back the problem, possibly some function you are using or some internal routine related to the colors does not work properly.

About the audio error, the problem seems to be the library listed in the log, the installer does not include it, try to recreate an installed version of the game with audio and once the folder is unpacked, copy the library indicated by the DIV system folder to that's the game and let's see if it works, I tell you this because I have the development environment installed, the libraries are present in my system so I'm not getting the error (your game works with the installer version too).

BreadCaster - 25-10-2017 at 10:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CicTec  
It looks like a color palette problem, try to create a sample installer of the start_mode8 function and some other 2D examples to see if you get the same color problem, so we can try to trace back the problem, possibly some function you are using or some internal routine related to the colors does not work properly.

About the audio error, the problem seems to be the library listed in the log, the installer does not include it, try to recreate an installed version of the game with audio and once the folder is unpacked, copy the library indicated by the DIV system folder to that's the game and let's see if it works, I tell you this because I have the development environment installed, the libraries are present in my system so I'm not getting the error (your game works with the installer version too).

Hi Cictec

Ive not been able to do any of this yet, ive been very unwell recently and havent yet had a chance to get the PC running again although I have been gifted a *really* low spec windows laptop that might run DivDX so if I can get all that transferred over itll be much easier for me to work on things.

When I can, I'll see if I can compile the mode 8 test with my basic camera control program embedded into it, and one of the example games as well - if this problem persists after that, I'd rather send you all my mode 8 game files (for "Forgotten") and see if its possible for you to trace it back yourself as I genuinely dont have the time nor am I reliable enough these days to go through *ALL* the code as there really is too much of it. But will be happy to run a few more small tests to see if it works :)

CicTec - 25-10-2017 at 11:43 AM

Hi BreadCaster,

I'm sorry for your health/problems :(, I hope it has improved.

No problem, we'll resume the tests when you're available.

Take all the time you need.

BreadCaster - 7-11-2017 at 01:16 PM

Hi again Cictec

Got my PC set up in our new room now, so I gave Dark Razes (one of the example games that came with Div 2) a compile, with all sound commands commented out. This is the result:

so it seems that its likely an issue with DivDX compiling, not mode 8 specifically!

CicTec - 7-11-2017 at 06:01 PM

Hi BreadCaster,

I have tried other games (those of RKSoft, your Forgotten, etc...), all seem OK with the color palette.

Looks like a LOAD_PAL function bug, start screen title and clan selection also cause color problems?

BreadCaster - 11-11-2017 at 04:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CicTec  
Hi BreadCaster,

I have tried other games (those of RKSoft, your Forgotten, etc...), all seem OK with the color palette.

Looks like a LOAD_PAL function bug, start screen title and clan selection also cause color problems?

Umm.... what do you mean by "start screen title and clan section also cause color problems"? Do you want me to compile another test program, or...?

Sorry I dont understand :(

CicTec - 11-11-2017 at 04:53 PM

I remember that the game has a title screen, and after that you switch to a game clan selection screen, these two screens have the same visual color problem?

oskarg2 - 12-11-2017 at 06:38 AM

esto tambien me sucede a mi,ya te lo reporte en otro foro.Sucede cuando hago una instalacion ,pues si lo ejecuto en el entorno de div3 va bien.
En mi caso basicamente,tengo una paleta creada,la cual la cargo y tengo un mapa que le voy modificando con put_pixel.... Otra cuestion,he realizado el mismo programa tal cual a gemix.Sin modificar nada y se comporta de forma muy diferente.Como tengo,espero xd,unos dias de vacaciones dentro de poco,intentare reducir el codigo,publicarlo y asi mirar donde puede estar el error.

CicTec - 12-11-2017 at 08:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by oskarg2  
esto tambien me sucede a mi,ya te lo reporte en otro foro.Sucede cuando hago una instalacion ,pues si lo ejecuto en el entorno de div3 va bien.
En mi caso basicamente,tengo una paleta creada,la cual la cargo y tengo un mapa que le voy modificando con put_pixel....

Hello oskarg,

Yes, I remember you have reported this DIV3 bug in the Gemix forum, but without a concrete example it is much harder to find it, the code has a lot of lines so a smaller and specific example can help greatly in finding the bug in concrete points.


Hola oskarg,

Si, recuerdo que reportaste este similar bug de DIV3 en el foro de Gemix, pero sin un ejemplo concreto es mucho mas dificil encontrarlo, el codigo tiene un monton de lineas, asi un ejemplo reducido y especifico puede ayudar mucho en la busqueda del bug en puntos especificos.

Quote: Originally posted by oskarg2  

Otra cuestion,he realizado el mismo programa tal cual a gemix.Sin modificar nada y se comporta de forma muy diferente.

In what way does it behave differently? ie that it works as it should or has other problems?


