Font editor/FNT

BreadCaster - 18-8-2016 at 11:13 AM

Hi there folks!

So I've been playing around with DivDX as you know, and one of the things that's been an issue is getting .FNT files to display text in something other than that white, tiny default text that Div comes with.

Firstly, the font editor... doesn't work. It's not there at all, I don't think Mikey's had a chance to implement it yet - fair enough. But I'm also finding it *really* difficult to find any websites or tools where I could convert .TTF to .FNT for use in DIV - and even then, how would one work with a 256 colour pallete?

I did try a while ago downloading some of the old GAME OVER/Wip games and nicking .FNT files from those, but the colour the font would actually render with my mish mash of a pallate made it totally unpredictable to work out if I'd get a sickly vomit green, a so dark it's practically black blue or a white font with ugly dark red outlines.

Does anyone have any advice to offer or resources they know of for FNTs? I'd be most grateful :)

CicTec - 18-8-2016 at 12:22 PM

Hello BreadCaster,

You can try to use it, until the fnt generator of DIV is not restored

Is a FNT editor capable to save .FNT compatibles with DIV, generating it from .TTF.

Attachment: font.zip (287kB)
This file has been downloaded 4532 times

MikeDX - 18-8-2016 at 03:09 PM

No FNT editor? It's been there since forever (it's also used in many one hour game jam videos)

Screen Shot 2016-08-18 at 16.07.47.png - 73kB

CicTec - 18-8-2016 at 04:15 PM


If the window of FNT generator of DIV appears but you do not work is simply because they lack the IFS template in the package of the build.

try to copy this folder ifs in the installation folder of DIV, FNT generator should now work.

[Edited on 18-8-2016 by CicTec]

Attachment: IFS.zip (798kB)
This file has been downloaded 4595 times

MikeDX - 18-8-2016 at 04:19 PM

If you are using DIV you should be using the DIV Support files, which are on github


This contains IFS templates, demo programs and asset library

[Edited on 26-8-2016 by MikeDX]

BreadCaster - 26-8-2016 at 02:20 PM

Brilliant, thanks peeps :)