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Divtris Divtetris or something like that.... i hope...
I compressed the fpg files with Gemix (only the text ...
20-2-2018 at 03:09 PM
by: CicTec
Divtris Divtetris or something like that.... i hope...
Hi Vortigano,

I think it is for the DIV packing system, this works so that all the assets of the ...
20-2-2018 at 01:29 PM
by: CicTec
Possible DIV3 bug? get_fileinfo appears not to work on Windows
has some fallbacks probably, but to properly list the files and their names you need the native func ...
4-2-2018 at 08:55 PM
by: CicTec
Possible DIV3 bug? get_fileinfo appears not to work on Windows
Hi Casper,

GET_DIRINFO is one of the functions I have in the list to be implemented.

It simply ...
4-2-2018 at 04:08 PM
by: CicTec
Nightly build bug reports
Uh, good question, let's see ...

I started generating manual builds because at that time Mike did ...
27-1-2018 at 10:23 AM
by: CicTec
TownX 3D (working title)
A really impressive work, especially if we consider the use of only 256 colors (8bit), congratulatio ...
26-1-2018 at 09:30 PM
by: CicTec
Nightly build bug reports
Hi RKSoft,

Find the worst results because this nightbuild does not contain any of the fixes you h ...
26-1-2018 at 05:19 PM
by: CicTec
Are get_sector_texture/get_wall_texture faulty - or is it my code... ?
[rquote=2580&tid=284&author=MikeDX]Cictec can you submit a pull request for this fix please ...
25-1-2018 at 11:40 PM
by: CicTec
Are get_sector_texture/get_wall_texture faulty - or is it my code... ?
As a further note, I am seeing that GET_WALL_TEXTURE has the same bug and SET_WALL_TEXTURE does not ...
23-1-2018 at 09:53 PM
by: CicTec
Are get_sector_texture/get_wall_texture faulty - or is it my code... ?
[rquote=2577&tid=284&author=BreadCaster]I really wanted to make sure that we worked out what ...
23-1-2018 at 08:24 PM
by: CicTec
Are get_sector_texture/get_wall_texture faulty - or is it my code... ?
Alternatively, if you do not want to save everything in an array, you can possibly do a workaround f ...
23-1-2018 at 06:38 PM
by: CicTec
Are get_sector_texture/get_wall_texture faulty - or is it my code... ?
Ok, i've found the problem...

According to the DIV documentation on the SET_SECTOR_TEXTURE functi ...
23-1-2018 at 06:34 PM
by: CicTec
Are get_sector_texture/get_wall_texture faulty - or is it my code... ?
So it seems possible to bug in the use of arrays or debugger by DIV,

Print on the screen with sim ...
22-1-2018 at 07:54 PM
by: CicTec
Are get_sector_texture/get_wall_texture faulty - or is it my code... ?
Yes, I think this system of lights has made you confuse a lot, in fact I was writing that the variab ...
22-1-2018 at 07:24 PM
by: CicTec
Are get_sector_texture/get_wall_texture faulty - or is it my code... ?
Try the system first in the small example:
1) Set correctly all the initial textures and lights of ...
22-1-2018 at 03:20 PM
by: CicTec
Are get_sector_texture/get_wall_texture faulty - or is it my code... ?
Hi BreadCaster,

No problem, so it was just a code problem ?, does it work all the way it should i ...
22-1-2018 at 03:02 PM
by: CicTec
Are get_sector_texture/get_wall_texture faulty - or is it my code... ?
Hi BreadCaster,

I'm analyzing your example, I think there are some mistakes, and some things are ...
20-1-2018 at 01:27 PM
by: CicTec
Are get_sector_texture/get_wall_texture faulty - or is it my code... ?
[rquote=2559&tid=284&author=BreadCaster]Ok, I mounted a small example. It still doesnt work ...
19-1-2018 at 05:49 PM
by: CicTec
Are get_sector_texture/get_wall_texture faulty - or is it my code... ?
Hi BreadCaster,

Apparently everything seems ok, unfortunately it is difficult to establish someth ...
18-1-2018 at 09:14 PM
by: CicTec
TownX 3D (working title)
@Cictec - yep, trying to do as best as i can in mo ...
9-1-2018 at 08:33 PM
by: CicTec
reading and writing files
Yes, you must keep in mind that opening a file in read only should not cause problems, the problem i ...
8-1-2018 at 01:38 PM
by: CicTec
DIV-DX builds
Hi Vortigano,

Thanks for the report, however, make new updates has some problems for now, continu ...
7-1-2018 at 03:03 PM
by: CicTec
reading and writing files
Hi Casper,

I'm happy that the example helped you find the problem.
Yes, files should only be ope ...
7-1-2018 at 02:07 PM
by: CicTec
reading and writing files
Hi Casper,

Please try the following test:
program test_fopen;
7-1-2018 at 12:07 AM
by: CicTec
Happy new year
Happy new year. :)
1-1-2018 at 09:59 AM
by: CicTec
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