En que sentido se comporta en forma muy diferente ? de que funciona como deberia o tiene otros problemas ?

Quote: Originally posted by oskarg2  

Como tengo,espero xd,unos dias de vacaciones dentro de poco,intentare reducir el codigo,publicarlo y asi mirar donde puede estar el error.

This would be great to help locate the bug.


Esto seria genial para ayudar a localizar el bug.

[Edited on 12-11-2017 by CicTec]

BreadCaster - 17-11-2017 at 04:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CicTec  
I remember that the game has a title screen, and after that you switch to a game clan selection screen, these two screens have the same visual color problem?

yes, both screens have the same color issue.

CicTec - 17-11-2017 at 04:48 PM

Okay, it might be a LOAD_PAL problem, thanks for the feedback.

RKSoft - 1-12-2017 at 01:01 PM

Cictec, found another bug who crashes the complete DIV Studio.

Program CrashDIV; Const /*----------------------------------------*/ MAXSPRITES = 200; MAXTILES = 500; TILE_NONE = 0; TILE_HARD = 1; TILE_SOFT = 2; TILE_KILL = 3; TILE_SINK1 = 4; TILE_SINK2 = 5; TILE_SINK3 = 6; TILE_SINK4 = 7; TILE_TMILL = 8; TILE_LIFT = 9; /*----------------------------------------*/ Global /*----------------------------------------*/ gfx_map; gfx_tileset; mapsize_x = 640; mapsize_y = 336; map[MAXTILES, MAXTILES]; spritesize_x = 32; spritesize_y = 32; tilesize_x = 32; tilesize_y = 16; tiletyp[] = TILE_HARD, TILE_HARD, TILE_HARD, TILE_HARD, TILE_SINK1, TILE_SINK2, TILE_SINK3, TILE_SINK4, TILE_TMILL, TILE_KILL, TILE_HARD, TILE_SOFT, TILE_HARD, TILE_KILL, TILE_KILL, TILE_KILL, TILE_KILL, TILE_KILL, TILE_KILL, TILE_KILL, TILE_KILL, TILE_HARD, TILE_HARD, TILE_HARD, TILE_HARD, TILE_HARD, TILE_HARD, TILE_LIFT, TILE_NONE, TILE_NONE ; /*----------------------------------------*/ fpg_sprites; gfx_overlay_vscan; game = false; procid_player; proc_sprite[MAXSPRITES]; spriteno; /*----------------------------------------*/ hiscore = 0; lives = 0; room = 0; score = 0; time = 0; String os_player = "000000"; String os_time = "000000"; String os_top = "000000"; /*----------------------------------------*/ Local anim; animtimer; dead; gfx; jump; jump_offset; jump_power; nofall; stop; temp; temp1; temp2; temp3; xm; ym; Private file_handle; Begin set_mode(m640x400); set_fps(30, 2); End

When you remove the
or put it below the tiletyp[] = ... definition, it works. Why?

CicTec - 1-12-2017 at 01:13 PM

Hi RKSoft

[500, 500] means an array of 250,000 items, maybe it's too much for DIV2 compiler, I should check it, I did not touch the compiler in previous updates, maybe it's an old bug.

The iletyp statement [] = works because the number of elements is determined by the number of the initializers and are few, not 250,000.

[Edited on 1-12-2017 by CicTec]

RKSoft - 2-12-2017 at 01:22 PM

Hello Cictec, i think it is a problem in the memory management in the DIV envirement. DIV takes to long to define the map[500, 500]. And, 250.000 fields are not to much in time of HD and UltraHD. I know DIV was created for DOS but on Pentium PC's 250.000 fields aren't to much to handle ;). I hope, you can find and fix this bug.

About the next update:
I hope it will be release this year. Such bugs aren't good for a game making language.

CicTec - 2-12-2017 at 04:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  
Hello Cictec, i think it is a problem in the memory management in the DIV envirement. DIV takes to long to define the map[500, 500]. And, 250.000 fields are not to much in time of HD and UltraHD. I know DIV was created for DOS but on Pentium PC's 250.000 fields aren't to much to handle ;). I hope, you can find and fix this bug.

Hi RKSoft,

It was what I meant to say, it will be a memory allocation / memory relocation management problem performed by the compiler.

Quote: Originally posted by RKSoft  

About the next update:
I hope it will be release this year. Such bugs aren't good for a game making language.

The bugs to fix are not the biggest problem, all the updates made have not been unified in the official repository, continuing to provide updates in the previous way means having a DIV fork basically, this is not really a good idea, you should work on a unique code base and not various ramifications.

RKSoft - 3-12-2017 at 06:49 PM

Thanks for your answers, Cictec. :)

Yes, i know but i think Mike should give you the rights to build official updates on GitHub. You are a very, very helping hand for DIV!!!

Also, Mike, please give him permissions to build DIV on GitHub.

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