I got myself a few raspberri pi and just this week I saw one nice project that DX Studio could follow through.
Someone has managed to lay an image for raspberry pi 2 and 3 which boots straight to pico8, one of our little and sweet "competitors", AKA the fantasy console. It does it without raspbian.
Now, what if there was a similar image but with DivX3 instead. A cheap $30 boot to div development computer.
For those that don't know pico8, its similar to div, as it is a hobby game development tool that has an integrated image and sfx editor and which
games have fully open code and assets that you can edit on the fly. MikeDX - 1-8-2016 at 10:25 AM
I think this would be very easy to accomplish, and due to DIV's tiny footprint it could probably boot in seconds.
Might have to look into it. We do have pi builds already of the ide and the games.dom cook - 1-8-2016 at 06:34 PM
That would be an old school bedroom coder's dream.
Make it so number 2.nullzero - 1-8-2016 at 10:08 PM